User:Tom G3X/ksj2osm-airport

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  • 国土数値情報(空港データ)の変換プログラムで、 の改変版です。
  • 使い方は、ksj2osm-airport.plと同じ。
  • 指定の空港だけ、連続出力したかったので、改変しました。
    • まとめて出力する事が少し楽になります。


  • AAC番号を引数にできます。 {AAC}
  • 出力ファイル名が、ksj2osm-airport_{AAC}.osm となります。
  • タグの値がブランク箇所は、ダミーで FIXME と入れました。
    • これを見つけたら、その箇所を正しく編集してやってください。



use strict;
use warnings;
# use encoding "utf8"; 
use encoding "utf8", STDOUT => "shiftjis", STDERR => "shiftjis"; # for Windows
use Encode;
use open IO => "utf8";
use XML::Parser;
use XML::Simple;

# KSJ2 Airport Data
# National-Land Numerical Information (Airport) 2007, MLIT Japan
# 国土数値情報(空港データ)平成19年 国土交通省
# Files
#   Input
#     XML file : C28-07.xml
#   Output
#     Osm file : ksj2osm-airport.osm
#     Log file : ksj2osm-airport.log

our $file_in = "C28-07";
our $file_name = "ksj2osm-airport_$ARGV[0]";

#our $target_na3 = "中部国際空港"; # airport name (UTF-8) "成田国際空港", "*", ""
our $target_aac = $ARGV[0];

our $airport_type = 0;   #  0 : for airport located inland, the area will be tagged with "natural=heath".
                         #  1 : for airport located in/off shore, the area will be tagged with "landuse=landfill".

our $aac_code;
our %airportHash;
our %iac_code;
our @latArray;
our @longArray;
our $negative_id = 0;
our $node_ref;
our %nodes = ();
our $num_airports;
our $num_nodes;
our $num_ways;
our $pref_code;
our %ref_code;
our %timeHash;
our @workArray;
our %workHash;
our $workString;
our $xml_aac;
our $xml_pref;

sub main() {

  my $parser = new XML::Parser(ErrorContext => 3,
                               Handlers => {Init => \&handle_init,
                                            Start => \&handle_start,
                                            Char => \&handle_char,
                                            End => \&handle_end,
                                            Final => \&handle_final});



sub handle_init() {



sub handle_start() {

  my ($expat, $element, %hash) = @_;
  if ($element eq "jps:TM_Instant" 
    || $element eq "ksj:CF02"
    || $element eq "ksj:ARE"
    || $element eq "ksj:POS"
    || $element eq "ksj:ASI"
    || $element eq "ksj:CF05"     # 調査(1日当りの着陸回数・乗降客数)
    || $element eq "ksj:YS2"      # 調査年(複数年有り)
    || $element eq "jps:GM_Surface"
    || $element eq "jps:GM_CompositeCurve.generator"
    || $element eq "jps:GM_Curve"
    || $element eq "GM_PointRef.point"
    || $element eq "jps:GM_Point") {get_id(@_);}
  $workString = "";                              # add 2009-05-26


sub handle_char () {

  my ($expat, $string) = @_;
#  $workString = $string;
#  $workString .= "";                             # mod 2009-05-26
  $workString = $string;                          # mod 2010-04-08

