Mechanical Edits/Mateusz Konieczny - bot account/moving FIXME to fixme in Poland

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Page content created as advised on Automated_Edits_code_of_conduct#Document_and_discuss_your_plans.


I, Mateusz Konieczny using my bot account


message via OSM I will respond also to PMs to the bot account. In both cases I will be notified about incoming PMs via email and notifications in OSM editors.


Retagging FIXME=* to fixme=*.


fixme=* is a standard way to mark fixmes.

FIXME=* is an unexpected and duplicate way to mark fixme and therefore retagging this duplicate to fixme=* would improve tagging without any information loss.

As result authors of QA tools would not need to discover that there is not only fixme but also its duplicate FIXME tag.

Direct reason

I encountered fixme note not listed in my tool - as it was using FIXME=*.


Between 5000 and 6000 objects are expected to be edited. See for a geographic distribution.


FIXME=* tag would be replaced by fixme=*. Objects where fixme=* is present and not equal to fixme=* would skipped. Objects with other tags with FIXME in name would be skipped (for example source:FIXME=*).

An example ( ):
state before a mechanical edit:

state after a mechanical edit:

Changeset would be described and tagged with tags that mark it as automatic, provide link to discussion approving edit, link repository with source code etc. It would include at least

Changeset would be split into small areas to avoid continent-sized bounding boxes. As this tag may be on extremely large objects (for example relations representing long routes) it may be unavoidable to make some edits with very large bounding boxes.

Edits would be generated by an osmapi based program.



Redoing this edit in the future would be treated as a new mechanical edit with a new approval process.


Code is GNU GPLv3 licensed.

from osm_bot_abstraction_layer.generic_bot_retagging import run_simple_retagging_task

def is_element_editable(element):
    if element.get_tag_value('fixme') != None:
        if element.get_tag_value('fixme') == element.get_tag_value('FIXME'):
            return True
        return False
    return element.get_tag_value('FIXME') != None

def edit_element(tags):
    tags['fixme'] = tags['FIXME']
    del tags['FIXME']
    return tags
    #tags.get('wikipedia') != None
    #tags['wikipedia'] = expected_wikipedia
    #tags.pop('opening hours:signed')

def main():
        max_count_of_elements_in_one_changeset = 500,
        objects_to_consider_query = """
// fetch area “Małopolska” to search in
// gather results
  // query part for: “FIXME=*”
// print results
out body;
        objects_to_consider_query_storage_file = '/media/mateusz/5bfa9dfc-ed86-4d19-ac36-78df1060707c/OSM-cache/overpass/tags_for_retagging.osm',
        is_in_manual_mode = False,
        changeset_comment = "ujednolicanie tagów FIXME=* do fixme=*",
        discussion_url = "",
        is_element_editable_checker_function = is_element_editable,
        edit_element_function = edit_element,



Please comment in the discussion thread (see #Discussion).