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Feature requests

Here, please put feature requests for the data statistics page.

Additional statictics

Remove logarithmic Users plot

Remove logarithmic plot of number of users. What point do you want to make, that there is not accelerated addition of new users anymore? I think it is quite impressive that growth is still linear with many regions already well mapped. The first graph shows this, the second one is just useless — MannequinZOD - 10:56, 3 August 2011 previously unsigned

Running average of added data

add running average of day to day node/way additions. Day data is to noisy, how about a week or month average for a more meaningful average of new data addition? — MannequinZOD - 10:56, 3 August 2011 previously unsigned

Use existing data to make a graph of

  • user points uploaded. Scale free?
  • number of users through time?
The user table never seems to get purged, so it would be better to graph number of active users over time.

-- Emj 12:38, 6 October 2005 previously unsigned

Extend the amount of data in the report

  • Graph of total road length?
    Dump the database each day? or update a value each time something changes in the DB.
  • Most active node / segment editors
    How do you measure active is it the number of nodes created? Number of days active?

-- Emj 12:38, 6 October 2005 previously unsigned

Splitting Apples from Oranges

At first glance, it looks like the number of users will exceed the number of track points any day now! It's not meaningful to see these figures in the same space - why not split them out? Of course, it's useful to have the same time range for all these charts so we can see correlations in the changes over time. TomC 14:30, 26 Apr 2006 (UTC)

I'll look at that. The chart has been rescaled several times over the last 6 months and it will be done again next week. At some point I may need to split, but for now I can adjust the secondary scale and keep the number of charts to a minimum. Blackadder 16:18, 26 Apr 2006 (UTC)


It might be more useful to have months marked on the time axes rather than dd/mm/yyyy. TomC 14:30, 26 Apr 2006 (UTC)

Agreed, I'll migrate to months soon. When I started the graphs we only had a few months data so a date basis was best. Soon I will have two graphs, One for monthly for the whole project and one for the 52 weeks in the last 12 months. Blackadder 16:16, 26 Apr 2006 (UTC)

TIGER Offset

It would be really useful to chart the progress being made on the TIGER import - so we can subtract it from the rest of the stats and get an accurate readout of hand-edited things, and so we can see how it's going generally. Any chance? TomC 14:30, 26 Apr 2006 (UTC)

Ben counts as one user, so the numbers editing is not affected, just the top users stats on the raw data page. But then the Tiger import sits at the top so its easy to split that from everyone else. Thus not sure what you wanted to split off? Blackadder 16:13, 26 Apr 2006 (UTC)
Nodes and lines. We've no idea of real growth there any more because the pace of adding things is skewed by Ben's import. If we charted the TIGER stuff separately the nodes/lines/ways/tags graphs would be useful again. TomC 17:07, 26 Apr 2006 (UTC)
At the mo, the data I use comes from the raw data page. If we kick Ben's import off the list we should also consider Pere's taxi data in the same light. IMHO we should leave things as they are. We have what we need in terms of user edits from the "Top users editing over the past..." section of the raw data page. Blackadder 17:21, 26 Apr 2006 (UTC). Forgot to add. I will make a separate graph of the tiger import though as I agree thats useful. Did someone have a 100% value for the whole import so that I can make the scale appropriate? Blackadder 17:24, 26 Apr 2006 (UTC)

Potlach usage stats

The data stats apparently don't show edits made using the online editor... where can I find these? Waldir 18:11, 6 March 2008 (UTC)

Track relations

Please track relations in addition to ways and nodes (and segments). Robx 15:54, 11 March 2008 (UTC)

Please use a different scale (ordinate) or a separate graph for relations, since there are significantly less relations than nodes and ways mannequinZOD 12:06, 16 April 2009 (UTC)

Implemented feature requests

  • Number of nodes changed in past day, week, month, year. Graph?
  • Number of user uploading in a week/month ('active committers')

-- Emj 12:38, 6 October 2005 previously unsigned

Sorting of the table

I've changed the table sorting to sort after the name. I find this much more convenient, for people who just want to look up what's used and for those who want to look for spelling errors. Sorting after count does not make much sense to me. If someone dislikes this and it was by intentions sorted after total count, then sorry. Just revert my changes --Imi 11:45, 26 Apr 2006 (UTC)

Change looks good to me imi. Blackadder 16:19, 26 Apr 2006 (UTC)

apache log stats link broken

The apahce log stats link goes to 404: - User:Rickm 17:26, 6 June 2006

Density maps

Surprised it hasn't been mentioned before, but how about some maps like this?

