Sample driving instructions/nl NL

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These are dutch translations of the texts in Sample driving instructions.


This section contains the basic Dutch phrases. The bold names are identifying the phrase, so that it's translations can be found.

please keep the structure intact to allow automatic parsing of this wiki-page

destination_reached "U heeft uw bestemming bereikt." U heeft uw bestemming bereikt.

destination_reached_DISTANCE "Over (distance) (unit) heeft u uw bestemming bereikt." Over 50 meter heeft u uw bestemming bereikt.

turn_around "Keer om indien mogelijk!" Keer om indien mogelijk!

turn_around_DISTANCE "Over (distance) (unit), keer om!" Over 200 meter, keer om!

turn_DIRECTION "Sla (direction) af!" Sla links af!

turn_DIRECTION_SIGNPOST "Sla (direction) af, richting (destinations)!" Sla links af, richting CityA, CityB, Motorway5!

turn_DIRECTION_NAME "Sla (direction) af naar de (streetname)!" Sla links af naar de 5th Avenue!

turn_DIRECTION_DISTANCE "Over (distance) (unit) sla (direction) af!" Over 2Km sla links af!

turn_DIRECTION_DISTANCE_NAME "Over (distance) (unit) sla (direction) af naar de (streetname)!" Over 2Km sla links af naar de 5th Avenue!

turn_DIRECTION_DISTANCE_SIGNPOST "Over (distance) (unit) sla (direction) af richting (destinations)!" Over 2Km sla links af richting CityA, CityB, Motorway5!

take_EXIT "Neem de (numbers)!" Neem de eerste afslag!

take_SIGNPOST "Neem de afslag richting (destinations)!" Neem de afslag richting CityA, CityB!

take_EXIT_SIGNPOST "Neem de (numbers) richting (destinations)!" Neem de eerste afslag richting CityA, CityB!

take_EXIT_KEEP_SIGNPOST "Neem de (numbers), houd daarna (direction) aan richting (destinations)!" Neem de eerste afslag, houd daarna links aan richting CityA!

take_KEEP_SIGNPOST "Neem de afslag, houd daarna (direction) aan richting (destinations)!" Neem de afslag, houd daarna links aan richting CityA!

enter_roundabout "Rij de rotonde op!" Rij de rotonde op!

enter_roundabout_EXIT "Rij de rotonde op. Neem daarna de (numbers)!" Rij de rotonde op. Neem daarna de tweede afslag!

enter_roundabout_EXIT_DISTANCE "Rij over (distance) (unit) de rotonde op. Neem daarna de (numbers)!" Rij over 1.2 Km de rotonde op. Neem daarna de tweede afslag!

over_roundabout_EXIT "Steek de rotonde over, neem de (numbers)." Steek de rotonde over, neem de derde afslag.

over_roundabout_EXIT_DISTANCE "Steek over (distance) (unit) de rotonde over, neem de (numbers)." Steek over 1.2 km de rotonde over, neem de derde afslag.

over_roundabout_DIRECTION_EXIT "Sla (direction) af op de rotonde, neem de (numbers)." Sla links af op de rotonde, neem de derde afslag.

over_roundabout_DIRECTION_EXIT_DISTANCE "Sla over (distance) (unit) (direction) af op de rotonde, neem de (numbers)." Sla over 1.2 Km links af op de rotonde, neem de derde afslag.

follow_NAME "Volg de (name)!" Volg de 5th Avenue!

follow_NAME_DISTANCE "Volg de (name) voor (distance) (unit)!" Volg de 5th Avenue voor 500 meter!



direction/left "links"

direction/right "rechts"

direction/left/hard "scherp links"

direction/right/hard "scherp rechts"

direction/left/slight "links"

direction/right/slight "rechts"


numbers/first_exit "eerste afslag"

numbers/second_exit "tweede afslag"

numbers/third_exit "derde afslag"

numbers/fourth_exit "vierde afslag"

numbers/fifth_exit "vijfde afslag"


time/day/singular "dag"

time/day/plural "dagen"

time/day/short "d"

time/hour/singular "uur"

time/hour/plural "uren"

time/hour/short "u"

time/minute/singular "minuut"

time/minute/plural "minuten"

time/minute/short "min."

time/second/singular "seconde"

time/second/plural "secondes"

time/second/short "s"


units/kph "km/h"

units/mph "m/h"

units/ms "m/s"

units/km "km"

units/m "meter"

units/miles "mijlen"


places/start "start"

places/destination/singular "bestemming"

places/destination/plural "bestemmingen"

places/home "thuis"

places/poi "POI"

places/poi/trainstation "treinstation"

places/poi/toilet "toilet"

places/poi/phone "telefoon"

places/poi/gas "tankstation"

places/labels/city "stad"

places/labels/street "straat"

places/labels/housenumer/long "huisnummer"

places/labels/housenumer/short "nr."

places/labels/zipcode "postcode"


metric/fastest "snelste route"

metric/shortest "kortste route"

metric/fuelefficient "brandstof efficiënte route"

common labels

labels/search "zoek"

labels/vehicle "voertuig"

labels/fullscreen "volledig scherm"

labels/exit "afsluiten"

labels/comport "comm poort"

labels/baudrate "baud rate"

labels/time "tijd"

labels/destination_time "aankomsttijd"

labels/route_me "bereken route"

labels/help "help"

labels/settings "instellingen"

labels/preferences "voorkeuren"

labels/abort "afbreken"

labels/ok "OK"

labels/map "kaart"

labels/open_map "laad kaart"

labels/import_map "importeer kaart"

labels/download "download"

labels/download_map "download kaart"

labels/map/autorotate "auto-roteer kaart"

labels/map/autocenterGPS "auto-centreer kaart"

labels/map/centerGPSonce "centreer op GPS"

labels/map/showGPStrail "laat track zien"


See also: