User talk:Johan Jönsson

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I am tying to edit a svg-file made from openstreetmap and make my own map, adding things and deleting others. I am totally new to Inkscape and it doen´t work my way really.


The roads appear as some kind of two-layer entities, one dark layer slightly larger then the colored one above. The dark layer then is seen as a border to the colored layer. I can group these to so when I move one layer, the other one follows, it is a basic: that the border follows the fill.

  1. How do I shorten the road, I want to take away the parts extending outside my mapped area?
Since it is a clone, see below, if I break the link to the clone (SHIFT-ALT-D) I get my nodes and things to work on.
  1. What kind of entity is the road, an object or something else?
Aha, it is a clone.


I answered you on my discussion page. --E-Malte 10:15, 11 July 2009 (UTC) PS: I guess I know Inkscape very well, I you need help feel free to ask.

Thanks, I might try it on the Gothenburg tram lines some time. The reason for writing was mostly a compliment on your good explanation of the problem, and not so much of a question on how./Johan Jönsson 15:48, 13 July 2009 (UTC)


Hi, you seem to be the last one who seriously edited the somewhat forgotten Proposed features/Waterfall. I have created waterfalls to document current "state of the art" and am trying to bring move things forward. The old proposal has been changed so many times that it is hard to follow the discussion and other things evolved in the meantime so that I am thinking it might be best to withdraw that proposal and start with new proposals. RicoZ (talk) 21:31, 21 December 2013 (UTC)

It was in a fit of editing that I decided to take me on the waterfalls, the interest faded just after that. Keep up the good work, your new page looks great, it sums up how things are done and how we think they should be done./Johan Jönsson (talk) 07:46, 3 January 2014 (UTC)

Dags för avstämning?

Hej! Jag snubblade över detta gamla förslag från dig Har du skickat det till Voting enligt instruktionerna? Om inte gör det gärna för detta behövs för att markera alla fina naturliga lämpliga bad som finns. Dina förslag ser jag förresten redan har börjat användas på mera än 15 ställen i Europa: se tex --PangoSE (talk) 20:08, 7 August 2018 (UTC)

Du får gärna ta över förslaget, det är fritt för alla. Jag rekommenderar en ny omgång av kommentarer (RFC) först.

Det har säkert hänt en del sedan förslaget skrevs, ett förslag jag sett för badoplatser är att märka upp vattnet med Tag:leisure=swimming_area. Ett av bekymren med förskagen är om man verkligen skall märka upp vattnet, vi skall ju bara kartlägga sådant som går att se och om det inte finns bojar så är det int elätt/Johan Jönsson (talk) 10:26, 8 August 2018 (UTC)

Tack för svaret. Jag har klurat på detta i ett dygn nu och kommit fram till att jag föredrar en samlat översyn och deprecation av amenity=public_bath till fördel för något i stil med:
  • amenity=bath
  • public=desegnated/ad_hoc <- desegnated: meaning it is publicly signed and marked visibly ad_hoc: meaning it is not signed, you have to find it yourself and use your own judgement if it is suitable for bathing
  • bath:type=*
    • lake/sea/river/hot_spring/onsen/hammam/thermal/etc.
  • toilets=yes/no
  • showers=yes/no
  • supervised=yes/no
  • quality:checked=yes/no <- EU rules demand that all publicly marked baths be quality checked. In Sweden it is the local government who is responsible
  • quality:website=URL
  • quality:water=clear/grumsy/algea
  • prohibited=yes/no <- whether the local authority has prohibited bathing
Sometimes (common in Sweden) there are designated anchored pontoon platforms a bit into the deep with roller coaster and diving platform.
  • amenity:bath=pontoon or pontoon=yes + amenity=bath
  • headfirst=yes/no
  • attraction=diving_platform
  • attraction=rollercoaster
So for example a natural lake with a suitable place to dive in, clear water, no facilities what so ever, you and nature would be tagged as a node placed in the water close to the rock:
  • amenity=bath
  • public=ad_hoc
  • bath:type=lake
  • quality:checked=no
The rock from where you dove in is mapped as an area with:
  • natural=bare_rock--PangoSE (talk) 18:58, 8 August 2018 (UTC)
Great work, make a new proposal of that! Building on the existent amenity=public_bath and its tagging scheme is a good idea. /Johan Jönsson (talk) 19:42, 8 August 2018 (UTC)
Ok, will do, thanks for the feedback.--PangoSE (talk) 05:23, 9 August 2018 (UTC)
Jag har inte gjort något förslag än eftersom jag upptäckte att det redan finns ett hyfsat bra alternativ här (talk) 13:14, 14 April 2019 (UTC)