Wildlife sanctuaries of India

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Wildlife sanctuaries are established by IUCN category IV protected areas. India has 543 wildlife sanctuaries referred to as wildlife sanctuaries category IV protected areas.

Wildlife sanctuaries of India on Wikipedia


Sl No Name State Area Area on OSM Relation Wikidata Linked Remarks
1 Arial Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.05 0.06 way 671326176 (iD JOSM history)
2 Bamboo Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.05 0.06 way 671327144 (iD JOSM history)
3 Barren Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 8.1 8.1 way 671327826 (iD JOSM history)
4 Batti Malv Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 2.23 1.5 way 671329181 (iD JOSM history)
5 Belle Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.08 0.14 way 671331185 (iD JOSM history)
6 Benett Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 3.46 3.69 way 671334972 (iD JOSM history)
7 Bingham Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.08 0.06 way 671336735 (iD JOSM history)
8 Blister Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.26 0.3 way 671337192 (iD JOSM history)
9 Bluff Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1.14 0.2 way 671338949 (iD JOSM history)
10 Bondoville Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 2.55 0.7 way 671339560 (iD JOSM history)
11 Brush Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.23 0.02 way 671340280 (iD JOSM history)
12 Buchanan Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 9.33 3.7 way 671460527 (iD JOSM history)
13 Chanel Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.13 0.004 way 671464082 (iD JOSM history)
14 Cinque Islands WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 9.51 6.3 relation 9339361 (iD JOSM history analyse)
15 Clyde Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.54 0.63 way 22825673 (iD JOSM history)
16 Cone Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.65 0.77 way 218788159 (iD JOSM history)
17 Curlew (B.P.) Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.16 0.1 way 41292224 (iD JOSM history)
18 Curlew Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.03 0.0004 way 671472630 (iD JOSM history)
19 Cuthbert Bay WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 5.82 0.25 way 677817638 (iD JOSM history)
20 Defence Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 10.49 5 way 22825679 (iD JOSM history)
21 Dot Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.13 0.11 way 227814021 (iD JOSM history)
22 Dottrell Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.13 0.02 way 634535420 (iD JOSM history)
23 Duncan Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.73 0.18 way 637728672 (iD JOSM history)
24 East Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 6.11 3.1 way 671479516 (iD JOSM history)
25 East or Inglis Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 3.55 1.6 way 671488794 (iD JOSM history)
26 Egg Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.05 0.01 way 634535419 (iD JOSM history)
27 Elat Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 9.36 2.4 way 22825707 (iD JOSM history)
28 Entrance Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.96 1 way 380829692 (iD JOSM history)
29 Gander Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.05 0.04 way 633187714 (iD JOSM history)
30 Girjan Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.16 0.12 way 635154715 (iD JOSM history)
31 Galathea Bay WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 11.44 3.6 way 677822354 (iD JOSM history)
32 Goose Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.01 0.01 way 633187712 (iD JOSM history)
33 Hump Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.47 0.04 way 227814015 (iD JOSM history)
34 Interview Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 133.87 99 relation 9339807 (iD JOSM history analyse)
35 James Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 2.1 0.9 way 22825674 (iD JOSM history)
36 Jungle Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.52 0.04 way 380780143 (iD JOSM history)
37 Kwangtung Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.57 0.14 way 227814013 (iD JOSM history)
38 Kyd Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 8 5 way 22825675 (iD JOSM history)
39 Landfall Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 29.48 14 way 671540966 (iD JOSM history)
40 Latouche Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.96 0.08 way 227814014 (iD JOSM history)
41 Lohabarrack (Saltwater Crocodile) WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 22.21 18 way 677823470 (iD JOSM history)
42 Mangrove Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.39 0.1 way 160685847 (iD JOSM history)
43 Mask Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.78 0.4 way 637393831 (iD JOSM history)
44 Mayo Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.1 0.2 way 519075673 (iD JOSM history)
45 Megapode Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.12 0.09 way 637034133 (iD JOSM history)
46 Montogemery Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.21 0.23 way 640218730 (iD JOSM history)
47 Narcondam Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 6.81 7.5 way 22825734 (iD JOSM history)
48 North Brother Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.75 1 way 28235135 (iD JOSM history)
49 North Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.49 1.7 way 677829141 (iD JOSM history)
50 North Reef Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 3.48 3.7 way 671544252 (iD JOSM history)
51 Oliver Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.16 0.06 way 227814020 (iD JOSM history)
52 Orchid Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.1 0.05 way 227814016 (iD JOSM history)
53 Ox Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.13 0.1 way 227942584 (iD JOSM history)
54 Oyster Island-I WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.08 0.002 way 632734221 (iD JOSM history)
55 Oyster Island-II WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.21 0.07 way 218788155 (iD JOSM history)
56 Paget Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 7.36 4.6 way 22825732 (iD JOSM history)
57 Parkinson Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.34 0.26 way 637079076 (iD JOSM history)
58 Passage Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.62 0.4 way 22825651 (iD JOSM history)
59 Patric Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.13 0.1 way 230733751 (iD JOSM history)
60 Peacock Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.62 0.27 way 227941017 (iD JOSM history)
61 Pitman Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1.37 2.6 way 22825681 (iD JOSM history)
62 Point Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 3.07 0.7 way 22825728 (iD JOSM history)
63 Potanma Islands WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.16 0.04 way 671573594 (iD JOSM history)
64 Ranger Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 4.26 0.6 way 380829359 (iD JOSM history)
65 Reef Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1.74 0.9 way 163696991 (iD JOSM history)
66 Roper Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1.46 1.2 way 671575640 (iD JOSM history)
67 Ross Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1.01 0.3 way 671578292 (iD JOSM history)
68 Rowe Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.01 0.01 way 671578960 (iD JOSM history)
69 Sandy Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1.58 0.5 way 671580441 (iD JOSM history)
70 Sea Serpent Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.78 0.4 way 380829358 (iD JOSM history)
71 Shark Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.6 0.03 way 163696994 (iD JOSM history)
72 Shearme Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 7.85 0.15 way 671581597 (iD JOSM history)
73 Sir Hugh Rose Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1.06 0.6 way 524572590 (iD JOSM history)
74 Sisters Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.36 0.44 relation 9340726 (iD JOSM history analyse)
75 Snake Island II WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.73 0.7 relation 9340731 (iD JOSM history analyse)
76 Snake Island I WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.03 0.03 way 22825716 (iD JOSM history)
77 South Brother Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1.24 1.1 way 28234944 (iD JOSM history)
78 South Reef Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1.17 0.07 way 227942582 (iD JOSM history)
79 South Sentinel Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1.61 1 way 228933434 (iD JOSM history)
80 Spike Island-I WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.42 0.7 way 22825714 (iD JOSM history)
81 Spike Island-II WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 11.7 9.7 way 160685853 (iD JOSM history)
82 Stoat Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.44 0.16 way 160685848 (iD JOSM history)
83 Surat Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.31 0.24 way 227942583 (iD JOSM history)
84 Swamp Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 4.09 3.4 way 22825717 (iD JOSM history)
85 Table (Delgarno) Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 2.29 0.5 way 22825727 (iD JOSM history)
86 Table (Excelsior) Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1.69 0.4 way 22825731 (iD JOSM history)
87 Talabaicha Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 3.21 3 way 160685851 (iD JOSM history)
88 Temple Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1.04 0.07 way 179950337 (iD JOSM history)
89 Tillongchang Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 16.83 14.4 relation 9426233 (iD JOSM history analyse)
90 Tree Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.03 0.01 way 179950348 (iD JOSM history)
91 Trilby Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.96 0.5 way 22825730 (iD JOSM history)
92 Tuft Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.29 0.04 way 637393830 (iD JOSM history)
93 Turtle Islands WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.39 0.1 relation 9340852 (iD JOSM history analyse)
94 West Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 6.4 1.7 way 228934170 (iD JOSM history)
95 Wharf Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.11 0.03 way 227942580 (iD JOSM history)
96 White Cliff Island WLS Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0.47 0.13 way 227942587 (iD JOSM history)
97 Coringa WLS Andhra Pradesh 235.7 108 way 676777556 (iD JOSM history)
98 Gundla Brahmeswaram WLS Andhra Pradesh 1,194.00 1342 way 676783991 (iD JOSM history)
99 Kambalakonda WLS Andhra Pradesh 71.39 83 relation 9332867 (iD JOSM history analyse)
100 Koundinya WLS Andhra Pradesh 357.6 45 way 676787197 (iD JOSM history)
101 Kolleru WLS Andhra Pradesh 308.55 623 way 135417091 (iD JOSM history)
102 Krishna WLS Andhra Pradesh 194.81 425 way 676820694 (iD JOSM history)
103 Nagarjuna Sagar-Srisailam WLS Andhra Pradesh 3568.09* 1997 way 681825618 (iD JOSM history)
104 Nellapattu WLS Andhra Pradesh 4.59 3 way 671047498 (iD JOSM history)
105 Pulicat Lake WLS Andhra Pradesh 500 919 way 671020948 (iD JOSM history)
106 Rollapadu WLS Andhra Pradesh 6.14 7.6 way 671021672 (iD JOSM history)
107 Sri Lankamalleswara WLS Andhra Pradesh 464.42 487 way 671049172 (iD JOSM history)
108 Sri Penusila Narasimha WLS Andhra Pradesh 1,030.85 1082 way 671119721 (iD JOSM history)
109 Sri Venkateswara WLS *Combined area with Telangana Andhra Pradesh 475 611 way 677444510 (iD JOSM history)
110 Kinnersani WLS Telangana 635.41 600 way 670971985 (iD JOSM history)
111 Eturnagaram WLS Telangana 806.15 1344 way 670957979 (iD JOSM history)
112 Kawal WLS Telangana 892.23 694 way 670975581 (iD JOSM history)
113 Lanja Madugu Siwaram WLS Telangana 29.81 37 way 670977220 (iD JOSM history)
114 Manjeera Crocodile WLS Telangana 20 21 way 670962706 (iD JOSM history)
115 Nagarjuna Sagar-Srisailam WLS Telangana 3568.09* 2738 way 677142324 (iD JOSM history)
116 Pakhal WLS Telangana 860 856 way 670929257 (iD JOSM history)
117 Pocharam WLS Telangana 130 142 way 670968855 (iD JOSM history)
118 Pranahita WLS *Combined area with Andhra Pradesh Telangana 136.03 152 relation 9331660 (iD JOSM history analyse)
119 Barela Jheel Salim Ali Bird WLS Bihar 1.96 9 way 668838321 (iD JOSM history)
120 Bhimbandh WLS Bihar 681.99 630 way 668864873 (iD JOSM history)
121 Gautam Buddha WLS Bihar 138.34 149 way 668869624 (iD JOSM history)
122 Kanwarjheel WLS Bihar 63.11 35 way 155697612 (iD JOSM history)
123 Kaimur WLS Bihar 1504.96 1896 way 668769113 (iD JOSM history)
124 Kusheshwar Asthan Bird WLS Bihar 29.17 31 way 668873994 (iD JOSM history)
125 Nagi Dam WLS Bihar 1.92 2.7 way 668877723 (iD JOSM history)
126 Nakti Dam WLS Bihar 3.33 3.2 way 668879024 (iD JOSM history)
127 Pant (Rajgir) WLS Bihar 35.84 58 way 668763979 (iD JOSM history)
128 Udaipur WLS Bihar 8.87 8.5 way 668850029 (iD JOSM history)
129 Valmiki WLS Bihar 545.15 425 relation 2640060 (iD JOSM history analyse)
130 Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphin WLS Bihar 50 259 way 668848106 (iD JOSM history)
131 City Bird WLS Chandigarh 0.03 0.02 way 129553511 (iD JOSM history)
132 Sukhna Lake WLS Chandigarh 25.98 23 way 677724717 (iD JOSM history)
133 Achanakmar WLS Chhattisgarh 914.017 941 way 669648404 (iD JOSM history)
134 Badalkhol WLS Chhattisgarh 104.45 116 way 669633370 (iD JOSM history)
135 Barnawapara WLS Chhattisgarh 244.66 250 way 669570671 (iD JOSM history)
136 Bhairamgarh WLS Chhattisgarh 138.95 11 way 677729669 (iD JOSM history) corrections needed!
137 Bhoramdev WLS Chhattisgarh 351.24 356 way 669635138 (iD JOSM history)
138 Sarangarh-Gomardha WLS Chhattisgarh 277.82 281 way 669576115 (iD JOSM history)
139 Pamed Wild Buffalo WLS Chhattisgarh 262.12 452 way 669572140 (iD JOSM history)
140 Semarsot WLS Chhattisgarh 430.36 390 way 669578162 (iD JOSM history)
141 Sitanadi WLS Chhattisgarh 553.36 662 way 682114502 (iD JOSM history) part of Udanti-Sitanadi Tiger Reserve
142 Tamor Pingla WLS Chhattisgarh 608.53 737 way 669567139 (iD JOSM history)
143 Udanti WLS Chhattisgarh 237.27 369 way 682116661 (iD JOSM history) part of Udanti-Sitanadi Tiger Reserve
144 Dadra & Nagar Haveli WLS Dadra Nagar Haveli 92.16 11 way 677741385 (iD JOSM history)
145 Fudam WLS Daman and Diu 2.18 5.1 way 677743535 (iD JOSM history)
146 Bondla WLS Goa 7.95 19 way 670533144 (iD JOSM history)
147 Chorao Island (Dr.Salim Ali) WLS Goa 1.78 2.9 way 202271962 (iD JOSM history)
148 Cotigaon WLS Goa 85.65 101 way 670508146 (iD JOSM history)
149 Madei WLS Goa 208.48 268 way 670530252 (iD JOSM history)
150 Bhagwan Mahavir (Mollem) WLS Goa 133 132 way 677749000 (iD JOSM history)
151 Netravali WLS Goa 211.05 175 way 670520581 (iD JOSM history)
152 Abubshehar WLS Haryana 115.3 downgraded 2014 to a Community Reserve?
153 Bhindawas WLS Haryana 4.12 3.4 way 668508378 (iD JOSM history)
154 Bir Shikargarh WLS Haryana 7.67 8.6 way 668504384 (iD JOSM history)
155 Chhilchila WLS Haryana 0.29 0.3 way 668509004 (iD JOSM history)
156 Kalesar WLS Haryana 54.06 54 relation 9300145 (iD JOSM history analyse)
157 Khaparwas WLS Haryana 0.83 0.86 way 668505218 (iD JOSM history)
158 Morni Hills (Khol-Hi-Raitan) WLS Haryana 48.83 53 way 668498256 (iD JOSM history)
159 Nahar WLS Haryana 2.11 0.4 way 668500132 (iD JOSM history)
160 Balaram Ambaji WLS Gujarat 542.08 305 way 677299023 (iD JOSM history) denotified?
161 Barda WLS Gujarat 192.31 170 way 667545586 (iD JOSM history)
162 Gaga (Great Indian Bustard) WLS Gujarat 3.33 3.2 relation 9282949 (iD JOSM history analyse)
163 Gir WLS Gujarat 1,153.42 1417 relation 9403363 (iD JOSM history analyse)
164 Girnar WLS Gujarat 178.87 188 relation 9078468 (iD JOSM history analyse)
165 Hingolgadh Nature Reserve WLS Gujarat 6.54 5.9 way 667553730 (iD JOSM history)
166 Jambugodha WLS Gujarat 130.38 171 way 272087816 (iD JOSM history)
167 Jessore WLS Gujarat 180.66 171 relation 9308456 (iD JOSM history analyse)
168 Lala Great Indian Bustard WLS Gujarat 2.03 1.4 way 679583523 (iD JOSM history)
169 Kachchh Desert WLS Gujarat 7506.22 7448 way 669220103 (iD JOSM history)
170 Khijadiya WLS Gujarat 6.05 3.8 way 669203977 (iD JOSM history)
171 Marine (Gulf of Kachchh) WLS Gujarat 295.03 see Marine National Park, Gulf of Kutch
172 Mitiyala WLS Gujarat 18.22 21 way 677300987 (iD JOSM history)
173 Nal Sarovar Bird WLS Gujarat 120.82 119 relation 1583399 (iD JOSM history analyse)
174 Narayan Sarovar (Chinkara) WLS Gujarat 442.91 537 way 677307317 (iD JOSM history)
175 Paniya WLS Gujarat 39.63 93 way 681861246 (iD JOSM history)
176 Porbandar Lake WLS Gujarat 0.09 0.14 way 374269683 (iD JOSM history)
177 Purna WLS Gujarat 160.84 179 way 669197063 (iD JOSM history)
178 Rampara WLS Gujarat 15.01 16 way 669206480 (iD JOSM history)
179 Ratanmahal WLS Gujarat 55.65 51 way 669213621 (iD JOSM history)
180 Shoolpaneswar (Dhumkhal) WLS Gujarat 607.7 654 way 122070413 (iD JOSM history)
181 Thol Lake WLS Gujarat 6.99 5.8 relation 9283027 (iD JOSM history analyse)
182 Wild Ass WLS Gujarat 4953.71 3650 way 669217186 (iD JOSM history)
183 Bandli WLS Himachal Pradesh 32.11 26 way 667701970 (iD JOSM history)
184 Chail WLS Himachal Pradesh 16 18 way 667868257 (iD JOSM history)
185 Chandartal WLS Himachal Pradesh 38.56 33 way 668035697 (iD JOSM history)
186 Churdhar WLS Himachal Pradesh 66.70 57 way 668037698 (iD JOSM history)
187 Daranghati WLS Himachal Pradesh 171.5 182 way 667753809 (iD JOSM history)
188 Dhauladhar WLS Himachal Pradesh 982.86 913 relation 9458668 (iD JOSM history analyse)
189 Gamgul Siyabehi WLS Himachal Pradesh 108.4 104 relation 9290782 (iD JOSM history analyse)
190 Kais WLS Himachal Pradesh 12.61 16 way 667926108 (iD JOSM history)
191 Kalatop-Khajjiar WLS Himachal Pradesh 17.17 16 way 668020617 (iD JOSM history)