sub handle_end() {

  my ($expat, $element) = @_;
  if ($element eq "TM_CalDate.calDate"
    || $element eq "ksj:AAC"
    || $element eq "ksj:COA"
    || $element eq "ksj:IUC"
    || $element eq "ksj:NA3"
    || $element eq "ksj:INP"
    || $element eq "ksj:AD2"
    || $element eq "ksj:DSA"
    || $element eq "ksj:OPT"
    || $element eq "ksj:CLT"
    || $element eq "ksj:REF"
    || $element eq "ksj:RWL"
    || $element eq "ksj:RWW"
    || $element eq "ksj:LFD"
    || $element eq "ksj:NPD"
    || $element eq "DirectPosition.coordinate") {get_element(@_);}
  elsif ($element eq "jps:TM_Instant") {add_time();}
#  elsif ($element eq "ksj:CF02") {add_airport();}                          # del 2010-04-08
#  elsif ($element eq "ksj:ARP") {add_refpoint();}                          # del 2010-04-08
#  elsif ($element eq "ksj:ATB") {add_terminal();}                          # del 2010-04-08
  elsif ($element eq "ksj:CF03") {add_refpoint();}                          # add 2010-04-08
  elsif ($element eq "ksj:CF04") {add_terminal(); add_airport();}           # add 2010-04-08
  elsif ($element eq "ksj:RNW") {add_runway();}
  elsif ($element eq "ksj:CF05") {add_survey();}
  elsif ($element eq "jps:GM_Surface") {add_curve();}
  elsif ($element eq "jps:GM_Curve") {add_point();}
  elsif ($element eq "jps:GM_Point") {replace_point();}


sub handle_final() {

  my $time = localtime(time);
  print LOG "***** Process of infile : End $time\n";
  print "***** Process of infile : End $time\n";

  print LOG "*****\n";
  foreach my $item(keys %airportHash) {
    print LOG "* 1st key: $item\n";
    foreach my $item2(keys %{$airportHash{$item}}) {
        print LOG "** 2nd key: $item2, value: $airportHash{$item}{$item2}\n";
    print LOG "*****\n";




sub open_log() {

  my $time = localtime(time);
  open(LOG, ">$file_name.log");
  print LOG "***** KSJ2 Airport Data 2007 : Start $time\n";
  print "***** KSJ2 Airport Data 2007 : Start $time\n";
#  print LOG "***** Target : $target_na3, airport type = $airport_type\n";
#  print "***** Target : $target_na3, airport type = $airport_type\n";
  print LOG "***** Target : $target_aac, airport type = $airport_type\n";
  print "***** Target : $target_aac, airport type = $airport_type\n";


sub close_log() {

  my $time = localtime(time);
  print LOG "***** Done!: End $time\n";
  close LOG;
  print "***** Done!: End $time\n";


sub get_codelist() {

  # AdminAreaCd.xml 行政コード

  $aac_code = XMLin($xml_aac, keyattr => ["code"]);

  # InstallAdminCd-v1_1.xml 設置者・管理者コード
  # 「国土数値情報(コードリスト)平成19年 国土交通省」

  my %hash = (
    "1" => "国土交通大臣",
    "2" => "防衛大臣",
    "3" => "米軍",
    "4" => "公団",
    "5" => "都道府県",
    "6" => "市町村",
  %iac_code = %hash;

  # RegularFlightCd.xml 定期便の有無コード
  # 「国土数値情報(コードリスト)平成19年 国土交通省」

  %hash = (
    "1" => "ジェット定期便が就航している場合",
    "2" => "プロペラ定期便が就航している場合",
    "3" => "定期便が就航していない場合",
  %ref_code = %hash;

  # PrefCode.xml 都道府県コード

  $pref_code = XMLin($xml_pref, keyattr => ["code"]);


sub get_id() {

  my ($expat, $element, %hash) = @_;
  if ($element eq "ksj:ARE" ) {
    if (exists($hash{"idref"})) {
      $workHash{"ARE"} = $hash{"idref"};
    else {
      print LOG "* idref not found in element ksj:ARE.\n";
      print "* idref not found in element ksj:ARE.\n";
      while (my ($key, $value) = each(%hash)) {
        print LOG "key: $key , value: $value \n";
        print "key: $key , value: $value \n";
      die "idref not found in element ksj:ARE.";
  elsif ($element eq "ksj:POS" ) {
    if (exists($hash{"idref"})) {
      $workHash{"POS"} = $hash{"idref"};
    else {
      print LOG "* idref not found in element ksj:POS.\n";
      print "* idref not found in element ksj:POS.\n";
      while (my ($key, $value) = each(%hash)) {
        print LOG "key: $key , value: $value \n";
        print "key: $key , value: $value \n";
      die "idref not found in element ksj:POS.";
  elsif ($element eq "ksj:ASI" ) {       # 調査(1日当りの着陸回数・乗降客数)
    if (exists($hash{"idref"})) {        # 調査年毎に複数有り
      if (exists($workHash{"survey"})) {
        $workHash{"survey"} .= ",";
      $workHash{"survey"} .= $hash{"idref"};
    else {
      print LOG "* idref not found in element ksj:ASI.\n";
      print "* idref not found in element ksj:ASI.\n";
      while (my ($key, $value) = each(%hash)) {
        print LOG "key: $key , value: $value \n";
        print "key: $key , value: $value \n";
      die "idref not found in element ksj:ASI.";
  elsif ($element eq "ksj:YS2" ) {       
    if (exists($hash{"idref"})) {        
      $workHash{"YS2"} = $hash{"idref"};
    else {
      print LOG "* idref not found in element ksj:YS2.\n";
      print "* idref not found in element ksj:YS2.\n";
      while (my ($key, $value) = each(%hash)) {
        print LOG "key: $key , value: $value \n";
        print "key: $key , value: $value \n";
      die "idref not found in element ksj:YS2.";
  elsif ($element eq "jps:GM_CompositeCurve.generator" ) {
    if (exists($hash{"idref"})) {
      $workHash{"CompositeCurve"} = $hash{"idref"};
    else {
      print LOG "* idref not found in element jps:GM_CompositeCurve.generator.\n";
      print "* idref not found in element jps:GM_CompositeCurve.generator.\n";
      while (my ($key, $value) = each(%hash)) {
        print LOG "key: $key , value: $value \n";
        print "key: $key , value: $value \n";
      die "idref not found in element jps:GM_CompositeCurve.generator.";
  elsif ($element eq "GM_PointRef.point" ) {
    if (exists($hash{"idref"})) {
      if (exists($workHash{"points"})) {
        $workHash{"points"} .= ",";
      $workHash{"points"} .= $hash{"idref"};
    else {
      print LOG "* id not found in element GM_PointRef.point.\n";
      print "* id not found in element GM_PointRef.point.\n";
      while (my ($key, $value) = each(%hash)) {
        print LOG "key: $key , value: $value \n";
        print "key: $key , value: $value \n";
      die "id not found in element GM_PointRef.point.";
  else {
    if (exists($hash{"id"})) {
      $workHash{"id"} = $hash{"id"};
    else {
      print LOG "* id not found in element $element.\n";
      print "* id not found in element $element.\n";
      while (my ($key, $value) = each(%hash)) {
        print LOG "key: $key , value: $value \n";
        print "key: $key , value: $value \n";
      die "id not found in element $element";

