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OSM Logo This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
International Womens Day 2016 Logo Alan Pledges To: Support and encourage gender diversity in the OSM community

International Womens Day 2016 Logo Alan Pledges To: Advocate for the participation of more women & girls in the OSM community.

JOSM Alan submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
iD Alan submits data to OpenStreetMap using iD.
Hot logo.svg Alan volunteers at Humanitarian OSM Team.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
fr-1 Cette personne peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français.
es-1 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse.
Bike Alan
is a bicyclist.

Public-images-osm logo.svg
I support OSM by being a
member of the
OpenStreetMap Foundation
Do you?

Mapping Vancouver, BC, Bellingham, WA, and San Francisco, CA

User page: Alan


Wikipedia:  Almccon (en)

I was the independent observer for the OpenStreetMap US Board Election in 2018 and 2019. Please read my argument in favor of using the Single Transferable Vote system for the board elections in this diary entry, and my analysis of the 2019 election.

OpenStreetMap research

SOTMUS 2013 - blog post


AAG 2016
