LPIS is registry of czech farmland. It is available at
http://www.lpis.cz/index.html http://eagri.cz/public/app/lpisext/lpis/verejny/
Export can be requested at
License for data
The data are freely available, as they are excluded from copyright law protection under "publicly available list" exception. http://www.zakonyprolidi.cz/cs/2000-121#p3-1-a http://www.zakonyprolidi.cz/cs/1997-252#p3ab-2 . U.S. equivalent of this would be "public domain".
Data is available for export at http://eagri.cz/public/app/lpisext/lpis/verejny/exportDat.html ; websites sends data as zip file over email. It is avialable in small pieces, corresponding to boundary=administrative, admin_level=10 blocks.
Idea is that you pick up piece of czech republic, where farmland coverage is poor, add your name to table below, copy ID to the website, get zip file in the email, unpack, and run lpis2osm script. Then you load result in josm, check for any conflicts and strange geometries, fix them, and upload the result.
LPIS ID | Czech name | Tagging |
2 | orná půda | landuse=farmland |
3,30,31 | chmelnice | landuse=farmland+crop=hop |
4,41 | vinice | landuse=vineyard |
6,61,62 | ovocný sad | landuse=orchard |
7,71,72 | travní porost | landuse=meadow+meadow=agricultural |
9 | jiná kultura | landuse=farmland |
91 | školka | landuse=plant_nursery or landuse=forest |
92 | zelinářská zahrada | landuse=farmland+crop=vegetables or landuse=farm+crop=vegetable |
97 | rybník | natural=water+water=pond or landuse=reservoir |
98 | porost RRD | landuse=forest+crop=fast_growing_wood or landuse=scrub+note=rychle rostouci dreviny |
99 | zalesněná půda | landuse=forest |
Mapping with Tracer
You can use Tracer plugin to map LPIS (multi)polygons. If you retrace existing (multi)polygons, make sure there are no relicts left from the old polygons. Use areasize:0-700 ( type:way landuse=* OR child(type:relation landuse=*))
as a filter in JOSM, which will find all areas smaller than 700 m2 with the landuse
tag. Some of them might be ok, but some of them are likely to be artifacts of the old polygons where the boundary of the field has moved a little bit inside.