sub get_element() {

  my ($expat, $element) = @_;
  if ($element eq "TM_CalDate.calDate" ) {$workHash{"time"} = $workString;}
  elsif ($element eq "ksj:AAC" ) {
    $workString = sprintf("%05d", $workString);
    $workHash{"AAC"} = $workString;
    my $str = $aac_code->{'ksjc:C002'}->{'codelabel'}->{$workString}->{'label'};
    unless ($str) { 
      $str = substr($workString, 0, 2);
      $str = $pref_code->{'ksjc:C001'}->{'codelabel'}->{$str}->{'label'};
      $str .= ", *";
    $workHash{"AAC_label"} = $str;
  elsif ($element eq "ksj:INP" ) {
    $workHash{"INP"} = $workString;
    $workHash{"INP_label"} = $iac_code{$workString};
  elsif ($element eq "ksj:AD2" ) {
    $workHash{"AD2"} = $workString;
    $workHash{"AD2_label"} = $iac_code{$workString};
  elsif ($element eq "ksj:REF" ) {
    $workHash{"REF"} = $workString;
    $workHash{"REF_label"} = $ref_code{$workString};
  elsif ($element eq "ksj:COA" ) {$workHash{"COA"} = $workString;}
  elsif ($element eq "ksj:IUC" ) {$workHash{"IUC"} = $workString;}
  elsif ($element eq "ksj:NA3" ) {$workHash{"NA3"} = $workString;}
  elsif ($element eq "ksj:DSA" ) {$workHash{"DSA"} = $workString;}
  elsif ($element eq "ksj:OPT" ) {$workHash{"OPT"} = $workString;}
  elsif ($element eq "ksj:CLT" ) {$workHash{"CLT"} = $workString;}
  elsif ($element eq "ksj:RWL" ) {$workHash{"RWL"} = $workString;}
  elsif ($element eq "ksj:RWW" ) {$workHash{"RWW"} = $workString;}
  elsif ($element eq "ksj:LFD" ) {$workHash{"LFD"} = $workString;}
  elsif ($element eq "ksj:NPD" ) {$workHash{"NPD"} = $workString;}
  elsif ($element eq "DirectPosition.coordinate" ) {
    if (exists($workHash{"points"})) {
      $workHash{"points"} .= ",";
    $workHash{"points"} .= $workString;
  $workString = "";                              # add 2009-05-26

sub add_time() {
  $timeHash{$workHash{"id"}} = $workHash{"time"};
  %workHash = ();

sub add_airport() {

#  if ($target_na3 eq $workHash{"NA3"} || $target_na3 eq "*" || $target_na3 eq "") {
  if ($target_aac eq $workHash{"AAC"} || $target_aac eq "*" || $target_aac eq "") {

    while (my ($key, $value) = each(%workHash)) {
      $airportHash{$workHash{"id"}}{$key} = $value;
  %workHash = ();

sub add_refpoint() {
  $workHash{"ARP"} = $workHash{"POS"};
  delete $workHash{"POS"};

sub add_terminal() {
  $workHash{"ATB"} = $workHash{"POS"};
  delete $workHash{"POS"};

sub add_runway() {

  if (exists($workHash{"runways"})) {
    $workHash{"runways"} .= ",";
  $workHash{"runways"} .= "$workHash{'RWL'} $workHash{'RWW'}";
  delete $workHash{"RWL"};
  delete $workHash{"RWW"};

sub add_survey() {

  my $flag;

  foreach my $item(keys %airportHash) {
    if (exists($airportHash{$item}{"survey"})) {
      $flag = index($airportHash{$item}{"survey"}, $workHash{"id"});
      if ($flag >= 0) {
        $airportHash{$item}{"survey"} =~ s/$workHash{"id"}/$timeHash{$workHash{"YS2"}} $workHash{"LFD"} $workHash{"NPD"}/g; 
  %workHash = ();

sub add_curve() {

  foreach my $item(keys %airportHash) {
    if (exists($airportHash{$item}{"ARE"})) {
      if ($airportHash{$item}{"ARE"} eq $workHash{"id"}) {
        $airportHash{$item}{"CompositeCurve"} = $workHash{"CompositeCurve"};
  %workHash = ();

sub add_point() {

  foreach my $item(keys %airportHash) {
    if (exists($airportHash{$item}{"CompositeCurve"})) {
      if ($airportHash{$item}{"CompositeCurve"} eq $workHash{"id"}) {
        $airportHash{$item}{"points"} = $workHash{"points"};
  %workHash = ();

sub replace_point() {

  foreach my $item(keys %airportHash) {

    if (exists($airportHash{$item}{"points"})) {
      $airportHash{$item}{"points"} =~ s/$workHash{"id"}/$workHash{"points"}/g;

    if (exists($airportHash{$item}{"ARP"})) {
#      $airportHash{$item}{"ARP"} =~ s/$workHash{"id"}/$workHash{"points"}/g;
      $airportHash{$item}{"ARP"} =~ s/^$workHash{"id"}$/$workHash{"points"}/g;      # mod 2010-04-08

    if (exists($airportHash{$item}{"ATB"})) {
#      $airportHash{$item}{"ATB"} =~ s/$workHash{"id"}/$workHash{"points"}/g;
      $airportHash{$item}{"ATB"} =~ s/^$workHash{"id"}$/$workHash{"points"}/g;      # mod 2010-04-08
  %workHash = ();

sub create_osm(){

  my $i = 0;

  open(OSM, ">$file_name.osm");
  print OSM "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
  print OSM "<osm version=\"0.5\" generator=\"KSJ2OSM\">\n";

  foreach my $item(keys %airportHash) {
    @workArray = split(/,/, $airportHash{$item}{"points"});
    foreach my $coordinate(@workArray) {
      $i = write_node($i, $item, $coordinate);
    write_way($i, $item);
    $i = 0;

  print OSM "</osm>";
  close OSM;
  printf LOG 
    "***** Airports : %d nodes on %d ways\n"
    , $num_nodes, $num_ways;
  printf LOG 
    "***** Airports : %d nodes tagged as \"aeroway=aerodrome\"\n"
    , $num_airports;
   "***** Airports : %d nodes on %d ways\n"
   , $num_nodes, $num_ways;
   "***** Airports : %d nodes tagged as \"aeroway=aerodrome\"\n"
   , $num_airports;


sub write_node() {

  my ($i, $item, $coordinate) = @_;
  my $node_id = 0;
  my ($lat, $long) = split(/\s/, $coordinate);

  unless (defined($lat) && defined($long)) {
    print LOG "Skip error data : id = $item, coordinate = $coordinate\n";
    print "Skip error data : id = $item, coordinate = $coordinate\n";
  if (($lat > 90) || ($lat < -90) || ($lat == 0) 
    || ($long > 180) || ($long < -180) || ($long == 0)) {
    print LOG "Skip error data : id = $item, coordinate = $coordinate, lat = $lat, long = $long\n";
    print "Skip error data : id = $item, coordinate = $coordinate, lat = $lat, long = $long\n";

  push(@latArray, $lat);
  push(@longArray, $long);

  my $tags = "<tag k=\"created_by\" v=\"National-Land-Numerical-Information_MLIT_Japan\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"source\" v=\"KSJ2\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"source_ref\" v=\"\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"note\" v=\"National-Land Numerical Information (Airport) 2007, MLIT Japan\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"note:ja\" v=\"国土数値情報(空港データ)平成19年 国土交通省\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:airport_id\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'id'}\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:ARE\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'ARE'}\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:CompositeCurve\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'CompositeCurve'}\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:coordinate\" v=\"$coordinate\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:lat\" v=\"$lat\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:long\" v=\"$long\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:NA3\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'NA3'}\"/>";

  if (exists($nodes{"$lat $long"})) {
    $node_id = $nodes{"$lat $long"};
  else {
    $node_id = $negative_id;
    $nodes{"$lat $long"} = $node_id;
    my $node 
      = sprintf("<node id=\"%d\" visible=\"true\" lat=\"%s\" lon=\"%s\">$tags</node>"
      , $node_id, $lat, $long);
    print OSM "$node\n";

  $node_ref .= sprintf("<nd ref=\"%d\" />", $node_id);
  printf LOG "Node %d: %s, %s\n", $node_id, $lat, $long;
  return $i;


sub write_way() {

  my ($i, $item) = @_;
  my $tmp_tags;

