Proposal talk:Taxi request

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highway, man_made or amenity

My preference would be to have this under amenity=* (for describing useful and important facilities for visitors and residents). man_made=* (a tag for identifying man made structures that are added to the landscape) fits less and it is really not an integral part of the road system so not highway=*. --- Emvee (talk) 09:51, 17 October 2021 (UTC)

I would lean towards highway=* as it is intended to signal to drivers. It seems almost like the opposite of amenity=taxi: it tells taxi drivers where a passenger can be found, rather than passengers where a taxi can be found. As an amenity I think you would have to specify all sorts of details, such as where do passengers go to hail a cab via this sign, are non-hotel guests able to use it, can they do so at different times to hotel guests, etc. Tagging it as a highway sign with an operator=* specified would be more succinct and keep what is ultimately information about a hotels services within the main hotel feature. Oliverhawes (talk) 23:02, 21 October 2021 (UTC)

This doesn't control traffic, so it shouldn't be highway=traffic_signals at least. I imagine it should use the same tagging as the request stop light on a bus stop, train station, and ferry pier. We should start with an attribute on the amenity=taxi showing whether the taxi stand has a light first (eg request_stop:light=yes), before representing the light feature itself. Then you have to relate them to each other using a public_transport=stop_area, which so far hasn't included taxis, and people argue they aren't "public transport". (I'm of the position they are mistaking it as public "mass transit"; cf psv=* includes this and private buses too)---- Kovposch (talk) 03:19, 22 October 2021 (UTC)

The latest argument by Kovposch sounds very reasonable to me, I found another taxi-request-stop_light while field mapping and will change also the previous taxi request to this proposal by Kovposch. The request_stop:light allows to differentiate between whistle, light or other symbols/signals which I think is a good idea. Hike&Map (talk) 16:32, 15 November 2021 (UTC)