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Public-images-osm logo.svg amenity = animal_boarding
All Breeds Pet Boarding Establishment sign - geograph.org.uk - 824471.jpg
A facility which cares for pets while the owners are away (e.g. on holiday). Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: animals
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
See also
Status: approvedPage for proposal

An animal boarding facility cares for pets while the owners are away (e.g. on holiday). May be called a “pet resort”, “pet hotel”, etc., and offers other services such as a pet spa. Differs from amenity=animal_shelter in that each pet has a known owner who checks it in and retrieves it; a fee is almost always required.

How to map

Either place a node where the facility is or draw the complete area of the facility and apply the following tags:

Tag Description
amenity=animal_boarding Mandatory, the main tag to identify a place as an animal boarding facility.
animal_boarding=<animal>[;<animal>...] Optional, it lists the kinds of animals kept in the boarding facility.
For more info on how to set <animal>, see Accepted animals.
name=* Optional, it specifies the name of the facility.
operator=* Optional, it specifies the company, corporation, person or any other entity who is in charge the facility.

These tags should be used to tag the whole facility area. If within this area you can distinguish buildings, lawns, courtyards, fences, you can map them separately and tag them properly with building=yes, landuse=grass and so on.

Accepted animals

The kinds of animals that are kept in the facility can be listed in the key animal_boarding=*. Use English singular form for each kind of animals or a group of animals (use dog and not dogs, bird and not birds). If more than one kind of animal is kept in the facility, list them all as semi-colon-separated list.

Animal Animals accepted
animal_boarding=dog dogs
animal_boarding=cat cats
animal_boarding=horse horses
animal_boarding=fish any species of fishes
animal_boarding=amphibian any species of amphibia
animal_boarding=reptile any species of reptiles
animal_boarding=bird any species of birds
animal_boarding=mammal any species of mammals
animal_boarding=<user defined> an animal or a group of animals you can specify. You should prefer commonly used values according to Taginfo

Scientific name: If you want to specify the scientific animal's name you can add additional tags species=*, or genus=*, or taxon=*. This is optional, the main tag is as described above.

Animal boarding as secondary activity

A structure of any type with its own main purpose (e.g. a veterinary, an animal shelter, an hotel, or anything else) can provide boarding as secondary services. In this case the facility should be tagged according to its main purpose (e.g. amenity=veterinary, amenity=animal_shelter, tourism=hotel) and then add a secondary tag that is:

Tag Description
animal_boarding=yes/no/<animal>[;<animal>...] Boarding service is offered for listed animals; use yes only if you don't know which animals are accepted.
For more info on how to set <animal>, see Kinds of animals accepted.


Tagging Description Photo
name=Beauty's retirement
operator=Joe Green
A [W] boarding facility for horses with the name Beauty's retirement, operated by Joe Green Horse Boarding Alamo CA.jpg
A boarding facility for dogs and cats Poetzenboot (17383624840).jpg
A veterinary that offers boarding service for dogs and cats
A hotel that offers boarding service for customers' dogs

Related tags

See also