  my $tags = "<tag k=\"created_by\" v=\"National-Land-Numerical-Information_MLIT_Japan\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"source\" v=\"KSJ2\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"source_ref\" v=\"\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"note\" v=\"National-Land Numerical Information (Airport) 2007, MLIT Japan\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"note:ja\" v=\"国土数値情報(空港データ)平成19年 国土交通省\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:airport_id\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'id'}\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:ARE\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'ARE'}\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:CompositeCurve\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'CompositeCurve'}\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:AAC\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'AAC'}\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:AAC_label\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'AAC_label'}\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:AD2\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'AD2'}\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:AD2_label\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'AD2_label'}\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:ARP\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'ARP'}\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:ATB\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'ATB'}\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:COA\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'COA'}\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:DSA\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'DSA'}\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:INP\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'INP'}\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:INP_label\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'INP_label'}\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:IUC\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'IUC'}\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:NA3\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'NA3'}\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:REF\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'REF'}\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:REF_label\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'REF_label'}\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:OPT\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'OPT'}\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:CLT\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'CLT'}\"/>";
#  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:points\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'points'}\"/>"; # comment out to reduce data size.
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:runways\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'runways'}\"/>";
  $tags .= "<tag k=\"KSJ2:survey_year_LFD_NPD\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'survey'}\"/>";

  if    ($airport_type == 0) {$tmp_tags = "<tag k=\"natural\" v=\"heath\"/>";}
  elsif ($airport_type == 1) {$tmp_tags = "<tag k=\"landuse\" v=\"landfill\"/>";}
  else                       {$tmp_tags = "<tag k=\"natural\" v=\"heath\"/>";}

  $tmp_tags .= "<tag k=\"fenced\" v=\"yes\"/><tag k=\"layer\" v=\"-3\"/>";

  my $way 
    = sprintf("<way id=\"%d\" action=\"modify\" visible=\"true\">$tmp_tags$node_ref$tags</way>"
    , $negative_id);
  print OSM "$way\n";
  printf LOG 
    "Way %d: %d nodes id=%s NA3=%s\n"
      , $negative_id, $i, $airportHash{$item}{"id"}
      , $airportHash{$item}{"NA3"};
  $node_ref = "";

  @latArray = sort {$a <=> $b} @latArray;
  @longArray = sort {$a <=> $b} @longArray;

  my $lat = pop(@latArray);
  my $long = pop(@longArray);
  $lat += shift(@latArray);
  $long += shift(@longArray);
  $lat /= 2;
  $long /= 2;

  $tmp_tags = "<tag k=\"aeroway\" v=\"aerodrome\"/><tag k=\"layer\" v=\"1\"/>";
  $tmp_tags .= "<tag k=\"icao\" v=\"FIXME\"/><tag k=\"iata\" v=\"FIXME\"/>";
  $tmp_tags .= "<tag k=\"name\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'NA3'} (FIXME)\"/><tag k=\"name:en\" v=\"FIXME\"/>";
  $tmp_tags .= "<tag k=\"name:ja\" v=\"$airportHash{$item}{'NA3'}\"/><tag k=\"name:ja_rm\" v=\"FIXME\"/>";


  my $node 
    = sprintf("<node id=\"%d\" visible=\"true\" lat=\"%s\" lon=\"%s\">$tmp_tags$tags</node>"
    , $negative_id, $lat, $long);
  print OSM "$node\n";
  printf LOG "Node %d: %s, %s (aeroway=aerodrome)\n", $negative_id, $lat, $long;
  print LOG "*****\n";


  @latArray = ();
  @longArray = ();


# extracts from AdminAreaCd.xml 行政コード(抜粋)
# 「国土数値情報(コードリスト)平成19年 国土交通省」

$xml_aac =<<"End";
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ksjc:CodeSet xmlns:ksjc="" xmlns:jps="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" KsjCodelist.xsd">	
     <codelabel label="北海道札幌市東区" code="01103"/>	
     <codelabel label="北海道函館市" code="01202"/>	
     <codelabel label="北海道釧路市" code="01206"/>	
     <codelabel label="北海道帯広市" code="01207"/>	
     <codelabel label="北海道稚内市" code="01214"/>	
     <codelabel label="北海道紋別市" code="01219"/>	
     <codelabel label="北海道紋別市" code="01219"/>	
     <codelabel label="北海道千歳市" code="01224"/>	
     <codelabel label="北海道奥尻郡奥尻町" code="01367"/>	
     <codelabel label="北海道上川郡東神楽町" code="01453"/>	
     <codelabel label="北海道礼文郡礼文町" code="01517"/>	
     <codelabel label="北海道利尻郡利尻富士町" code="01519"/>	
     <codelabel label="北海道川上郡弟子屈町" code="01665"/>	
     <codelabel label="北海道標津郡中標津町" code="01692"/>	
     <codelabel label="青森県青森市" code="02201"/>	
     <codelabel label="青森県三沢市" code="02207"/>	
     <codelabel label="岩手県花巻市" code="03205"/>	
     <codelabel label="宮城県名取市" code="04207"/>	
     <codelabel label="秋田県秋田市" code="05201"/>	
     <codelabel label="山形県酒田市" code="06204"/>	
     <codelabel label="山形県東根市" code="06211"/>	
     <codelabel label="福島県石川郡玉川村" code="07502"/>	
     <codelabel label="千葉県成田市" code="12211"/>	
     <codelabel label="東京都大田区" code="13111"/>	
     <codelabel label="東京都調布市" code="13208"/>	
     <codelabel label="東京都大島大島町" code="13361"/>	
     <codelabel label="東京都新島新島村" code="13363"/>	
     <codelabel label="東京都神津島神津島村" code="13364"/>	
     <codelabel label="東京都三宅島三宅村" code="13381"/>	
     <codelabel label="東京都八丈島八丈町" code="13401"/>	
     <codelabel label="新潟県佐渡市" code="15224"/>	
     <codelabel label="富山県富山市" code="16201"/>	
     <codelabel label="石川県小松市" code="17203"/>	
     <codelabel label="石川県輪島市" code="17204"/>	
     <codelabel label="長野県松本市" code="20202"/>	
     <codelabel label="愛知県常滑市" code="23216"/>	
     <codelabel label="愛知県西春日井郡豊山町" code="23342"/>	
     <codelabel label="大阪府豊中市" code="27203"/>	
     <codelabel label="大阪府豊中市" code="27203"/>	
     <codelabel label="大阪府八尾市" code="27212"/>	
     <codelabel label="大阪府泉南郡田尻町" code="27362"/>	
     <codelabel label="兵庫県神戸市中央区" code="28110"/>	
     <codelabel label="兵庫県豊岡市" code="28209"/>	
     <codelabel label="和歌山県西牟婁郡白浜町" code="30401"/>	
     <codelabel label="鳥取県鳥取市" code="31201"/>	
     <codelabel label="鳥取県境港市" code="31204"/>	
     <codelabel label="島根県益田市" code="32204"/>	
     <codelabel label="島根県簸川郡斐川町" code="32401"/>	
     <codelabel label="岡山県岡山市" code="33201"/>	
     <codelabel label="岡山県岡山市" code="33201"/>	
     <codelabel label="広島県広島市西区" code="34104"/>	
     <codelabel label="広島県三原市" code="34204"/>	
     <codelabel label="山口県宇部市" code="35202"/>	
     <codelabel label="徳島県板野郡松茂町" code="36401"/>	
     <codelabel label="香川県高松市" code="37201"/>	
     <codelabel label="愛媛県松山市" code="38201"/>	
     <codelabel label="高知県南国市" code="39204"/>	
     <codelabel label="福岡県北九州市小倉南区" code="40107"/>	
     <codelabel label="福岡県福岡市博多区" code="40132"/>	
     <codelabel label="佐賀県佐賀郡川副町" code="41302"/>	
     <codelabel label="長崎県大村市" code="42205"/>	
     <codelabel label="長崎県対馬市" code="42209"/>	
     <codelabel label="長崎県壱岐市" code="42210"/>	
     <codelabel label="長崎県北松浦郡小値賀町" code="42383"/>	
     <codelabel label="熊本県上益城郡益城町" code="43443"/>	
     <codelabel label="宮崎県宮崎市" code="45201"/>	
     <codelabel label="鹿児島県枕崎市" code="46204"/>	
     <codelabel label="鹿児島県熊毛郡中種子町" code="46501"/>	
     <codelabel label="鹿児島県熊毛郡上屋久町" code="46503"/>	
     <codelabel label="鹿児島県大島郡喜界町" code="46529"/>	
     <codelabel label="鹿児島県大島郡天城町" code="46531"/>	
     <codelabel label="鹿児島県大島郡和泊町" code="46533"/>	
     <codelabel label="鹿児島県大島郡与論町" code="46535"/>	
     <codelabel label="沖縄県那覇市" code="47201"/>	
     <codelabel label="沖縄県石垣市" code="47207"/>	
     <codelabel label="沖縄県国頭郡伊江村" code="47315"/>	
     <codelabel label="沖縄県島尻郡座間味村" code="47354"/>	
     <codelabel label="沖縄県島尻郡粟国村" code="47355"/>	
     <codelabel label="沖縄県島尻郡南大東村" code="47357"/>	
     <codelabel label="沖縄県島尻郡北大東村" code="47358"/>	
     <codelabel label="沖縄県島尻郡久米島町" code="47361"/>	
     <codelabel label="沖縄県宮古郡多良間村" code="47375"/>	
     <codelabel label="沖縄県八重山郡竹富町" code="47381"/>	
     <codelabel label="沖縄県八重山郡与那国町" code="47382"/>	