192 Kanawar WLS Himachal Pradesh 107.29 162 way 667930593 (iD JOSM history)
193 Khokhan WLS Himachal Pradesh 14.94 16 way 667904630 (iD JOSM history)
194 Kibber WLS Himachal Pradesh 1353.12 1049 relation 4144891 (iD JOSM history analyse)
195 Kugti WLS Himachal Pradesh 405.49 410 way 667934530 (iD JOSM history)
196 Lippa Asrang WLS Himachal Pradesh 31 9 way 667860495 (iD JOSM history)
197 Majathal WLS Himachal Pradesh 37.71 45 way 667870724 (iD JOSM history)
198 Manali WLS Himachal Pradesh 29 31 way 667906690 (iD JOSM history)
199 Nargu WLS Himachal Pradesh 132.37 195 way 667924651 (iD JOSM history)
200 Pong Dam Lake WLS Himachal Pradesh 207.59 251 relation 7255815 (iD JOSM history analyse)
201 Renuka WLS Himachal Pradesh 4 4 way 668065673 (iD JOSM history)
202 Rupi Bhaba WLS Himachal Pradesh 503 532 way 677753030 (iD JOSM history)
203 Sainj WLS Himachal Pradesh 90 126 way 162361280 (iD JOSM history)
204 Sangla Valley (Rakchham Chitkul) WLS Himachal Pradesh 304 319 way 668022081 (iD JOSM history)
205 Sech Tuan Nala WLS Himachal Pradesh 390.29 527 relation 9291077 (iD JOSM history analyse)
206 Shikari Devi WLS Himachal Pradesh 29.94 32 way 667918737 (iD JOSM history)
207 Shimla Water Catchment WLS Himachal Pradesh 10 10 way 667877344 (iD JOSM history)
208 Talra WLS Himachal Pradesh 46.48 50 way 668060359 (iD JOSM history)
209 Tirthan WLS Himachal Pradesh 61 70 way 162361281 (iD JOSM history)
210 Tundah WLS Himachal Pradesh 64 240 way 668024889 (iD JOSM history)
211 Baltal-Thajwas WLS Jammu and Kashmir 210.5 233 way 676588330 (iD JOSM history)
212 Changthang Cold Desert WLS Jammu and Kashmir 4,000.00 16971 relation 9393690 (iD JOSM history analyse)
213 Gulmarg WLS Jammu and Kashmir 180 51 way 677759364 (iD JOSM history)
214 Hirapora WLS Jammu and Kashmir 110 120 way 676597680 (iD JOSM history)
215 Hokersar WLS Jammu and Kashmir 13.75 14 way 92873553 (iD JOSM history)
216 Jasrota WLS Jammu and Kashmir 10.04 10 way 668495014 (iD JOSM history)
217 Karakoram (Nubra Shyok) WLS Jammu and Kashmir 5,000.00 16106 relation 9393386 (iD JOSM history analyse)
218 Lachipora WLS Jammu and Kashmir 80 100 way 676562810 (iD JOSM history)
219 Limber WLS Jammu and Kashmir 26 26 way 676600422 (iD JOSM history)
220 Nandni WLS Jammu and Kashmir 33.34 25 way 668472257 (iD JOSM history)
221 Overa Aru WLS Jammu and Kashmir 425 296 way 676591830 (iD JOSM history)
222 Rajparian (Daksum) WLS Jammu and Kashmir 20 40 way 676580959 (iD JOSM history)
223 Ramnagar Rakha WLS Jammu and Kashmir 12.75 14 way 668415720 (iD JOSM history)
224 Surinsar Mansar WLS Jammu and Kashmir 55.5 50 way 668486755 (iD JOSM history)
225 Trikuta WLS Jammu and Kashmir 31.77 30 way 676577119 (iD JOSM history)
226 Dalma WLS Jharkhand 193.22 140 relation 6325783 (iD JOSM history analyse)
227 Gautam Buddha WLS Jharkhand 121.14 279 way 667689530 (iD JOSM history)
228 Hazaribagh WLS Jharkhand 186.25 126 way 155440967 (iD JOSM history)
229 Koderma WLS Jharkhand 177.35 157 way 669561156 (iD JOSM history)
230 Lawalong WLS Jharkhand 211.03 41 way 677840992 (iD JOSM history)
231 Mahauadanr WLS Jharkhand 63.25 80 relation 9285173 (iD JOSM history analyse)
232 Palamau WLS Jharkhand 752.94 972 way 667675149 (iD JOSM history)
233 Palkot WLS Jharkhand 182.83 405 way 669556021 (iD JOSM history)
234 Parasnath WLS Jharkhand 49.33 55 way 669556792 (iD JOSM history)
235 Topchanchi WLS Jharkhand 12.82 20 way 669557559 (iD JOSM history)
236 Udhwa Lake WLS Jharkhand 5.65 8 relation 9285351 (iD JOSM history analyse)
237 Adichunchunagiri WLS Karnataka 0.84 0.9 relation 9330938 (iD JOSM history analyse)
238 Arabithittu WLS Karnataka 13.5 14 way 670561818 (iD JOSM history)
239 Attiveri Bird WLS Karnataka 2.22 1.4 way 670637936 (iD JOSM history)
240 Bhadra WLS Karnataka 454.19 463 relation 9329791 (iD JOSM history analyse)
241 Bhimgad WLS Karnataka 190.42 423 way 683853202 (iD JOSM history)
242 Biligiri Rangaswamy Temple (B.R.T.) WLS Karnataka 539.52 552 way 378131783 (iD JOSM history)
243 Brahmagiri WLS Karnataka 181.29 188 way 670556892 (iD JOSM history)
244 Cauvery WLS Karnataka 1027.53 1101 relation 9329112 (iD JOSM history analyse)
245 Chincholi WLS Karnataka 134.88 130 way 670872941 (iD JOSM history)
246 Dandeli WLS Karnataka 886.41 916 way 452258575 (iD JOSM history)
247 Daroji Bear WLS Karnataka 82.72 87 relation 9326322 (iD JOSM history analyse)
248 Ghataprabha Bird WLS Karnataka 29.79 11 way 670638962 (iD JOSM history)
249 Gudavi Bird WLS Karnataka 0.73 0.8 way 670658178 (iD JOSM history)
250 Gudekote Sloth Bear WLS Karnataka 38.48 47 relation 9330957 (iD JOSM history analyse)
251 Malai Mahadeshwara WLS Karnataka 906.19 811 relation 9329557 (iD JOSM history analyse)
252 Melkote Temple WLS Karnataka 49.82 49 relation 9329621 (iD JOSM history analyse)
