
From OpenStreetMap Wiki
Revision as of 11:09, 30 July 2008 by Randomjunk (talk | contribs) (out of date now... remove them for now till I get a chance to update)
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Places to find information about OpenStreetMap's database...

Stats The main statistics page, showing number of users, amount of data, etc.
Data stats Normally automatically updated every day, and show the number of ways, nodes, relations, etc. in the database. That page also shows the leaderboards for people uploading data. There are also totals from Osmxapi, and other statistics by Tagwatch.
Server stats Showing the disk, memory, I/O, bandwidth stats of each of the OpenStreetMap servers
Wiki stats showing the access statistics etc for the wiki pages. Please note: Stats distorted from 12/Oct/2007 due to Proxy-Cache running in front of webserver. See also Special:Statistics

OpenStreetMap Statistics Available

database stats, performs analysis on the database that makes OpenStreetMap work and can tell you things like how many points people have uploaded. There are also some munin graphs showing the system performance trends.

Feature requests

Put your request on the talk page

Database Statistics - Graphical

The graphical charts below use the daily database data summary. The charts are updated periodically by Blackadder. To see the current status of the database statistics click here.

Note: While it's not entirely clear what caused the increased growth at the end of May, we do know that OSM was featured in several different mainstream media in Germany in the last week of may. See OpenStreetMap in the press






Tabular Stats

Some tagging Stats
