Seamarks/INT-1 Section J

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Section J - Nature of the Seabed

Rendering of chart symbols and letters indicating the nature of the seabed surface are intended to show starting at zoom level 14 and higher (like for rocks) and at the point or center of an area/polygon (like for anchorages). The boundary of an seabead_area without danger to shipping at the surface (i.e. no obstruction, distinct from K1) shall be indicated with a thin and short dashed black line like indicated in INT-1 J20 (alternatively similar to K31 or I20).

Additional references for particle size classification are provided in the international standard ISO 14688-1 and are described for seabeds in a publication on Substrate Data for European Maritime Areas.

Types of Seabed

INT-1 Ref Seamark Rendering Seamark Tagging Notes Wiki Page
J1 S seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Sand: Tiny grains of crushed or worn rock (particles of 0.0625-2.0mm). Nature of surface (NATSUR)(en)
J2 M seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Mud: Soft, wet earth. Nature of surface (NATSUR)(en)
J3 Cy seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Clay: Stiff, sticky earth that becomes hard when baked (particles of less than 0.002mm). Nature of surface (NATSUR)(en)
J4 Si seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Silt: When dried on hand will rub off easily (particles of 0.002-0.0625mm). Nature of surface (NATSUR)(en)
J5 St seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Stones: Rock fragments ranging in size from pebbles and gravel to boulders or a large rock mass. Nature of surface (NATSUR)(en)
J6 G seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Gravel: Small stones with coarse sand (particles of 2.0-4.0mm). Nature of surface (NATSUR)(en)
J7 P seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Pebbles: Small stones made smooth and round by being rolled in water (particles of 4.0-64.0mm). Nature of surface (NATSUR)(en)
J8 Cb seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Cobbles: Stones worn round and smooth by water and used for paving (particles of 64.0-256.0mm). Nature of surface (NATSUR)(en)
J9.1 R seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Rock, Rocky: Any formation of natural origin that constitutes an integral part of the lithosphere. The natural occurring material that forms firm, hard, and solid masses. Nature of surface (NATSUR)(en)
J9.2 Bo seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Boulder(s): A rounded rock with diameter of 256 mm or larger. Nature of surface (NATSUR)(en)
J10 Co seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Coral, Coralline algae, Hard calcareous skeletons of many tribes of marine polyps. Nature of surface (NATSUR)(en)
J11 Sh seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Shells (skeletal remains): Exoskeletons of various water dwelling animals. Nature of surface (NATSUR)(en)
no equivalent Lv seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Lava: The fluid or semi-fluid matter flowing from a volcano. The substance that results from the cooling of the molten rock. Nature of surface (NATSUR)(en)
J12.1 S/M seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Two layers, e.g. sand over mud Nature of surface (NATSUR)(en)
J12.2 fS.M.Sh seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
The main constitutent is given first for mixtures, e.g. fine sand with mud and shells

The different tags should be in a ordered, semicolon-separated list. This also applies to the qualifying term tags which should be in the same order. Where a surface type has no qualifying term, use an empty list item. Here e.g. three surface types seperated by semicolon, where the qulifying term is specified only for the first one.

Nature of surface (NATSUR)(en)
J13.1 Wd seamark:type=weed nodearea
Weed (including Kelp), general description, seaweed as macroalgae Weed/Kelp (CATWED)(en)
J13.2 Weed/Kelp INT-1 display seamark:type=weed nodearea
Weed, specific description e.g. category Sargasso, optional addition of genus and taxon for complete specification, Mediterranean sargassum species
INT-1 display: Weed/Kelp INT-1 display    PNG: Weed/Kelp INT-1 display Weed/Kelp INT-1 display
S-101 Portrayl Catalogue: Weed/Kelp ENC IHO symbol
Weed/Kelp (CATWED)(en)
J13.2 Weed/Kelp INT-1 display seamark:type=weed nodearea
genus=<Laminaria, Saccharina, Macrocystis, etc.>
Kelp, Weed, if possible, add Genus and Taxon for complete description of the specie
INT-1 display: Weed/Kelp INT-1 display    PNG: Weed/Kelp INT-1 display Weed/Kelp INT-1 display
S-101 Portrayl Catalogue: Weed/Kelp ENC IHO symbol
Weed/Kelp (CATWED)(en)
J13.3 Sg seamark:type=seagrass nodearea
Seagrass, see S-4, change in S-101 update 2021, DCEG Edition 1.0.1, see also difference between seagrass and seeweed new object Seagrass (SEAGRA)(en) and categories (catseg)(en)
(old category Weed/Kelp (CATWED)(en) until 2021-09)
J13.4 seagrass simplified version seamark:type=seagrass nodearea
genus=<genus within seagrass families Posidoniaceae, Zosteraceae, Hydrocharitaceae, or Cymodoceaceae>
Seagrass, see change and symbol proposed for S-4:

OSM symbols:
SVG: seagrass simplified version  PNG: seagrass simplified version seagrass simplified version

new object Seagrass (SEAGRA)(en) and categories (catseg)(en)
(old category Weed/Kelp (CATWED)(en) until 2021-09)
J13.4 seagrass simplified version seamark:type=seagrass nodearea
taxon= Posidonia oceanica (e.g. or other species)
Posidonia seagrass new object Seagrass (SEAGRA)(en) and categories (catseg)(en)
(old category Weed/Kelp (CATWED)(en) until 2021-09)
J14 seamark:type=sand_waves nodearea Sandwaves,
INT-1 display: Spring in seabed display INT-1    PNG: Spring in seabed display INT-1 Spring in seabed display INT-1
Sand waves (SNDWAV)(en)
J15 Spring in seabed display INT-1 seamark:type=spring node Spring in seabed,
INT-1 display: Spring in seabed display INT-1    PNG: Spring in seabed display INT-1
S-101 Portrayl Catalogue: Spring in seabed symbol modified from S-101 Portrayl Catalogue
Spring in seabed (SPRING)(en)

Types of Seabed, Intertidal Areas

INT-1 Ref Seamark Rendering Seamark Tagging Notes Wiki Page
J20 St.G    seamark pattern for areas with stones and gravel
pattern for areas not yet implemented
seamark:type=seabed_area node area
Areas with stones and gravel,
INT-1 display for area with gravel, sand and mud:
Area with stones and gravel chart display
Nature of surface (NATSUR)(en)
J21 seagrass simplified version
seagrass detailed version
pattern for areas not yet implemented
seamark:type=seabed_area way area
Rocky area, which covers and uncovers,
INT-1 display:
Rocky area chart display
Nature of surface (NATSUR)(en)

Water level effect (WATLEV)(en)

J22 seagrass simplified version
seagrass detailed version
pattern for areas not yet implemented
seamark:type=seabed_area way area
Coral reef, which covers and uncovers,
INT-1 display:
Coral reef chart display
Nature of surface (NATSUR)(en)

Water level effect (WATLEV)(en)

Qualifying Terms

INT-1 Ref Seamark Rendering Seamark Tagging Notes Wiki Page
J30 f seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Fine, only used in relation to sand: Falls within the smallest size continuum for a particular nature of surface term. Nature of surface qualifying term (NATQUA)(en)
J31 m seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Medium, only used in relation to sand: Falls within the moderate size continuum for a particular nature of surface term. Nature of surface qualifying term (NATQUA)(en)
J32 c seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Coarse, only used in relation to sand: Falls within the largest size continuum for a particular nature of surface term. Nature of surface qualifying term (NATQUA)(en)
J33 bk seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Broken: Fractured or in pieces. Nature of surface qualifying term (NATQUA)(en)
J34 sy seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Sticky: Having an adhesive or glue like property. Nature of surface qualifying term (NATQUA)(en)
J35 so seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Soft: Not hard or firm. Nature of surface qualifying term (NATQUA)(en)
J36 sf seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Stiff: Not pliant - thick, resistant to flow. Nature of surface qualifying term (NATQUA)(en)
J37 v seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Volcanic: Composed of or containing material ejected from a volcano. Nature of surface qualifying term (NATQUA)(en)
J38 ca seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Calcareous: Composed of or containing calcium or calcium carbonate. Nature of surface qualifying term (NATQUA)(en)
J39 h seamark:type=seabed_area nodearea
Hard: Firm usually refers to an area of the sea floor not covered by unconsolidated sediment. Nature of surface qualifying term (NATQUA)(en)