253 Mookambika WLS Karnataka 556.49 556 way 670548929 (iD JOSM history)
254 Nugu WLS Karnataka 30.32 32 way 670875611 (iD JOSM history)
255 Pushpagiri WLS Karnataka 115.64 119 way 670660832 (iD JOSM history)
256 Ranebennur Black Buck WLS Karnataka 119 101 relation 9446246 (iD JOSM history analyse)
257 Ranganathittu Bird WLS Karnataka 0.67 2 relation 9329660 (iD JOSM history analyse)
258 Ramadevara Betta Vulture WLS Karnataka 3.46 1.8 way 670763955 (iD JOSM history)
259 Rangayyanadurga Four-horned antelope WLS Karnataka 77.24 74 relation 9447282 (iD JOSM history analyse)
260 Sharavathi Valley WLS Karnataka 446.38 458 way 670641254 (iD JOSM history)
261 Shettihalli WLS Karnataka 395.6 354 way 169478282 (iD JOSM history)
262 Someshwara WLS Karnataka 365.03 386 relation 9328427 (iD JOSM history analyse)
263 Talakaveri WLS Karnataka 105.59 117 way 670758009 (iD JOSM history)
264 Jogimatti WLS Karnataka 100.48 37 way 449304302 (iD JOSM history)
265 Thimlapura WLS Karnataka 50.86 65 relation 5411360 (iD JOSM history analyse)
266 Yadahalli Chinkara WLS Karnataka 96.36 99 way 106326449 (iD JOSM history)
267 Aralam WLS Kerala 55 51 way 677209471 (iD JOSM history)
268 Chimmony WLS Kerala 85 81 way 677230462 (iD JOSM history)
269 Chinnar WLS Kerala 90.44 89 way 677240710 (iD JOSM history)
270 Chulannur Peafowl WLS Kerala 3.42 4.3 way 677290520 (iD JOSM history)
271 Idukki WLS Kerala 105.364 143 way 677237188 (iD JOSM history)
272 Kottiyoor WLS Kerala 30.38 35 way 677210306 (iD JOSM history)
273 Kurinjimala WLS Kerala 32 9 way 683443562 (iD JOSM history)
274 Malabar WLS Kerala 74.215 52 way 677907120 (iD JOSM history)
275 Mangalavanam Bird WLS Kerala 0.0274 0.14 way 477153142 (iD JOSM history)
276 Neyyar WLS Kerala 128 103 relation 9469924 (iD JOSM history analyse)
277 Parambikulam WLS Kerala 285 296 way 677274003 (iD JOSM history)
278 Peechi-Vazhani WLS Kerala 125 149 way 677228511 (iD JOSM history)
279 Peppara WLS Kerala 53 93 way 677270965 (iD JOSM history)
280 Periyar WLS Kerala 427 582 way 51830755 (iD JOSM history)
281 Shendurney WLS Kerala 172.403 193 way 677291993 (iD JOSM history)
282 Thattekad Bird WLS Kerala 25 14 way 677289011 (iD JOSM history)
283 Wayanad WLS Kerala 344.44 368 relation 9399178 (iD JOSM history analyse)
284 Pitti WLS (Bird) Lakshadweep 0.01 0.02 way 677910591 (iD JOSM history)
285 Bagdara WLS Madhya Pradesh 478 475 way 669367044 (iD JOSM history)
286 Bori WLS Madhya Pradesh 485.72 653 way 669356832 (iD JOSM history)
287 Gandhi Sagar WLS Madhya Pradesh 368.62 414 relation 9309950 (iD JOSM history analyse)
288 Ghatigaon WLS Madhya Pradesh 511 495 way 669282350 (iD JOSM history)
289 Karera WLS Madhya Pradesh 202.21 269 way 669490136 (iD JOSM history)
290 Ken Gharial WLS Madhya Pradesh 45.2 41 way 669401054 (iD JOSM history)
291 Kheoni WLS Madhya Pradesh 134.778 141 way 669511663 (iD JOSM history)
292 Narsighgarh WLS Madhya Pradesh 57.19 52 way 669504729 (iD JOSM history)
293 National Chambal WLS Madhya Pradesh 435 126 way 676891427 (iD JOSM history)
294 Noradehi WLS Madhya Pradesh 1,194.67 1360 way 669495393 (iD JOSM history)
295 Orcha WLS Madhya Pradesh 45.36 38 way 680764132 (iD JOSM history)
296 Pachmarhi WLS Madhya Pradesh 417.78 375 way 669356833 (iD JOSM history)
297 Kuno WLS Madhya Pradesh 344.68 395 way 669514549 (iD JOSM history)
298 Panna (Gangau) WLS Madhya Pradesh 68.14 40 way 677915138 (iD JOSM history)
299 Panpatha WLS Madhya Pradesh 245.84 174 way 677918171 (iD JOSM history)
300 Pench WLS Madhya Pradesh 118.47 139 way 669517798 (iD JOSM history)
301 Phen WLS Madhya Pradesh 110.74 114 way 669518916 (iD JOSM history)
302 Ralamandal WLS Madhya Pradesh 2.34 1.2 way 677919318 (iD JOSM history)
303 Ratapani WLS Madhya Pradesh 823.84 1061 way 669498418 (iD JOSM history)
304 Sailana WLS Madhya Pradesh 12.96 10 relation 9310818 (iD JOSM history analyse)
305 Sanjay Dubri WLS Madhya Pradesh 364.59 293 relation 9312342 (iD JOSM history analyse)
306 Sardarpur WLS Madhya Pradesh 348.12 130 way 677932817 (iD JOSM history)
307 Singhori WLS Madhya Pradesh 287.91 248 way 669498419 (iD JOSM history)
308 Son Gharial WLS Madhya Pradesh 41.8 111 way 669274355 (iD JOSM history)
309 Veerangna Durgawati WLS Madhya Pradesh 23.97 44 way 669501998 (iD JOSM history)
310 Amba Barwa WLS Maharashtra 127.11 142 way 677938771 (iD JOSM history)
311 Andhari WLS Maharashtra 509.27 see Tadoba NP
312 Aner Dam WLS Maharashtra 82.94 83 way 670226541 (iD JOSM history)
313 Bhamragarh WLS Maharashtra 104.38 172 way 670217758 (iD JOSM history)
314 Bhimashankar WLS Maharashtra 130.78 308 way 677975134 (iD JOSM history)
315 Bor WLS Maharashtra 61.1 59 relation 9473168 (iD JOSM history analyse)
