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OpenStreetMap Section Presentations Guidelines
General recommendations
OpenStreetMap section is for talks on open geodata, particularly on collecting and processing it. If you want to discuss GIS or other open software, please consider applying for Open GIS section.
Since you cannot specify which section you'd like to be in, organizing team will make their own assumptions. If you want to participate in OpenStreetMap section, please add that word in tag list for your presendation.
A presentation should be no more than 20 minutes long, after that you'll have 5 minutes for questions. Lightning talks will have their own section (see below).
Please base your presentations around a central idea. We'd like to have your presentation file in PowerPoint, LibreOffice or PDF format -- or you can skip the presentation, but in that case a transcript file would be good.
- Each presentation should have an abstract that clearly describe what this presentation will be about.
- Abstract length should be 70-200 words.
- Abstracts and presentation titles should be regitered with conference website using special interface.
- Presenters by default allow organizers to publish abstracts and presentations on conference website and other platforms.
Seminar guidelines
A seminar is an open workshop lasting more than a presentation, where a speaker presents software or another complex project based around OpenStreetMap. For example, an introduction to JOSM. Please provide:
- Topic of the seminar
- Brief plan of seminar
- Required skills of students, if any
- Required software
- Required dataset (you should have a copy on a flash drive in case of network failure)
- Recommended OS and restrictions, if any
- Additional comments
Lightning talks
Mapping in...
Open GIS (to delete)
Topics of interest for this conference
- Topic of the presentation should be consistent with conference theme, presentation should be about Free and Opensource GIS.
- In your presentation one should spent considerable amount of time on how and why you use or create opensource GIS software/data in particular.
- In your presentation you can:
- Show and discuss particular technic using opensource GIS.
Example: Generalization of spatial data while saving topology. - Give historical, functional overview of a particular, not so well known opensource GIS package.
Example: Optiks — opensource solution for remote sensing data analysis. - Describe new open dataset and process of its creation (not necessarily using opensource tools)
- Discuss the role and status of activities related to the field of opensource software and data.
Example: Why we won't ever see open governmental geospatial data in Russia - Constructively critisize opensource software and data from proprietary position.
Example: Why ArcGIS is better/worse than QGIS (substitute with software packages of your choice) - Talk about your company policy regarding opensource GIS.
Example: Rosleskhoz policy in regard of impormation transparency and openness.
- Show and discuss particular technic using opensource GIS.
- Examples of topics that we think are inappropriate:
- Mapping silkworm habitats
Why: is your use of opensource GIS is limited to simple mapping of a certain phenomenon this is not a topic for our conference. - Open standards support in [name of proprietory GIS software]
Why: if you are only stating the support of various open standards without any details, comparisons or analysis - this is not very interesting topic for this conference, open standards support is ubiqutous. - My new service ABCDE
Why: if you want to describe your new internet service, but it does not use opensource GIS or share data, this is not a topic for this conference.
- Mapping silkworm habitats
- Each presentation should have an abstract that clearly describe what this presentation will be about.
- Abstract length should be 200-500 words.
- Abstracts and presentation titles should be regitered with conference website using special interface.
- Presenters by default allow organizers to publish abstracts and presentations on conference website and other platforms.