# PrefCode.xml 都道府県コード
# 「国土数値情報(コードリスト)平成19年 国土交通省」

$xml_pref =<<"End";
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ksjc:CodeSet xmlns:ksjc="" xmlns:jps="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" KsjCodelist.xsd">
     <codelabel label="北海道" code="01"/>
     <codelabel label="青森県" code="02"/>
     <codelabel label="岩手県" code="03"/>
     <codelabel label="宮城県" code="04"/>
     <codelabel label="秋田県" code="05"/>
     <codelabel label="山形県" code="06"/>
     <codelabel label="福島県" code="07"/>
     <codelabel label="茨城県" code="08"/>
     <codelabel label="栃木県" code="09"/>
     <codelabel label="群馬県" code="10"/>
     <codelabel label="埼玉県" code="11"/>
     <codelabel label="千葉県" code="12"/>
     <codelabel label="東京都" code="13"/>
     <codelabel label="神奈川県" code="14"/>
     <codelabel label="新潟県" code="15"/>
     <codelabel label="富山県" code="16"/>
     <codelabel label="石川県" code="17"/>
     <codelabel label="福井県" code="18"/>
     <codelabel label="山梨県" code="19"/>
     <codelabel label="長野県" code="20"/>
     <codelabel label="岐阜県" code="21"/>
     <codelabel label="静岡県" code="22"/>
     <codelabel label="愛知県" code="23"/>
     <codelabel label="三重県" code="24"/>
     <codelabel label="滋賀県" code="25"/>
     <codelabel label="京都府" code="26"/>
     <codelabel label="大阪府" code="27"/>
     <codelabel label="兵庫県" code="28"/>
     <codelabel label="奈良県" code="29"/>
     <codelabel label="和歌山県" code="30"/>
     <codelabel label="鳥取県" code="31"/>
     <codelabel label="島根県" code="32"/>
     <codelabel label="岡山県" code="33"/>
     <codelabel label="広島県" code="34"/>
     <codelabel label="山口県" code="35"/>
     <codelabel label="徳島県" code="36"/>
     <codelabel label="香川県" code="37"/>
     <codelabel label="愛媛県" code="38"/>
     <codelabel label="高知県" code="39"/>
     <codelabel label="福岡県" code="40"/>
     <codelabel label="佐賀県" code="41"/>
     <codelabel label="長崎県" code="42"/>
     <codelabel label="熊本県" code="43"/>
     <codelabel label="大分県" code="44"/>
     <codelabel label="宮崎県" code="45"/>
     <codelabel label="鹿児島県" code="46"/>
     <codelabel label="沖縄県" code="47"/>

# run this script.


# end of script
