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/* <source lang="css"> */
/* CSS placed here will be applied to all skins */

/* Default style for navigation boxes */
.navbox {                     /* Navbox container style */
	box-sizing: border-box;
	border: 1px solid #a2a9b1;
	width: 100%;
	clear: both;
	font-size: 88%;
	text-align: center;
	padding: 1px;
	margin: 1em auto 0;       /* Prevent preceding content from clinging to navboxes */
.navbox .navbox {
	margin-top: 0;            /* No top margin for nested navboxes */
.navbox + .navbox {
	margin-top: -1px;         /* Single pixel border between adjacent navboxes */
.navbox-subgroup {
	width: 100%;
.navbox-abovebelow {
	padding: 0.25em 1em;      /* Title, group and above/below styles */
	line-height: 1.5em;
	text-align: center;
th.navbox-group {             /* Group style */
	white-space: nowrap;
	/* @noflip */
	text-align: right;
.navbox-subgroup {
	background-color: #fdfdfd; /* Background color */
.navbox-list {
	line-height: 1.5em;
	border-color: #fdfdfd;    /* Must match background color */
/* cell spacing for navbox cells */
tr + tr > .navbox-abovebelow,
tr + tr > .navbox-group,
tr + tr > .navbox-image,
tr + tr > .navbox-list {    /* Borders above 2nd, 3rd, etc. rows */
	border-top: 2px solid #fdfdfd; /* Must match background color */
.navbox th,
.navbox-title {
	background-color: #ccccff;      /* Level 1 color */
.navbox-subgroup .navbox-title {
	background-color: #ddddff;      /* Level 2 color */
.navbox-subgroup .navbox-group,
.navbox-subgroup .navbox-abovebelow {
	background-color: #e6e6ff;      /* Level 3 color */
.navbox-even {
	background-color: #f7f7f7;      /* Even row striping */
.navbox-odd {
	background-color: transparent;  /* Odd row striping */
.navbox .hlist td dl,
.navbox .hlist td ol,
.navbox .hlist td ul,
.navbox td.hlist dl,
.navbox td.hlist ol,
.navbox td.hlist ul {
	padding: 0.125em 0;       /* Adjust hlist padding in navboxes */

/* Default styling for Navbar template */
.navbar {
	display: inline;
	font-size: 88%;
	font-weight: normal;
.navbar ul {
	display: inline;
	white-space: nowrap;
.mw-body-content .navbar ul {
	line-height: inherit;
.navbar li {
	word-spacing: -0.125em;
} li abbr[title] {
	font-variant: small-caps;
	border-bottom: none;
	text-decoration: none;
	cursor: inherit;
/* Navbar styling when nested in infobox and navbox */
.infobox .navbar {
	font-size: 100%;
.navbox .navbar {
	display: block;
	font-size: 100%;
.navbox-title .navbar {
	/* @noflip */
	float: left;
	/* @noflip */
	text-align: left;
	/* @noflip */
	margin-right: 0.5em;

/* Styling for JQuery makeCollapsible, matching that of collapseButton */
.mw-parser-output .mw-collapsible-toggle {
	font-weight: normal;
	/* @noflip */
	text-align: right;
	padding-right: 0.2em;
	padding-left: 0.2em;
.mw-collapsible-leftside-toggle .mw-collapsible-toggle {
	/* @noflip */
	float: left;
	/* @noflip */
	text-align: left;

/* Infobox template style */
.infobox {
	border: 1px solid #a2a9b1;
	border-spacing: 3px;
	background-color: #f8f9fa;
	color: black;
	/* @noflip */
	margin: 0.5em 0 0.5em 1em;
	padding: 0.2em;
	/* @noflip */
	float: right;
	/* @noflip */
	clear: right;
	font-size: 88%;
	line-height: 1.5em;
.infobox caption {
	font-size: 125%;
	font-weight: bold;
	padding: 0.2em;
	text-align: center;
.infobox td,
.infobox th {
	vertical-align: top;
	/* @noflip */
	text-align: left;
.infobox.bordered {
	border-collapse: collapse;
.infobox.bordered td,
.infobox.bordered th {
	border: 1px solid #a2a9b1;
.infobox.bordered .borderless td,
.infobox.bordered .borderless th {
	border: 0;

.infobox.sisterproject {
	width: 20em;
	font-size: 90%;

.infobox.standard-talk {
	border: 1px solid #c0c090;
	background-color: #f8eaba;
.infobox.standard-talk.bordered td,
.infobox.standard-talk.bordered th {
	border: 1px solid #c0c090;

/* styles for bordered infobox with merged rows */
.infobox.bordered .mergedtoprow td,
.infobox.bordered .mergedtoprow th {
	border: 0;
	border-top: 1px solid #a2a9b1;
	/* @noflip */
	border-right: 1px solid #a2a9b1;

.infobox.bordered .mergedrow td,
.infobox.bordered .mergedrow th {
	border: 0;
	/* @noflip */
	border-right: 1px solid #a2a9b1;

/* Normal font styling for wikitable row headers with scope="row" tag */
.wikitable.plainrowheaders th[scope=row] {
	font-weight: normal;
	/* @noflip */
	text-align: left;

/* Lists in wikitable data cells are always left-aligned */
.wikitable td ul,
.wikitable td ol,
.wikitable td dl {
	/* @noflip */
	text-align: left;
/* ...unless they also use the hlist class */
.toc.hlist ul,
#toc.hlist ul,
.wikitable.hlist td ul,
.wikitable.hlist td ol,
.wikitable.hlist td dl {
	text-align: inherit;

/* Messagebox templates */
.messagebox {
	border: 1px solid #a2a9b1;
	background-color: #f8f9fa;
	width: 80%;
	margin: 0 auto 1em auto;
	padding: .2em;
.messagebox.merge {
	border: 1px solid #c0b8cc;
	background-color: #f0e5ff;
	text-align: center;
.messagebox.cleanup {
	border: 1px solid #9f9fff;
	background-color: #efefff;
	text-align: center;
.messagebox.standard-talk {
	border: 1px solid #c0c090;
	background-color: #f8eaba;
	margin: 4px auto;
/* For old WikiProject banners inside banner shells. */
.mbox-inside .standard-talk,
.messagebox.nested-talk {
	border: 1px solid #c0c090;
	background-color: #f8eaba;
	width: 100%;
	margin: 2px 0;
	padding: 2px;
.messagebox.small {
	width: 238px;
	font-size: 85%;
	/* @noflip */
	float: right;
	clear: both;
	/* @noflip */
	margin: 0 0 1em 1em;
	line-height: 1.25em;
.messagebox.small-talk {
	width: 238px;
	font-size: 85%;
	/* @noflip */
	float: right;
	clear: both;
	/* @noflip */
	margin: 0 0 1em 1em;
	line-height: 1.25em;
	background-color: #f8eaba;

/* Cell sizes for ambox/tmbox/imbox/ombox/fmbox/dmbox message boxes */
th.mbox-text, td.mbox-text {   /* The message body cell(s) */
	border: none;
	/* @noflip */
	padding: 0.25em 0.9em;     /* 0.9em left/right */
	width: 100%;               /* Make all mboxes the same width regardless of text length */
td.mbox-image {                /* The left image cell */
	border: none;
	/* @noflip */
	padding: 2px 0 2px 0.9em;  /* 0.9em left, 0px right */
	text-align: center;
td.mbox-imageright {           /* The right image cell */
	border: none;
	/* @noflip */
	padding: 2px 0.9em 2px 0;  /* 0px left, 0.9em right */
	text-align: center;
td.mbox-empty-cell {           /* An empty narrow cell */
	border: none;
	padding: 0;
	width: 1px;

/* Article message box styles */
table.ambox {
	margin: 0 10%;                  /* 10% = Will not overlap with other elements */
	border: 1px solid #a2a9b1;
	/* @noflip */
	border-left: 10px solid #36c;  /* Default "notice" blue */
	background-color: #fbfbfb;
	box-sizing: border-box;
table.ambox + table.ambox {      /* Single border between stacked boxes. */
	margin-top: -1px;
.ambox th.mbox-text,
.ambox td.mbox-text {            /* The message body cell(s) */
	padding: 0.25em 0.5em;       /* 0.5em left/right */
.ambox td.mbox-image {           /* The left image cell */
	/* @noflip */
	padding: 2px 0 2px 0.5em;    /* 0.5em left, 0px right */
.ambox td.mbox-imageright {      /* The right image cell */
	/* @noflip */
	padding: 2px 0.5em 2px 0;    /* 0px left, 0.5em right */

table.ambox-notice {
	/* @noflip */
	border-left: 10px solid #36c;       /* Blue */
table.ambox-speedy {
	/* @noflip */
	border-left: 10px solid #b32424;    /* Red */
	background-color: #fee7e6;          /* Pink */
table.ambox-delete {
	/* @noflip */
	border-left: 10px solid #b32424;    /* Red */
table.ambox-content {
	/* @noflip */
	border-left: 10px solid #f28500;    /* Orange */
table.ambox-style {
	/* @noflip */
	border-left: 10px solid #fc3;       /* Yellow */
table.ambox-move {
	/* @noflip */
	border-left: 10px solid #9932cc;    /* Purple */
table.ambox-protection {
	/* @noflip */
	border-left: 10px solid #a2a9b1;    /* Gray-gold */

/* Image message box styles */
table.imbox {
	margin: 4px 10%;
	border-collapse: collapse;
	border: 3px solid #36c;    /* Default "notice" blue */
	background-color: #fbfbfb;
	box-sizing: border-box;
.imbox .mbox-text .imbox {  /* For imboxes inside imbox-text cells. */
	margin: 0 -0.5em;       /* 0.9 - 0.5 = 0.4em left/right.        */
	display: block;         /* Fix for webkit to force 100% width.  */
.mbox-inside .imbox {       /* For imboxes inside other templates.  */
	margin: 4px;

table.imbox-notice {
	border: 3px solid #36c;       /* Blue */
table.imbox-speedy {
	border: 3px solid #b32424;    /* Red */
	background-color: #fee7e6;    /* Pink */
table.imbox-delete {
	border: 3px solid #b32424;    /* Red */
table.imbox-content {
	border: 3px solid #f28500;    /* Orange */
table.imbox-style {
	border: 3px solid #fc3;       /* Yellow */
table.imbox-move {
	border: 3px solid #9932cc;    /* Purple */
table.imbox-protection {
	border: 3px solid #a2a9b1;    /* Gray-gold */
table.imbox-license {
	border: 3px solid #88a;       /* Dark gray */
	background-color: #f7f8ff;    /* Light gray */
table.imbox-featured {
	border: 3px solid #cba135;    /* Brown-gold */

/* Other pages message box styles */
table.ombox {
	margin: 4px 10%;
	border-collapse: collapse;
	border: 1px solid #a2a9b1;    /* Default "notice" gray */
	background-color: #f8f9fa;
	box-sizing: border-box;

table.ombox-notice {
	border: 1px solid #a2a9b1;    /* Gray */
table.ombox-speedy {
	border: 2px solid #b32424;    /* Red */
	background-color: #fee7e6;    /* Pink */
table.ombox-delete {
	border: 2px solid #b32424;    /* Red */
table.ombox-content {
	border: 1px solid #f28500;    /* Orange */
table.ombox-style {
	border: 1px solid #fc3;       /* Yellow */
table.ombox-move {
	border: 1px solid #9932cc;    /* Purple */
table.ombox-protection {
	border: 2px solid #a2a9b1;    /* Gray-gold */

/* Talk page message box styles */
table.tmbox {
	margin: 4px 10%;
	border-collapse: collapse;
	border: 1px solid #c0c090;    /* Default "notice" gray-brown */
	background-color: #f8eaba;
	min-width: 80%;
	box-sizing: border-box;
.tmbox.mbox-small {
	min-width: 0;                /* reset the min-width of tmbox above        */
.mediawiki .mbox-inside .tmbox { /* For tmboxes inside other templates. The "mediawiki" class ensures that */
	margin: 2px 0;               /* this declaration overrides other styles (including mbox-small above)   */
	width: 100%;                 /* For Safari and Opera */
.mbox-inside .tmbox.mbox-small { /* "small" tmboxes should not be small when  */
	line-height: 1.5em;          /* also "nested", so reset styles that are   */
	font-size: 100%;             /* set in "mbox-small" above.                */

table.tmbox-speedy {
	border: 2px solid #b32424;    /* Red */
	background-color: #fee7e6;    /* Pink */
table.tmbox-delete {
	border: 2px solid #b32424;    /* Red */
table.tmbox-content {
	border: 2px solid #f28500;    /* Orange */
table.tmbox-style {
	border: 2px solid #fc3;       /* Yellow */
table.tmbox-move {
	border: 2px solid #9932cc;    /* Purple */
table.tmbox-notice {
	border: 1px solid #c0c090;    /* Gray-brown */

/* Footer and header message box styles */
table.fmbox {
	clear: both;
	margin: 0.2em 0;
	width: 100%;
	border: 1px solid #a2a9b1;
	background-color: #f8f9fa;     /* Default "system" gray */
	box-sizing: border-box;
table.fmbox-system {
	background-color: #f8f9fa;
table.fmbox-warning {
	border: 1px solid #bb7070;  /* Dark pink */
	background-color: #ffdbdb;  /* Pink */
table.fmbox-editnotice {
	background-color: transparent;
/* Div based "warning" style fmbox messages. */,,,
div.locked-warning {
	clear: both;
	margin: 0.2em 0;
	border: 1px solid #bb7070;
	background-color: #ffdbdb;
	padding: 0.25em 0.9em;
	box-sizing: border-box;

/* These mbox-small classes must be placed after all other
   ambox/tmbox/ombox etc classes. "html body.mediawiki" is so
   they override "table.ambox + table.ambox" above. */
html body.mediawiki .mbox-small {   /* For the "small=yes" option. */
	/* @noflip */
	clear: right;
	/* @noflip */
	float: right;
	/* @noflip */
	margin: 4px 0 4px 1em;
	box-sizing: border-box;
	width: 238px;
	font-size: 88%;
	line-height: 1.25em;
html body.mediawiki .mbox-small-left {   /* For the "small=left" option. */
	/* @noflip */
	margin: 4px 1em 4px 0;
	box-sizing: border-box;
	overflow: hidden;
	width: 238px;
	border-collapse: collapse;
	font-size: 88%;
	line-height: 1.25em;

/* Style for compact ambox */
/* Hide the images */
.compact-ambox table .mbox-image,
.compact-ambox table .mbox-imageright,
.compact-ambox table .mbox-empty-cell {
	display: none;
/* Remove borders, backgrounds, padding, etc. */
.compact-ambox table.ambox {
	border: none;
	border-collapse: collapse;
	background-color: transparent;
	margin: 0 0 0 1.6em !important;
	padding: 0 !important;
	width: auto;
	display: block;
body.mediawiki .compact-ambox table.mbox-small-left {
	font-size: 100%;
	width: auto;
	margin: 0;
/* Style the text cell as a list item and remove its padding */
.compact-ambox table .mbox-text {
	padding: 0 !important;
	margin: 0 !important;
.compact-ambox table .mbox-text-span {
	display: list-item;
	line-height: 1.5em;
	list-style-type: square;
	list-style-image: url(/w/skins/MonoBook/resources/images/bullet.gif);
.skin-vector .compact-ambox table .mbox-text-span {
	list-style-type: disc;
	list-style-image: url(/w/skins/Vector/images/bullet-icon.svg);
	list-style-image: url(/w/skins/Vector/images/bullet-icon.png)\9;
/* Allow for hiding text in compact form */
.compact-ambox .hide-when-compact {
	display: none;

/* Stylesheet-Ergänzung zu Standard-[[Wikipedia:Navigationsleisten|Navigationsleisten]] */
div.NavFrame {
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 2px;
    border: 1px solid #aaaaaa;
    text-align: center;
    border-collapse: collapse;
    font-size: 95%;
div.BoxenVerschmelzen div.NavFrame {
   border-style: none;
   border-style: hidden;
div.NavFrame + div.NavFrame {
   border-top-style: none;
   border-top-style: hidden;
div.NavPic {
   background-color: #ffffff;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 2px;
    float: left;
div.NavFrame div.NavHead {
   font-weight: bold;
   font-size: 100%;
   background-color: #efefef;
div.NavFrame p {
   font-size: 100%;
div.NavFrame div.NavContent {
   font-size: 100%;
div.NavFrame div.NavContent p {
   font-size: 100%;
div.NavEnd {
   margin: 0px;
   padding: 0px;
   line-height: 1px;
   clear: both;
/* Stylesheet fuer den 'Ausklappen'-Button an Navileisten, der in [[MediaWiki:Common.js]] implementiert wird */
.NavToggle {
    font-size: x-small;
/* Workaround für Internet Explorer 6 */
div.NavFrame, div.NavPic, .NavToggle {
/* Abstand vor Navigationsleisten */
div.NavFrame {
  margin-top: 1.5em;
div.BoxenVerschmelzen div.NavFrame {
  margin-top: 0;
div.NavFrame + div.NavFrame {
  margin-top: 0;
/* Navigationsleisten nicht mit ausdrucken */
@media print{
   .NavFrame {
       display: none;
   .BoxenVerschmelzen {
       display: none;

tt { 
   font-size: 115%;

/* Hide the 'Main Page' title */ h1.firstHeading {
   display: none;

/* Allow limiting of which header levels are shown in a TOC;
   <div class="toclimit-3">, for instance, will limit to
   showing ==headings== and ===headings=== but no further
   (as long as there are no =headings= on the page, which
   there shouldn't be according to the MoS). */
/* TemplateStyles */
.toclimit-2 .toclevel-1 ul,
.toclimit-3 .toclevel-2 ul,
.toclimit-4 .toclevel-3 ul,
.toclimit-5 .toclevel-4 ul,
.toclimit-6 .toclevel-5 ul,
.toclimit-7 .toclevel-6 ul {
	display: none;

/* Highlight linked elements (such as clicked references) in blue and circle them */
ol.references > li:target { 
    background-color: #DEF;
    box-shadow: 0 0 0 5px #DEF;
ol.references > li:target:marker,
ol.references > li:target:-moz-list-number {
	font-weight: bold;
.citation:target, cite:target {
    outline: medium solid rgba(6, 69, 173, 0.4);
    outline-offset: 2px;

/* Styling for citations. Breaks long urls, etc., rather than overflowing box */
.citation {
	word-wrap: break-word;

/* Make the list of references smaller
ol.references {
	font-size: 90%;
	margin-bottom: 0.5em;

/* Style for horizontal lists (separator following item).
   @revision 9 (2016-08-10)
   @author [[User:Edokter]]
.hlist dl,
.hlist ol,
.hlist ul {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
/* Display list items inline */
.hlist dd,
.hlist dt,
.hlist li {
    margin: 0;
    display: inline;
/* Display nested lists inline */
.hlist.inline dl,
.hlist.inline ol,
.hlist.inline ul,
.hlist dl dl, .hlist dl ol, .hlist dl ul,
.hlist ol dl, .hlist ol ol, .hlist ol ul,
.hlist ul dl, .hlist ul ol, .hlist ul ul {
    display: inline;
/* Hide empty list items */
.hlist .mw-empty-li,
.hlist .mw-empty-elt {
    display: none;
/* Generate interpuncts */
.hlist dt:after {
    content: ": ";
.hlist dd:after,
.hlist li:after {
    content: " · ";
    font-weight: bold;
.hlist dd:last-child:after,
.hlist dt:last-child:after,
.hlist li:last-child:after {
    content: none;
/* Add parentheses around nested lists */
.hlist dd dd:first-child:before, .hlist dd dt:first-child:before, .hlist dd li:first-child:before,
.hlist dt dd:first-child:before, .hlist dt dt:first-child:before, .hlist dt li:first-child:before,
.hlist li dd:first-child:before, .hlist li dt:first-child:before, .hlist li li:first-child:before {
    content: " (";
    font-weight: normal;
.hlist dd dd:last-child:after, .hlist dd dt:last-child:after, .hlist dd li:last-child:after,
.hlist dt dd:last-child:after, .hlist dt dt:last-child:after, .hlist dt li:last-child:after,
.hlist li dd:last-child:after, .hlist li dt:last-child:after, .hlist li li:last-child:after {
    content: ")";
    font-weight: normal;
/* Put ordinals in front of ordered list items */
.hlist ol {
    counter-reset: listitem;
.hlist ol > li {
    counter-increment: listitem;
.hlist ol > li:before {
    content: " " counter(listitem) "\a0";
.hlist dd ol > li:first-child:before,
.hlist dt ol > li:first-child:before,
.hlist li ol > li:first-child:before {
    content: " (" counter(listitem) "\a0";

/* Unbulleted lists */
.plainlist ol,
.plainlist ul {
	line-height: inherit;
	list-style: none none;
	margin: 0;
.plainlist ol li,
.plainlist ul li {
	margin-bottom: 0;

bdi, .bdi {
	unicode-bidi: embed; unicode-bidi: -webkit-isolate; unicode-bidi: isolate;

/* Styles for language bar */
.LanguageBar {
    margin : 0;
    background : #f9f9f9;
    border : none;
    padding : 0.5em;
    font-size : 95%;
    line-height : normal;
    text-align : justify;

/* Move the hlist separator from each list item to a span within. */
.hlist-with-seps li:after {
	content: none;
.hlist-with-seps .hlist-sep:after {
	content: " · ";
	font-weight: bold;
.hlist-with-seps li:last-child .hlist-sep:after {
    content: none;

/* Hide language names where the page is unavailable, even when the link has been disabled */
.LanguageBar .new, .LanguageBar .new + .hlist-sep {
	display: none;
/* …but show them again when the links are usable */
.LanguageBar.showOther .new,
.LanguageBar.showOther .new + .hlist-sep {
	display: inline;

/* Hide stuff meant for accounts with special permissions. Made visible again in
   [[MediaWiki:Group-checkuser.css]], [[MediaWiki:Group-sysop.css]], and
   [[Mediawiki:Group-autoconfirmed.css]]. */
.user-show {
	display: none;

/* Hide the redlink generated by {{Editnotice}},
   this overrides the ".sysop-show { display: none; }" above that applies
   to the same link as well. See [[phab:T45013]]

   Hide the images in editnotices to keep them readable in VE view.
   Long term, editnotices should become a core feature so that they can be designed responsive. */
.ve-ui-mwNoticesPopupTool-item .editnotice-redlink,
.ve-ui-mwNoticesPopupTool-item .mbox-image,
.ve-ui-mwNoticesPopupTool-item .mbox-imageright {
	display: none !important;

/* Pin table headers to the top of the viewport for very long tables */
table.sticky th {
	position: sticky;
	box-shadow: 0 1px 1px 1px #aaa;
table.sticky thead th {
	top: 0;
	box-shadow: 1px 1px 0 1px #aaa;
	outline-style: solid;
	outline-width: 1px;
	outline-color: #aaa;
table.sticky thead tr:first-child {
	height: 70px;
table.sticky thead tr+tr th {
	top: 70px;

/* Alternating stripes on table rows for when there are many columns */
table.striped tr:nth-child(2n) {
	background-color: #ddd;

/* Make [[Template:Banner]] responsive */
.topbanner img {
	max-width: 100%;
	height: auto;

/* </source> */