Module:Communication channels: Difference between revisions

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(wrap links in spans)
(automatically add links to social media hashtags ( & Twitter) but hide them by default: their display needs to be enabled with a user style)
Line 21: Line 21:
function p.main (frame, debugArgs)
function p.main (frame, debugArgs)
local args = debugArgs or {}
local args = debugArgs or {}
local page_title = 'DebugTitle'
if frame then
if frame then
page_title = frame:getParent():getTitle()
for k, v in pairs(frame:getParent().args) do
for k, v in pairs(frame:getParent().args) do
if not k:find('_') then
if not k:find('_') then
Line 41: Line 43:
table.insert(links, link('' .. args.forum_tag, bold(args.forum_tag), 'forum tag', 'VisualEditor - Icon - Tag-big.svg|16px'))
table.insert(links, link('' .. args.forum_tag, bold(args.forum_tag), 'forum tag', 'VisualEditor - Icon - Tag-big.svg|16px'))
-- Links to hashtags on social media are hidden by default. Their display can be enabled via a user style.
local hash_tag = page_title:gsub('%s', '')
local hidden_css = 'display: none'
-- Note that using the 'hidden' HTML attribute would be better (since user styles wouldn't need !important)
-- but the MediaWiki sanitizer doesn't allow it (see

table.insert(links, link('' .. hash_tag, '#' .. hash_tag, 'Mastodon', 'Font Awesome 5 brands mastodon.svg|16px', {style=hidden_css, id='channel-en-osm-town'}))
table.insert(links, link('' .. hash_tag, '#' .. hash_tag, 'Twitter', 'Twitter font awesome.svg|16px', {style=hidden_css, id='channel-twitter'}))
if args.list_name then
if args.list_name then
local base_url = args.list_baseurl or ''
local base_url = args.list_baseurl or ''

Revision as of 07:37, 16 October 2022

[Create] Documentation
local p = {}

function link(url, label, alt, icon, attrs)
	if icon then
		label = '[[File:' .. icon .. '|alt=' .. alt .. '|link=]] ' .. label
	return mw.text.tag('span', attrs, ' [' .. url .. ' ' .. label .. ']')

function bold(text)
	return "'''" .. text .. "'''"

-- See
local matrix_irc_bridges = {
	[''] = '',
	[''] = '',

-- debug with e.g. =p.main(nil, {forum_category = 'foo'})
function p.main (frame, debugArgs)
	local args = debugArgs or {}
	local page_title = 'DebugTitle'
	if frame then
		page_title = frame:getParent():getTitle()
		for k, v in pairs(frame:getParent().args) do
			if not k:find('_') then
				-- Just for convenience so that we can write args.foo_bar instead of having to write args['foo bar']
		    	args[k:gsub(' ', '_')] = v

	local links = {}
	if args.forum_category then
		local parts = mw.text.split(args.forum_category, ':')
		parts[#parts] = bold(parts[#parts])
		local label = table.concat(parts, ':')
		table.insert(links, link('' .. args.forum_category:gsub(':', '/'), label, 'forum category', 'Community Noun project 2280.svg|16px'))
	if args.forum_tag then
		table.insert(links, link('' .. args.forum_tag, bold(args.forum_tag), 'forum tag', 'VisualEditor - Icon - Tag-big.svg|16px'))
	-- Links to hashtags on social media are hidden by default. Their display can be enabled via a user style.
	local hash_tag = page_title:gsub('%s', '')
	local hidden_css = 'display: none'
	-- Note that using the 'hidden' HTML attribute would be better (since user styles wouldn't need !important)
	-- but the MediaWiki sanitizer doesn't allow it (see

	table.insert(links, link('' .. hash_tag, '#' .. hash_tag, 'Mastodon', 'Font Awesome 5 brands mastodon.svg|16px', {style=hidden_css, id='channel-en-osm-town'}))
	table.insert(links, link('' .. hash_tag, '#' .. hash_tag, 'Twitter', 'Twitter font awesome.svg|16px', {style=hidden_css, id='channel-twitter'}))
	if args.list_name then
		local base_url = args.list_baseurl or ''
		table.insert(links, link(base_url .. args.list_name, bold(args.list_name), 'mailing list', 'Maki2-post-18.svg'))
	local irc_server = args.irc_server or ''
	if args.irc_channel then
		table.insert(links, link('irc://' .. irc_server .. '/' .. args.irc_channel, bold(args.irc_channel)))

	if not args.matrix_room and args.irc_channel and matrix_irc_bridges[irc_server] then
		args.matrix_room = matrix_irc_bridges[irc_server]:gsub('#channame', args.irc_channel)
	if args.matrix_room then
		local parts = mw.text.split(args.matrix_room, ':')
		parts[1] = bold(parts[1])
		local label = table.concat(parts, ':')
		table.insert(links, link('' .. args.matrix_room, label, 'Matrix room', 'Matrix icon.svg|x18px'))
	if args.issue_tracker then
		table.insert(links, link(args.issue_tracker, 'issue tracker', '', 'Font Awesome 5 solid list.svg|16px'))
	if args.github_discussions then
		table.insert(links, link('' .. args.github_discussions .. '/discussions', 'GitHub Discussions', '', 'Octicons-mark-github.svg|18px'))
	if args.telegram then
		table.insert(links, link('' .. args.telegram, bold('@' .. args.telegram), 'Telegram group', 'Font Awesome 5 brands telegram-plane.svg|18px'))
	-- This template intentionally does not support closed platforms that not only
	-- require/bug you to create an account in order to access the channel but
	-- also are proprietary software, such as Slack, Discord, Facebook and Twitter.
	return table.concat(links)

return p