316 Chaprala WLS Maharashtra 134.78 117 way 677983456 (iD JOSM history)
317 Deolgaon-Rehkuri WLS Maharashtra 2.17 1.5 way 279040083 (iD JOSM history)
318 Dhyanganga WLS Maharashtra 203.21 210 way 670265309 (iD JOSM history)
319 Gautala- Autramghat WLS Maharashtra 260.61 216 way 670066259 (iD JOSM history)
320 Great Indian Bustard WLS Maharashtra 1222 8 way 474162403 (iD JOSM history)
321 Jaikwadi WLS Maharashtra 341.05 410 way 670302748 (iD JOSM history)
322 Kalsubai Harishchandragad WLS Maharashtra 361.71 334 way 670296587 (iD JOSM history)
323 Karnala WLS Maharashtra 12.10 18 way 670172575 (iD JOSM history)
324 Karanja Sohal Blackbuck WLS Maharashtra 18.32 5 way 677993168 (iD JOSM history)
325 Katepurna WLS Maharashtra 73.63 44 way 677997503 (iD JOSM history)
326 Koyana WLS Maharashtra 423.55 512 way 279396125 (iD JOSM history)
327 Lonar WLS Maharashtra 3.83 4.9 way 680952419 (iD JOSM history)
328 Malvan Marine WLS Maharashtra 29.122 0.9 way 678002187 (iD JOSM history)
329 Mansingdeo WLS Maharashtra 182.59 223 relation 9323881 (iD JOSM history analyse)
330 Mayureswar Supe WLS Maharashtra 5.15 10 relation 8236186 (iD JOSM history analyse)
331 Melghat WLS Maharashtra 778.75 1097 way 678195199 (iD JOSM history)
332 Nagzira WLS Maharashtra 152.81 229 way 670043200 (iD JOSM history)
333 Naigaon Mayur WLS Maharashtra 28.89 2.8 way 681702589 (iD JOSM history)
334 Nandur Madhameshwar WLS Maharashtra 100.12 109 way 682827513 (iD JOSM history)
335 Narnala WLS Maharashtra 12.35 20 way 678152666 (iD JOSM history)
336 Nawegaon WLS Maharashtra 122.76 132 way 670046834 (iD JOSM history)
337 New Bor WLS Maharashtra 77.02 109 relation 9473167 (iD JOSM history analyse)
338 New Nagzira WLS Maharashtra 151.33 184 way 670041024 (iD JOSM history)
339 Painganga WLS Maharashtra 324.62 452 way 670061599 (iD JOSM history)
340 Phansad WLS Maharashtra 69.79 82 way 670197606 (iD JOSM history)
341 Radhanagari WLS Maharashtra 351.16 412 way 678083291 (iD JOSM history)
342 Sagareshwar WLS Maharashtra 10.87 10 way 265054632 (iD JOSM history)
343 Tansa WLS Maharashtra 304.81 245 relation 3963830 (iD JOSM history analyse)
344 Thane Creek Flamingo WLS Maharashtra 16.9 11 way 678227132 (iD JOSM history)
345 Tipeshwar WLS Maharashtra 147.58 139 way 169119704 (iD JOSM history)
346 Tungareshwar WLS Maharashtra 85 87 way 679595395 (iD JOSM history)
347 Yawal WLS Maharashtra 177.52 206 way 679320215 (iD JOSM history)
348 Yedsi Ramling Ghat WLS Maharashtra 22.38 24 relation 9447890 (iD JOSM history analyse)
349 Umred-Kharngla WLS Maharashtra 189.3 178 way 321130160 (iD JOSM history)
350 Wan WLS Maharashtra 211 252 way 678152637 (iD JOSM history)
351 Gangewadi New Great Indian Bustard WLS Maharashtra 1.98 2.4 way 670176089 (iD JOSM history)
352 Badrama WLS Orissa 304.63 484 way 669809270 (iD JOSM history)
353 Baisipalli WLS Orissa 168.35 188 way 678254275 (iD JOSM history)
354 Balukhand Konark WLS Orissa 87 86 way 669780824 (iD JOSM history)
355 Bhitarkanika WLS Orissa 525 170 way 669656035 (iD JOSM history)
356 Chandaka Dampara WLS Orissa 194.98 174 way 669747799 (iD JOSM history)
357 Chilika (Nalaban) WLS Orissa 6.72 6.3 way 86140211 (iD JOSM history)
358 Debrigarh WLS Orissa 353.81 322 way 669786486 (iD JOSM history)
359 Gahirmatha (Marine) WLS Orissa 1,435.00 1571 way 669652446 (iD JOSM history)
360 Hadgarh WLS Orissa 191.06 125 way 669819759 (iD JOSM history)
361 Karlapat WLS Orissa 147.66 63 way 678260731 (iD JOSM history)
362 Khalasuni WLS Orissa 116 134 way 669809285 (iD JOSM history)
363 Kothagarh WLS Orissa 399.5 432 way 669774961 (iD JOSM history)
364 Kuldiha WLS Orissa 272.75 251 way 669795314 (iD JOSM history)
365 Sunabeda WLS Orissa 500 664 way 669785084 (iD JOSM history)
366 Lakhari Valley WLS Orissa 185.87 35 way 678265489 (iD JOSM history)
367 Nandankanan WLS Orissa 4.37 4 way 90617098 (iD JOSM history)
368 Satkosia Gorge WLS Orissa 745.52 739 way 678253328 (iD JOSM history)
369 Similipal-Hadagarh WLS Orissa 2305 2362 way 71890925 (iD JOSM history)
370 Kapilash WLS Orissa 125.5 234 way 669764918 (iD JOSM history)
371 Abohar WLS Punjab 186.5 158 way 669084478 (iD JOSM history)
372 Bir Aishvan WLS Punjab 2.64 2.6 way 202540707 (iD JOSM history)
373 Bir Bhadson WLS Punjab 10.23 11 way 669103475 (iD JOSM history)
374 Bir Bhunerheri WLS Punjab 6.62 6 way 636554073 (iD JOSM history)
375 Bir Dosanjh WLS Punjab 5.18 4.8 relation 9306940 (iD JOSM history analyse)
376 Bir Gurdialpura WLS Punjab 6.2 6 way 669089790 (iD JOSM history)
377 Bir Mehaswala WLS Punjab 1.23 1.24 way 125023407 (iD JOSM history)
378 Bir Motibagh WLS Punjab 6.54 7 way 43745290 (iD JOSM history)
379 Harike Lake WLS Punjab 86 57 way 132558295 (iD JOSM history)
380 Jhajjar Bacholi WLS Punjab 1.16 1.3 way 669088005 (iD JOSM history)
