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Proposal status: Abandoned (inactive)
Proposed by: fkv
Tagging: tourism=register
Applies to: node
Definition: a book where visitors register and write comments

Rendered as: a book or pen
Draft started: 2015-03-05
RFC start: 2015-03-06
Vote start: tbd
Vote end: tbd


A summit register (= summit book, summit log) is a book where people who just reached the peak may register. You write your name, the date, and possibly some comment or even drawing in the book, and you can read the comments of others. The box containing the book is typically attached to the summit cross (if one exists), but it may as well be placed beneath a bench, one a tree or pole, or in a cairn. The exact location of the book depends on available mounting points, exposition, viewpoints, accessibility etc. The book may be some hektometers off the peak. That's one of the issues of the summit:register=yes tag. It does not specify the location of the book.

Another issue is that summit:register only applies to peaks. Registers also exist along trails, in caves, churches and chapels, alpine huts, hotels, museums, and so forth. Some of these registers are called guestbooks.

Therefore, I propose a new tag tourism=register that is independent of peaks and can mapped as a standalone feature.


Registers are of interest to tourists, but may also be used by rescue services to determine whether a missing tourist passed that point and what was the intended route.


Registers, where finding the register or its container is the main purpose of the registering activity, should not use this tag, in particular this rule should exclude Geocaches. If that exclusion applies to historic predecessors of Geocaches can be discussed.

How to map

Useful Combinations





Not yet.