User:Tago/Key:protected nature

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The purpose of this key is to mark areas of protected nature.


See below for the values of the protected_nature key:

Value Description IUCN category Examples
strict_nature_reserve Strict nature reserve: Strictly protected areas which are strictly controlled and limited; can serve as indispensable reference areas for scientific research and monitoring. 1 (Ia) Nature reserve Florarna in Sweden.
wilderness Wilderness area: Usually large unmodified or slightly modified areas, retaining their natural character and influence within permanent or significant human habitation. 1 (Ib) Bolshoi Arkticheskiy nature reserve on nothsibirien peninsula Taimyr.
national_park National park: Large natural or near natural areas set aside to protect large scale ecological processes. 2 Yellowstone (USA), Watten Sea (Europe), ...
national_monument Natural monument or feature: Protection of a specific natural monument, which can be a landform, sea mount, submarine cavern, geological feature such as a cave or even a living feature such as an ancient grove. They are generally quite small protected areas and often have high visitor value. Culturally and archaeologically important. 3 Victoria Falls (Africa), ...
habitat Habitat/species management area: Area for protecting particular species or habitats and management reflects this priority. Many protected areas of this category will need regular, active interventions. 4 Nature reserve, Naturschutzgebiet, ...
locally_protected_habitat Locally protected habitat/species management area: similar to habitat but without IUCN category.
Some habitats don't belong to an IUCN category. Instead they are protected by local- or district-law: Areas to protect one species, special cover of vegetation, geological sites, ...
- Recreation Site, Natural Area, Geschützer Biotop, Naturdenkmal, ...
landscape Protected landscape/seascape: Area where the interaction of people and nature over time has produced an area of distinct character with significant, ecological, biological, cultural and scenic value. 5 Landscape protection, Naturparks like "Lüneburger Heide", Harz, ...
sustainability_area Protected area with sustainable use of natural resources: Areas where a proportion is under sustainable natural resource management and where low-level non-industrial use of natural resources compatible with nature conservation is seen as one of the main aims of the area. The aim is to conserve ecosystems and habitats together with associated cultural values and traditional natural resource management systems. They are generally large, with most of the area in a natural condition. 6 Examples: Tonda Wildlife Management Area (Papua New Guinea), ...
yes One out of the above categories without further specification. Useful if category not yet known.

Protection background

Background for protection (laws, agreements, conventions, ...). See below for the values of the protection_background key:

Value Description IUCN category Examples
continental_agreement Protected by continental agreements. They often cover sites already protected by national law. - Asia: ASEAN Heritage, Europe: Smaragd-Network of the European Council, "Natura 2000" (FFH, Birdareas), European greenbelt, ...
international_convention Protected by interstate- or international conventions. They often cover sites already protected by national law. A cross-border Nationalpark with IUCN-level should belong to 2. - World Heritage Convention, UNESCO-MAB Reserve, Wetlands of International Importance ("Ramsar"), ... or the "Barcelona Convention" by states bordering the Mediterranean Sea. African - Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement (AEWA), ...

Protection title

Key Values Description
protection_title=* wildlife sanctuary, zapovedniki, Nationalpark, special protected area, world heritage convention, aesthetic forest, heritage river, indian reserve, ... Title or type of protection, not the proper name. The national destination, the formal title or type of protection.

Important! You should add this. Finally there will be a collection of terms. The individual labelling, e.g. the phillipine "Nipas Category".

Terminologies in various countries

The table below provides guidance on the use of protected_nature in different countries. If your country is undocumented then refer to of the WDPA where you can look it up by its proper name. If there are no results, ask the appropriate (government) administration, use the talk page or your local mailing list for discussion and then add it below. If it doesn't fit in any of the given categories add it to column "(other)". Try to add and "harmonise" your country's protection system to the table.