381 Kathlaur Kushlian WLS Punjab 7.58 7.7 relation 9307207 (iD JOSM history analyse)
382 Takhni-Rehampur WLS Punjab 3.82 4.1 way 669101943 (iD JOSM history)
383 Nangal WLS Punjab 2.9 2.4 way 669107628 (iD JOSM history)
384 Oussudu WLS Pondicherry 3.9 2.3 way 678501533 (iD JOSM history)
385 Bandh Baratha WLS Rajasthan 204.16 207 relation 9435774 (iD JOSM history analyse)
386 Bassi WLS Rajasthan 138.69 114 way 666529511 (iD JOSM history)
387 Bhainsrodgarh WLS Rajasthan 201.40 198 way 666625141 (iD JOSM history)
388 Darrah WLS Rajasthan 80.75 118 way 667103921 (iD JOSM history) part of Mukundra Hills NP
389 Jaisamand WLS Rajasthan 52 68 way 667108199 (iD JOSM history)
390 Jamwa Ramgarh WLS Rajasthan 300 231 way 667114188 (iD JOSM history)
391 Jawahar Sagar WLS Rajasthan 153.41 95 way 676873553 (iD JOSM history) part of Mukundra Hills NP
392 Kailadevi WLS Rajasthan 676.38 810 way 676908368 (iD JOSM history)
393 Kesarbagh WLS Rajasthan 14.76 4.3 way 667257192 (iD JOSM history)
394 Kumbhalgarh WLS Rajasthan 608.58 698 way 666956858 (iD JOSM history)
395 Mount Abu WLS Rajasthan 326.09 347 way 122077942 (iD JOSM history)
396 Nahargarh WLS Rajasthan 50 39 way 667244115 (iD JOSM history)
397 National Chambal WLS Rajasthan 274.75 468 relation 9397372 (iD JOSM history analyse)
398 Phulwari Ki Nal WLS Rajasthan 692.68 725 way 566643547 (iD JOSM history)
399 Ramgarh Vishdhari WLS Rajasthan 252.79 206 relation 9399789 (iD JOSM history analyse)
400 Ramsagar WLS Rajasthan 34.4 73 way 677119465 (iD JOSM history)
401 Sajjangarh WLS Rajasthan 5.19 6 way 667026975 (iD JOSM history)
402 Sariska WLS Rajasthan 219 = Sariska NP
403 Sawaimadhopur WLS Rajasthan 131.3 part of Ranthambhore NP
404 Sawai Man Singh WLS Rajasthan 103.25 51 way 682779631 (iD JOSM history)
405 Shergarh WLS Rajasthan 81.67 96 way 666633877 (iD JOSM history)
406 Sitamata WLS Rajasthan 422.94 447 way 667134094 (iD JOSM history)
407 Tal Chhapper WLS Rajasthan 7.19 6 way 676869881 (iD JOSM history)
408 Todgarh Raoli WLS Rajasthan 475.23 426 way 317887080 (iD JOSM history)
409 Van Vihar WLS Rajasthan 25.6 27 way 666526440 (iD JOSM history)
410 Cauvery North WLS TamilNadu 504.33 1208 relation 9420649 (iD JOSM history analyse) extended 2017 till Kaveri River?
411 Chitrangudi Bird WLS TamilNadu 0.48 0.5 way 671122257 (iD JOSM history)
412 Gangaikondam Spotted Dear WLS TamilNadu 2.88 2.8 way 671268852 (iD JOSM history)
413 Indira Gandhi (Annamalai) WLS TamilNadu 841.49 881 relation 5573626 (iD JOSM history analyse)
414 Kalakad WLS TamilNadu 223.58 320 way 682110187 (iD JOSM history)
415 Kanjirankulam Bird WLS TamilNadu 1.04 1 way 671207570 (iD JOSM history)
416 Kanyakumari WLS TamilNadu 402.395 448 relation 9336178 (iD JOSM history analyse)
417 Karaivetti Bird WLS TamilNadu 4.54 4 way 671123410 (iD JOSM history)
418 Karikili WLS TamilNadu 0.61 0.2 way 678503274 (iD JOSM history)
419 Kodaikanal WLS TamilNadu 608.95 1022 relation 9336901 (iD JOSM history analyse)
420 Koonthankulam-Kadankulam WLS TamilNadu 1.29 1.3 relation 9334908 (iD JOSM history analyse)
421 Melaselvanoor-Keelaselvanoor WLS TamilNadu 5.93 5.4 way 671213413 (iD JOSM history)
422 Mudumalai WLS TamilNadu 217.76 see NP
423 Mundanthurai WLS TamilNadu 567.38 537 way 682111266 (iD JOSM history)
424 Nellai WLS TamilNadu 356.73 339 way 671290634 (iD JOSM history)
425 Oussudu Lake Bird Sanctuary TamilNadu 3.32 4.3 way 681857177 (iD JOSM history)
426 Point Calimere WLS TamilNadu 17.26 21 way 671269863 (iD JOSM history)
427 Pulicat Lake WLS TamilNadu 153.67 63 way 678646971 (iD JOSM history)
428 Satyamangalam WS TamilNadu 1411.61 789 relation 4192204 (iD JOSM history analyse)
429 Srivilliputhur Grizzled Squirrel WLS TamilNadu 485.2 415 way 671205635 (iD JOSM history)
430 Udayamarthandapuram Lake WLS TamilNadu 0.45 0.44 way 671199074 (iD JOSM history)
431 Vaduvoor WLS TamilNadu 1.28 0.6 way 165070558 (iD JOSM history)
432 Vedanthangal WLS TamilNadu 0.3 0.3 way 279532243 (iD JOSM history)
433 Vellanadu Blackbuck WLS TamilNadu 16.41 14 way 671212129 (iD JOSM history)
434 Vellode WLS TamilNadu 0.77 0.7 way 164734503 (iD JOSM history)
435 Vettangudi WLS TamilNadu 0.38 0.3 relation 9335094 (iD JOSM history analyse)
436 Megamalai WLS TamilNadu 269.11 368 relation 4808018 (iD JOSM history analyse)
437 Theerthangal WLS TamilNadu 0.29 0.5 way 671201903 (iD JOSM history)
438 Sakkarakottai WLS TamilNadu 2.3 2.6 way 671203113 (iD JOSM history)
439 Bakhira WLS Uttar Pradesh 28.94 31 relation 1765046 (iD JOSM history analyse)
440 Chandraprabha WLS Uttar Pradesh 78 101 way 668730043 (iD JOSM history)
441 Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Bird WLS Uttar Pradesh 4.27 8.6 way 678653439 (iD JOSM history)