I'm only using data from planet.osm, but someone with database access could plot number of nodes added in the last month, or trackpoint density, or use different colours for the top-20 contributors, that sort of thing...

User:Ojw 18:00, 15 July 2006

Tabular data on another page?

It might be good to put the raw tabular data in a separate page (or textfile, CSV, XML, or ODC somewhere) - so that you only have to look at it if you're actually doing your own statistics. - User:Ojw 18:00, 15 July 2006

Number of real users

How about calculating the number of users who've contributed a non-trivial amount of data, so we can gauge the size of the project.

Something like:

  • Number of users who added more than (100, 1000, 10000) segments
  • Number of users who added more than (10, 100, 1000) street names
  • Number of users who uploaded at least 2 tracklogs

-- Ojw 16:38, 16 July 2006 previously unsigned

(+1, I would love to see this --Kyral 12:12, 12 January 2009 (UTC)) signature revised 3 Aug 2011

First of all I don't like the term: user

Argument: I have been contributing data to OSM for 4 years now but I have never used it so I am a contributor and not a user. I know a number of people who download OSM data to their mobile phones and PCs. I.e. They are using the data which makes them the real users. I consider myself to be a contributor.

Now to the statistics. The total number of reported users is unrealistic. Of the 31 registered users living around my area of interest over 33% (11 users) have contributed nothing at all. So why do they register? Perhaps they where looking for routing instructions and when didn't provide they signed off never to return. Should, therefore, this group of users be part of OSM statistics: I, for one, don't think so! Others will disagree!

The stat page is great, thanks! Still I agree with the above comments: we do not care much about registered users, we just care about contributors. A contributor should be define here as user who made at least one edit. Then you may want to count big and small contributors, but as a first step please count contributors! Mayeul 22:57, 12 October 2012 (BST)


I'm not shore where all these numbers come from, but would someone who does be able to update some of them. I would like to see what has happened more recently, cause looking at things like the amount of files uploaded, and with all the event happened/ing, there must be some good visual evidence of all this progress. Thanks. Ben. 23:12, 17 Sept 2006 (BST)

My Stats

Where can I find Stats about my account? I'm interested in the uploaded points. kelvan 0:07, 26 Apr 2008 (CEST)

I've write a (extreme-)mini bash-script to do this:

grep -c $2 $1 # $1 = planet_file name (or extract); $2 = your username

kelvan Aug 17 13:52:55 UTC 2008

Country based stats

Some country-based stats would be nice. For example:

  • Users from each country. (Iranian Users, US Users, ...)
  • Number of nodes and ways in each country. (Also another option is to divide the number to the area or number of town of that country)

--Messi 14:24, 21 July 2008 (UTC)

I agree with you, would like to know how much people edit in Germany --!i! 13:33, 2 November 2009 (UTC)
I second the country data, as it would be useful to know if it's worth downloading maps for places like Democratic Republic of Congo or Somalia or etc. Wonderfullyrich 12:21, 5 December 2009 (UTC)

IP access stats

How about:

  • Number of Unique IP Addresses accessing OSM (Thus number of people looking at the site)
  • Total number of web hits on OSM (so how much activity there is, outside of registered user domain)

How about:

  • Number of Unique IP address accesses of OSM (thus how many people are looking at OSM)
  • Totoal number of

User:Kyral210 12:15, 12 January 2009

Who is using OSM

How about:

  • Number of Unique IP Addresses downloading OSM data
  • For what reason does people download the OSM data (privat, commercial,...)

-- User:Alex Strunck 10:39, 10 June 2009 previously unsigned

Tile requests from which OS / Browser

Like mentioned on Talk:Lacking_proper_attribution it is possible that some mobile device applications that are commercial do not use their own tileservers.

Can we have a statistic about the absolute and relative number of requests by operating system and browser (How does an iPhone identify itself?), please?

--Lulu-Ann 11:12, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

Stats generation for Tile is currently disabled due to the app we were using was unable to handle the growth in the size of our logs. Aug 22nd the new tile server is going in and I'll fix the stats analysis stuff around then. --firefishy 13:15, 13 August 2009 (UTC)
Quick analysis of 1 day of non cached requests, show the following apps in top 30: oMaps, MwClient (?), tangogps and PDATileManager. --firefishy 15:40, 13 August 2009 (UTC)
Thanks for the quick answer. --Lulu-Ann 13:09, 14 August 2009 (UTC)
Hi, I am Thomas, developer of oMaps iPhone app. I don't want to be a source of trouble for openstreetmap project. So I'm looking for help to setup my own tiles server in order to reduce traffic on OSM servers. Thank you for your time. --ThomasB 09:44, 26 August 2009 (UTC)
Does this [1] or this [2] help you? --Lulu-Ann 12:27, 26 August 2009 (UTC)
Thanks I am going to have a look. --ThomasB 10:12, 31 August 2009 (UTC)

Thoughts on improved metrics

User:Mikel's thoughts below duplicate some of what's above. Emphasis is on breakdown by region/country.

Build on the existing stats page, but broken down by region/country. So we can start with existing node/way stats, gpx upload stats, user sign ups, but segment geographically.

Other geographic community metrics can be gotten nearly automatically, once configured...

  • mailing list/forum activity
  • # of active mappers
  • % local vs remote mappers
  • profile of active mappers ... new signups, long term mappers
  • length of highways, and other feature classes

Other relevant manually collated information to flesh out the statistics.

  • Yahoo coverage in that area
  • what sort of existing free data exists for that area
  • estimated activity in other projects like mapmaker
  • dates of mapping parties
  • programs breakdown for that region -- gpstogo, SOTM scholarships, etc
  • commercial projects/support in the region
  • academic projects/support in the region
  • govt projects/support in the region
  • gps penetration, availability
  • # of active OSM developers in that region
  • local website or resources?
  • local chapter?
  • relevant stats from CIA world fact book, wikipedia

--section content contributed by: Mikel 13:13, 18 March 2010 previously unsigned

Number of active users

A statistic with active users would be interesting. Means users who contributed 5 times or more in this month:

Compared to this:

I would like to know if the project still reach the peak. --Kolossos 14:59, 11 June 2011 (BST) is down?

I am trying to get some statistics about the wiki usage. The page states that should show "the access statistics etc for the wiki pages.". However this subdomain does not exist.

look into Platform Status, there are various monitoring tools for all servers, including for this wiki (which anyway has its own Special:Statistics page.
if you're looking for another host, may be it existed but now the monitoring is done directly on the server itself, and there are other external services displaying the availability of OSM services, also given on the Platform status page.
Note: some statistic pages won't work if you connect on them using HTTPS (due to lack of configuration of a security certificate): try with HTTP instead... — Verdy_p (talk) 23:06, 25 November 2016 (UTC)

3 million changesets per day?

That seems not right. Or am I pessimistic? — Martijn van Exel (talk) 22:57, 28 March 2018 (UTC)

95 millions "edits" per month in the last report (start of 2018), this is effectively a bit more than 3 millions changesets per day. So I think you're pessimistic.
If you look at some other graphs lower on the page, they are showing older situations. Now changesets are much more incremental, and the number of active users each day has dramatically increased and they are more spread than before. Most of them do few changes on smaller objects, so the number of changes (nodes, ways, relations, tags and members) changesets are much smaller. This looks normal for me because msot large objects are now present, and large imports have considerably decreased in frequency, with smaller changes now for more precise things (most of them for just adding one node, or setting/changing one or a few tags on existing objects, via various tools doing more incremental changesets). — Verdy_p (talk) 23:11, 28 March 2018 (UTC)