Country strict_nature_reserve, wilderness national_park national_monument habitat locally_protected_habitat landscape sustainability_area (other)
Australia Nature Reserve, Conservation Covenant, Nature Reserve, Remote and Natural Area, Reference Area, Wilderness Park Heritage River, Aquatic Reserve, State Reserve, Other Park Conservation Park, Natural Features Reserve, Management Agreement Area Resource Reserve, Nature Refuge, Forest Reserve, Game Reserve, Natural Features Reserve, Fish Habitat Area, Botanic Gardens (Com.), Native Forest - Other Conservation Area, Historical Reserve, Heritage River Resource Reserve other international, not yet classified
Brazil Biological Reserve, State Ecological Station National Park, State Park, State Marine Park Wildlife Refuge State Area of Outstanding Ecological Interest - State Environmental Protection Area Extractive Reserve, National Forest, State Sustainable Development Reserve, Extractive Reserve, National Forest other international, not yet classified
Bulgaria Резерват (Reserve) Национален парк (National Park) Природна забележителност (Natural Monument) Поддържан резерват (Managed Nature Reserve) - Природен парк (Natural Park) Защитена местност (Protected site) Други неквалифицирани международни зони (other international, not yet classified)
Canada Wilderness Area, Nature Conservancy of Canada Lands (strict_nature_reserve), Nature Reserve (strict_nature_reserve), Ecological Reserve (strict_nature_reserve), Special Place (strict_nature_reserve), Migratory Bird Sanctuary, Migratory Bird Refuge (strict_nature_reserve) Provincial Park, Territorial Park, Migratory Bird Sanctuary, National Historic Site, National Historic Park, Migratory Bird Sanctuary, -Refuge, Wildlife Management Area, Migratory Bird Sanctuary, Eastern Habitat Joint Venture Lands, Agreement Forest, Protective Forest, Operational Parks and Reserves, National Capital Commission Area, Recreation Site, Natural Area, Migratory Bird Sanctuary Conservation Authority Area, Conservation Area, Recreation Site Faunal Habitat, Salmon River, Wildlife Habitat - Waterfowl Gathering Area, Community Pasture, Migratory Bird Sanctuary, other international, not yet classified
Colombia - National Park / Parques Nacionales Naturales (PNN) y Reservas Nacioanles Naturales (RNN) National Nature Monument / Área natural única Protected Site ( Santuarios de Flora y Fauna - - Área de Reserva Forestal (ARF) otra internacional, aún no categorizada
Czech Republic National Nature Reserve, Nature Reserve National Park National Nature Monument, Natural Monument Protected Site - Protected Landscape Area - other international, not yet classified
Germany - Nationalpark - Naturschutzgebiet Geschützer Biotop, -Landschaftsbestandteil, Naturdenkmal, Horstschutzgebiet, Waldschutzgebiete (Schon- und Bannwald), Gewässerschutz, ... Naturpark, Landschaftsschutzgebiet - weitere internationale, noch nicht klassifiziert
Italy - Parco Nazionale, Parco Naturale Regionale, Area Naturale Marina Monumento Naturale, Sito Archeologico Reserva Naturale Statale/Regionale, Biotopo, Area Naturale Marina Zona umida, Area Protetta, Oasi, Parco Urbano, ecc. - other international, not yet classified
Russia Zapovednik National Park Nature Monument Zakasnik - other international, not yet classified
United Kingdom
due to publishing restrictions, data not on the WDPA
- - - - - - - other international, not yet classified
the United States National Wilderness National Park National Monument - - National Preserve National Forest, National Grassland other international, not yet classified
Slovakia National Nature Reserve, Nature Reserve National Park National Nature Monument, Natural Monument Protected Site - Protected Landscape Area - other international, not yet classified
Country continental_agreement international_convention (other)
Australia - UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve, Ramsar-Wetlands,World Heritage Convention other international, not yet classified
Brazil - UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve, Ramsar-Wetlands,World Heritage Convention other international, not yet classified
Bulgaria Натура 2000 (EU Naturа 2000) Биосферен резерват по програмата на ЮНЕСКО "Човекът и биосферата"(UNESCO-MAB) Други неквалифицирани международни зони (other international, not yet classified)
Canada - UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve, Ramsar-Wetlands,World Heritage Convention other international, not yet classified
Colombia - - -
Czech Republic Natura 2000 - other international, not yet classified
Germany Natura 2000: Site of Community Interest (SCI), FFH-Gebiet (SAC), Vogelschutzgebiet (SPA), Emerald-Gebiete. European greenbelt, ... UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve, Ramsar-Feuchtgebiete, Welterbe, ... weitere internationale, noch nicht klassifiziert.
Italy Natura 2000: Sito di Importanza Comunitaria (SIC) e Zona di Protezione Speciale (ZPS), Convenzione delle Alpi Convenzione di Ramsar, UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve,
Russia Ramsar-Wetlands, World Heritage Convention, UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve, ... other international, not yet classified
United Kingdom
due to publishing restrictions, data not on the WDPA
- - other international, not yet classified
the United States - - other international, not yet classified
Slovakia - - other international, not yet classified

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External links

There are governments, keeping a habitat system:

See also