Madrid Drinking Water Import/First update

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This is a proposal for the first update to the Madrid_Drinking_Water_Import. The Madrid City Council updated the dataset and now they added information about the operational state. The dataset is updated each 3 months, it may be worth considering to use that information. We may want to add the city council unique id to each fountain, to ease next updates.


  1. November 28: The City Council published the first update to the dataset
  2. January 16 2017: Started the disscussion about this update at the talk-es mailing list.

Import Data

Data description

The dataset is a csv file. It includes a total of 1,509 spots.

We'll use the csv file for processing. You can download the data here.


ODbL Compliance verified: YES
See: Madrid_Drinking_Water_Import

Import Type

The update will be done manually, using the Tasks Manager, so it can be assigned to different volunteers.

Data preparation

Data Reduction & Simplification

As mentioned before, the data file we have chosen is in csv format. Some corrections are part of the data conversion script. Some of the fields aren't relevant and will be ignored.

Tagging plans

Here are the original fields, their meaning and how they will be converted to the resulting OSM file:

Tagging Conversion
Original Fields Meaning OSM tag Comments
DISTRITO City district
CODIGO Internal reference number madrid:dw_id=*
ZV/VP If the fountain is on the street or a park.
DIRECCION Street, number. Sometimes contains only the street. Would be addr:street=* and addr:housenumber=* or add:full=*
COMPLEMENTO DE DIRECCIÓN Street, number. Sometimes contains only the street. Would be addr:street=* and addr:housenumber=*. or add:full=*
COORD. X X coordinates (EPSG:25830 and EPSG:23030) X those with the tag "PARQUE HISTORICO SINGULAR O FORESTAL" uses EPSG:25830 while the rest uses EPSG:23030. conversion to EPSG:4326 needed
COORD. Y Y coordinates (EPSG:25830 and EPSG:23030) Y those with the tag "PARQUE HISTORICO SINGULAR O FORESTAL" uses EPSG:25830 while the rest uses EPSG:23030. conversion to EPSG:4326 needed
SISTEMA DE COORDENADAS Coordinate system used
ESTADO Operational status Those that are tagged as "out of order", we'll change the tag amenity=drinking_water to disused:amenity=drinking_water

To all the nodes except for the 127 that are out of order, we'll add the following tags if needed:

Changeset tags

We will use the following changeset tags: