Tile servers

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This page lists tile server software, for online instances of tile servers, see Raster tile providers and Vector tiles#Providers.

For OSMF servers, including tile servers see Servers

Name Raster tiles Vector tiles Data source Primary language License
Martin yes yes Multiple PostGIS, MBTiles, local + AWS S3 PMTiles, and COG sources. Can combine sources. Sprites and fonts. Rust Apache-2.0 or MIT
mbtileserver yes yes MBTiles Go ISC
mod_tile[1] yes no depends on backend C++ GPL-2.0
pg_tileserv no yes PostGIS Go Apache-2.0
Tegola no yes PostGIS, GeoPackage Go MIT
t-rex no yes PostGIS, GDAL vectors Rust MIT
TileServer GL[2] yes yes MBTiles, tiles over HTTP JavaScript BSD-2-Clause
TileSweep[3] yes no depends on Mapnik XML C MIT

See also

  1. mod_tile depends on Apache and requires a rendering backend like renderd (which uses Mapnik) or Tirex (which supports several backends).
  2. TileServer GL can render tiles with MapLibre GL Native, there is also a Light version which does not depend on the rasterization library.
  3. TileSweep renders tiles with Mapnik via libmapnik.