Proposal:Deprecate highway=bus stop

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Deprecate highway=bus stop
Proposal status: Draft (under way)
Proposed by: Bürste
Tagging: highway=bus_stop

Draft started: 2023-08-13


It's been 12 years now, that public transport v2 (PTv2) has been accepted. While PTv2 did not deprecate the previously used highway=bus_stop, this proposal aims to do this.


Using PTv2's public_transport=platform and the legacy tag highway=bus_stop, will result in the bus stop being mapped twice. This makes it harder for data consumer. In addition, attributes are added to the public_transport=platform way and highway=bus_stop which may contradict each other or are simply sometimes just attached to one of these elements.


If the community votes to accept this proposal, users are encouraged to not use the highway=bus_stop any longer and instead place either a node, way or area tagged with public_transport=platform and bus=yes to mark a bus stop.

Existing data may be carefully merged, putting the attributes to the way or area tagged with public_transport=platform and delete the tags from the node tagged with highway=bus_stop to remove redundancies.

Data consumers are encouraged to solely use the public_transport data scheme and route, search and render this data, ignoring the now deprecated highway=bus_stop nodes.

Features/Pages affected

External discussions


Please comment on the discussion page.