Talk:Washington DC

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DC has a group of mappers. More information can be found at the MappingDC page or at the Google Groups page.

Mapping objectives


Some of the biggies are on the map already. Have ideas for other monuments to add? Put 'em in the cake.


The museums on the National Mall are well mapped and quite detailed. Some of the outlying museums (Kreeger, Phillips Collection, Postal Museum, etc.) may need attention.

Public transit

Subway, train and bus stations on a map are helpful for locals and for tourists. Virtually all of the subway stations have been mapped, but VRE and MARC station need attention. Metro bus stops are more problematic because they change often.

Cycle, roller skate and running trails

Part of the beauty of any city is "off-road". Add these non-vehicle highways to show how people get around your city without creating exhaust fumes.

Public interest

Have you ever needed to mail a letter and couldn't find a mailbox? Add the things that you want to find to the map. Mailboxes, post offices (I forgot to get stamps!) grocery stores, that great ethnic restaurant, etc.

International interest

Where are the public-facing international interests. Where do you go for a visa to a distant land? DC has lots of embassies and consulates. Put them on the map and help travelers.

Arlington National Cemetery

Note the paths and the markers of note?

Mappers, experience and terminology


When a group of mappers go out to map an area they divide the area up like a cake so that everybody gets a piece of their own. This reduces unintended duplication of effort.

Experienced mappers

Experienced mappers may join us for some morning coffee and discussion, choose a piece of "cake" then head out mapping. If you have a mapping goal in mind that is not convenient to the venue, let us know your plan below so that you can claim your cake, then start mapping without the trip to the venue. Do be sure to join us Saturday afternoon for the editing, uploading and the social event later.

Experienced mappers, please bring your laptops for editing / uploading and a spare GPS if you have one. We'll have some spares to share with new folks, but you never know when an extra will help.

New mappers & curious onlookers

You don't have to be an expert to make valuable contributions, or to have a lot of fun with OpenStreetMap. Part of the fun for us is sharing our enthusiasm with you.

Come early Saturday and meet some of the experienced folks, before they head off. Some new mappers like to dive right in, and join an experienced mapper. Others will want to stay back at the venue for an Introduction to OpenStreetMap presentation (It's fun, not like the class you hated in school.)

Other new mappers will be more adventurous and will want to get mapping like the experienced folks. Great! Choose some cake in advance and we'll see you at the social, or join us in the morning for briefing with the experienced mappers.