Key:traffic sign:direction - Other languages
The key traffic_sign:direction=* indicates the direction affected by a traffic_sign=* relative to the highway=* way. It is used when traffic_sign=* is a node on the highway=* way. Possible values are forward and backward:
Value |
forward |
The traffic sign affects vehicles travelling in the same direction as the direction of the highway=* way.
backward |
The traffic sign affects vehicles travelling in the opposite direction as the direction of the highway=* way.
The key traffic_sign:direction=* has been introduced[1][2] by the iD editor in September 2018 (and released[3] in December 2018 by v2.12), because the editor couldn't handle the keys traffic_sign:forward=* and traffic_sign:backward=*, which were already in use. It is unknown why the key direction=*, which was also already in use and has the same meaning as traffic_sign:direction=*, wasn't used instead.