Talk:Tag:amenity=research institute

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With 400-some instances this can hardly be a "de facto", considering that office=research is more than ten times more abundant and only "in use". --Fkv (talk) 14:09, 15 November 2018 (UTC)

I have no idea what an office=research may actually mean. Research Institutes I have worked at or visited have usually not been office establishments: e.g., it's unusual to have an explosive briefing & to be issued safety glasses when visiting an office; or to maintain large-scale animal breeding facilties in an office. Various wikifiddlers may be keen on this but it has little reflection of actual research institutes. Also I belief this tag long pre-dated any use of the other tag. Populariity is not necessarily an indication of a good choice of tag. SK53 (talk) 14:14, 15 November 2018 (UTC)
That may all be correct, but still this is no de-facto standard as long as the vast majority use another tag. Also keep in mind that the proposal was voted down for reasons such as: "Research is not an amenity." --Fkv (talk) 14:42, 15 November 2018 (UTC)
Status is nearly rejected, see - voting for amenity=research_institution - the current tag amenity=research_institute is almost the same. --Jeisenbe (talk) 07:09, 19 October 2019 (UTC)
Sorry @Jeisenbe but I find it bizarre that you cite a 2008 marginal rejection by 11 voters of a differently named value as a verdict of a proposal for a similarly worded proposal made 7 years later in 2015. Tagging develops. It is not statically bound to a 2008 vote for a different value. The tag is used 636 times now, steadily and organically growing. The documentation is translated in 8 languages. Please accept there is a process in OSM by which a tag can become established by consistent use. Voting is not the only form. And as SK53 pointed out above, a research office and a research institution are two very different things. I can rent a single room office and do desk-based research on my own, but you cannot describe a Particle Accelerator, a Research reactor or a test drive area for research on autonomous driving as an 'office'. Thus these are two different things, and in one institute you can have many offices, beside other installations, which explains that there are more objects tagged now as office than as institute.--Polarbear w (talk) 10:39, 19 October 2019 (UTC)
The question is what differentiates an "institute" from an "office" ? And what if it is a "subdivision" of an amenity=university or other institution ?
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rtfm Rtfm (talk) 23:45, 3 June 2021 (UTC)
"The question is what differentiates an institute from an office." For me the difference is between a facility/compound containing many different elements (like it would be for a university) and a particular element within that compound (like it would be for the administration office of a university). I think that is shown by the picture and description in the article. Both of which make it clear that there is more to a research institute then a small building.
In the cases where it is a building though, the article is clear that the tag office=institute can be used for tagging the actual office in-side the institute. It's exactly the same way you would tag a large school building in the individual elements within it. It should be obvious that you don't tag a huge multiple purpose university building with office=university. So I don't really see what the issue is or what's not clear about the difference. Also, the table wasn't really necessary. All those tags are either to low usage to matter or don't really relate to this. --Adamant1 (talk) 06:57, 4 June 2021 (UTC)