Swiss OSM Association

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Founding Meeting

The Swiss OpenStreetMap Association has been established, for more information see []

June 20th 2012 Berne, lunch meeting near or in Berne Expo (GEOsummit 2012 [1])

Meeting point 12:45 main entrance Bernexpo

We have a limited number of free exhibition entrance tickets available that will be available on a first come first serve base to members of the community that want to participate in the meeting. If you want to come, please add your name below.

On Wednesday morning there will be a conference track that is open to visitors of the exhibition see (GEOExpo-Track), if you want to attend any of the presentations send a mail to my OSM account by Thursday and I'll send you the ticket per mail, otherwise we will distribute the tickets when we meet for lunch.

Participants (please add your name here):

  • Simon Poole
  • Thomas Ineichen (t-i)
  • Stefan Keller
  • Otto Wyss
  • Sarah Hoffmann (lonvia)
  • Stephan Heuel
  • Michael Spreng (datendelphin)
  • Stéphane Henriod (shenriod)
  • Arthur Bonino abonino


Participation with Skype

If you are unable to attend the meeting in person and want to participate via Skpye, we will try to call you as soon as the meeting starts, this should be around 13:00. Please send your Skype name to info (a) The Skype account on the meeting side will be, please be aware that there is no guarantee that this will work satisfactorily or/and that we will have enough bandwidth available to support a large number of callers.


1. Welcome and Determination of a Quorum

2. Approval of the Agenda

3. Election of the Meeting Chair

4. Election of the Meeting Secretary

5. Reason for Establishment of the Association

7. Approval of the Bylaws

8. Election of the Association Board

9. Election of the Auditors

10. Determination of the Membership Fees

10. AoB

Draft Bylaws

Swiss OSM Association/Bylaws

Meeting Point

We will meet at information point outside of the building (view on