442 Hastinapur WLS Uttar Pradesh 2,073.00 2076 way 668611261 (iD JOSM history)
443 Kaimur WLS Uttar Pradesh 500.73 505 way 668643371 (iD JOSM history)
444 Katerniaghat WLS Uttar Pradesh 400.09 329 way 79479822 (iD JOSM history)
445 Kishanpur WLS Uttar Pradesh 227 381 relation 9039844 (iD JOSM history analyse)
446 Lakh Bahosi Bird WLS Uttar Pradesh 80.24 57 way 668653514 (iD JOSM history)
447 Mahavir Swami WLS Uttar Pradesh 5.41 5 way 676622737 (iD JOSM history)
448 National Chambal WLS Uttar Pradesh 635 423 relation 9439661 (iD JOSM history analyse)
449 Nawabganj WLS Uttar Pradesh 2.25 1.4 relation 8452444 (iD JOSM history analyse)
450 Okhala Bird WLS Uttar Pradesh 4 4 way 28208892 (iD JOSM history)
451 Parvati Aranga WLS Uttar Pradesh 10.84 6 relation 9302381 (iD JOSM history analyse)
452 Patna WLS Uttar Pradesh 1.09 0.4 way 668735342 (iD JOSM history)
453 Ranipur WLS Uttar Pradesh 230.31 213 relation 9301969 (iD JOSM history analyse)
454 Saman Bird WLS Uttar Pradesh 5.26 2.8 way 668669680 (iD JOSM history)
455 Samaspur Bird WLS Uttar Pradesh 7.99 6.5 way 668659818 (iD JOSM history)
456 Sandi Bird WLS Uttar Pradesh 3.09 2.3 way 668654892 (iD JOSM history)
457 Sohagibarwa WLS Uttar Pradesh 428.2 244 relation 1765042 (iD JOSM history analyse)
458 Sohelwa WLS Uttar Pradesh 452.47 619 relation 9302654 (iD JOSM history analyse)
459 Soor Sarovar Bird WLS Uttar Pradesh 4.03 7 way 668738801 (iD JOSM history)
460 Jai Prakash Narayan (Surhatal) Bird WLS Uttar Pradesh 34.32 30 way 668732919 (iD JOSM history)
461 Turtle WLS Uttar Pradesh 7 3 relation 6594441 (iD JOSM history analyse) denotified??
462 Vijai Sagar WLS Uttar Pradesh 2.62 2 way 668737483 (iD JOSM history)
463 Pilibhit WLS Uttar Pradesh 602.8 454 way 78341507 (iD JOSM history)
464 Askot Musk Deer WLS Uttarakhand 599.93 701 relation 9424049 (iD JOSM history analyse)
465 Nandhaur WLS Uttarakhand 269.96 256 way 668309964 (iD JOSM history)
466 Binsar WLS Uttarakhand 47.07 52 relation 9298034 (iD JOSM history analyse)
467 Govind Pashu Vihar WLS Uttarakhand 485.89 767 relation 9424123 (iD JOSM history analyse)
468 Kedarnath WLS Uttarakhand 975.2 996 relation 3014915 (iD JOSM history analyse)
469 Mussoorie WLS Uttarakhand 10.82 9 way 681258821 (iD JOSM history)
470 Sonanadi WLS Uttarakhand 301.18 306 way 678758041 (iD JOSM history)
471 Ballavpur WLS West Bengal 2.02 2.2 way 678820920 (iD JOSM history)
472 Bethuadahari WLS West Bengal 0.67 1.3 way 166463352 (iD JOSM history)
473 Bibhuti Bhusan WLS West Bengal 0.64 0.9 way 668973534 (iD JOSM history)
474 Buxa WLS West Bengal 267.92 244 relation 9462744 (iD JOSM history analyse)
475 Chapramari WLS West Bengal 9.6 7.5 way 668960167 (iD JOSM history)
476 Chintamani Kar Bird WLS West Bengal 0.07 0.07 way 598388269 (iD JOSM history)
477 Haliday Island WLS West Bengal 5.95 0.6 way 22825808 (iD JOSM history)
478 Jorepokhri Salamander WLS West Bengal 0.04 0.01 way 678830535 (iD JOSM history)
479 Lothian Island WLS West Bengal 38 35 way 22825809 (iD JOSM history)
480 Mahananda WLS West Bengal 158.04 166 way 678834890 (iD JOSM history)
481 Raiganj WLS West Bengal 1.3 1.3 way 678844487 (iD JOSM history)
482 Ramnabagan WLS West Bengal 0.14 0.16 way 488724501 (iD JOSM history)
483 Sajnakhali WLS West Bengal 362.4 352 way 678847321 (iD JOSM history)
484 Senchal WLS West Bengal 38.88 21 way 678848509 (iD JOSM history)
485 West Sunderban WLS West Bengal 556.45 347 way 678835645 (iD JOSM history)
486 Asola Bhati (Indira Priyadarshini) WLS Delhi 32.71 32 relation 1943211 (iD JOSM history analyse)
487 D’Ering Memorial (Lali) WLS Arunachal Pradesh 190 189 way 668132126 (iD JOSM history)
488 Dibang WLS Arunachal Pradesh 4,149.00 4651 way 677454900 (iD JOSM history)
489 Eagle Nest WLS Arunachal Pradesh 217 218 way 668303776 (iD JOSM history)
490 Itanagar WLS Arunachal Pradesh 140.3 137 way 677458098 (iD JOSM history)
491 Kamlang WLS Arunachal Pradesh 783 786 way 668135085 (iD JOSM history)
492 Kane WLS Arunachal Pradesh 31 32 way 668124975 (iD JOSM history)
493 Mehao WLS Arunachal Pradesh 281.5 280 way 668203208 (iD JOSM history)
494 Pakke/Pakhui WLS Arunachal Pradesh 861.95 822 way 677462582 (iD JOSM history)
495 Sessa Orchid WLS Arunachal Pradesh 100 65 way 677464198 (iD JOSM history)
496 Tale Valley WLS Arunachal Pradesh 337 239 way 668128310 (iD JOSM history)
497 Yordi-Rabe Supse WLS Arunachal Pradesh 397 386 way 668295753 (iD JOSM history)
498 Amchang WLS Assam 78.64 70 relation 9447819 (iD JOSM history analyse)
499 Barail WLS Assam 326.25 352 relation 9300496 (iD JOSM history analyse)
500 Barnadi WLS Assam 26.22 24 way 677150647 (iD JOSM history)
501 Bherjan-Borajan-Padumoni WLS Assam 7.22 7.3 relation 9400189 (iD JOSM history analyse)
502 Burachapori WLS Assam 44.06 28 way 178119226 (iD JOSM history)
503 Chakrashila WLS Assam 45.56 41 way 349543531 (iD JOSM history)
504 Deepor Beel WLS Assam 4.14 12 way 677514328 (iD JOSM history)
505 Dihing Patkai WLS Assam 111.19 224 way 121006318 (iD JOSM history)
506 East Karbi Anglong WLS Assam 221.81 107 way 677493281 (iD JOSM history)
507 Garampani WLS Assam 6.05 0.8 way 677509353 (iD JOSM history)
508 Hollongapar Gibbon WLS Assam 20.98 17 way 224005074 (iD JOSM history)
509 Lawkhowa WLS Assam 70.14 50 way 668518794 (iD JOSM history)
510 Marat Longri WLS Assam 451 303 way 677489261 (iD JOSM history)
511 Nambor WLS Assam 37 17 way 677509352 (iD JOSM history)
512 Nambor-Doigrung WLS Assam 97.15 49 relation 9405340 (iD JOSM history analyse)
513 Pabitora WLS Assam 38.81 26 way 324170961 (iD JOSM history)
514 Pani-Dihing Bird WLS Assam 33.93 46 way 677511689 (iD JOSM history)
515 Sonai Rupai WLS Assam 220 202 way 668979382 (iD JOSM history)
516 Dampa WLS Mizoram 500 385 way 680067509 (iD JOSM history)
517 Khawnglung WLS Mizoram 35 33 way 662988357 (iD JOSM history)
518 Lengteng WLS Mizoram 60 73 way 662960902 (iD JOSM history)
519 Ngengpui WLS Mizoram 110 53 way 663556258 (iD JOSM history)
520 Pualreng WLS Mizoram 50 52 way 663161490 (iD JOSM history)
521 Tawi WLS Mizoram 35.75 35 way 663102859 (iD JOSM history)
522 Thorangtlang WLS Mizoram 50 181 way 663287136 (iD JOSM history)
523 Tokalo WLS Mizoram 250 67 relation 9262659 (iD JOSM history analyse)
524 Khongjaingamba Ching WLS Manipur 0.412 denotified?
525 Yangoupokpi-Lokchao WLS Manipur 184.4 166 way 667267599 (iD JOSM history)
526 Barsey Rhododendron WLS Sikkim 104 131 relation 9284290 (iD JOSM history analyse)
527 Fambong Lho WLS Sikkim 51.76 56 way 667650446 (iD JOSM history)
528 Kitam Bird WLS Sikkim 6 3 way 668999183 (iD JOSM history)
529 Kyongnosla Alpine WLS Sikkim 31 34 way 668983924 (iD JOSM history)
530 Maenam WLS Sikkim 35.34 47 way 668995728 (iD JOSM history)
531 Pangolakha WLS Sikkim 128 121 way 668991812 (iD JOSM history)
532 Shingba Rhododendron WLS Sikkim 43 38 way 668997428 (iD JOSM history)
533 Fakim WLS Nagaland 6.4 34 way 678240790 (iD JOSM history)
534 Puliebadze WLS Nagaland 9.23 49 way 678242452 (iD JOSM history)
535 Rangapahar WLS Nagaland 4.7 2 way 666520643 (iD JOSM history)
536 Baghmara Pitcher Plant WLS Meghalaya 0.02 0.04 way 683044032 (iD JOSM history)
537 Nongkhyllem WLS Meghalaya 29 37 way 666517430 (iD JOSM history)
538 Siju WLS Meghalaya 5.18 3.1 way 681249241 (iD JOSM history)
539 Narpuh WLS Meghalaya 59.9 76 way 666514702 (iD JOSM history)
540 Gumti WLS Tripura 389.54 495 relation 9264786 (iD JOSM history analyse)
541 Rowa WLS Tripura 0.86 0.7 way 666444919 (iD JOSM history)
542 Sepahijala WLS Tripura 13.45 10 way 666511138 (iD JOSM history)
543 Trishna WLS Tripura 194.708 33 way 666506794 (iD JOSM history)
544 Koka WLS Maharashtra 100.1 111 way 670036755 (iD JOSM history)
545 Tamhini WLS Maharashtra 49.62 48 relation 9323916 (iD JOSM history analyse)
546 North Karbi Anglong WLS Assam 96.0 196 way 677495329 (iD JOSM history)
547 Bunning WLS Manipur 115.8 107 way 680968881 (iD JOSM history)
548 Kailam WLS Manipur 187.50 221 way 681045339 (iD JOSM history)
549 Zeilad WLS Manipur 21.00 27 way 681093097 (iD JOSM history)
550 Jiri-Makru WLS Manipur 198.00 176 way 681474779 (iD JOSM history)

note : OSM area is calculated with WSG84 (EPSG:4326)