Uploads by Gagravarr

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
17:04, 2 March 2008 EastCotswolds.png (file) 964 KB SVG map of the east cotswolds, as of Sunday 2nd March 2009 1
16:24, 2 March 2008 Oxford-svg.png (file) 1.07 MB Osmarender of Oxford from 20080302. Source: http://gagravarr.org/misc/osm/ 4
13:38, 14 September 2007 Ljubljana GPSs.jpg (file) 246 KB Lots of GPSs, on a window getting a lock, at the start of the Ljubljana mapping party 1
13:28, 4 April 2007 UK-Motorways-Railways.png (file) 820 KB UK Motorways, Railways and Cities Generated on 04/04/2007 from planet.osm from 04/04/2007 Uses planetosm-excerpt-area.pl, planetosm-excerpt-tags.pl, tweaked osmarender, and uk-coast-061023-0.01.osm {{featured}} See [[:Image:UK-Motorways-Railways 300p 14
11:35, 1 February 2007 Way-properties-advanced.gif (file) 17 KB This shows a screen shot of the online applet, way properties dialog box, with the advanced tab selected. If you wish to add more details for the way the click the 'advanced tab' where you can add key / value pairs to define the way. For details of key / 2
11:34, 1 February 2007 Way-properties-basic.gif (file) 29 KB This shows a screen shot of the online applet, way properties dialog box, with the basic tab selected. In this dialog box you can enter basic details such as the ways name, and chose from a limited number of types of way (Motorway, Primary Road, Railway 2
13:39, 28 November 2006 London-TubeMainRoad.png (file) 353 KB Osmarender rendering of greater London, showing just Main roads, Railways and the Tube Produced from the 2006/11/28 planet.osm 1
13:52, 16 November 2006 London-TubeTrainMainRoad-20061112.png (file) 322 KB osmarender rendering of Greater London, showing tube, train and main roads From planet.osm on 2006/11/12 1
13:50, 16 November 2006 CentralLondon-TubeTrainTrunk-20061112.png (file) 300 KB OSM Rendering of Central London, showing Tube, Train and Trunk Routes Based on planet.osm from 2006/11/12 1
10:35, 3 November 2006 UK-Motorways-Railways-061023.png (file) 177 KB osmarender rendering of all of the UK railways and Motorways, as of 2006/10/23 Produced using planetosm-excerpt-area.pl, then planetosm-excerpt-tags.pl, then rendering in osmarender with a scale factor of 0.01 1
11:33, 26 October 2006 Dublin-20061026.png (file) 88 KB OSMaRender output of Dublin as of 2006/10/26, as generated by OSM@Home 1
13:12, 13 October 2006 London-Core-20061013.png (file) 320 KB Central London, showing only railway, DLR, tube, primary and trunk roads Based on OSM data from 13th October 2006 1
23:35, 2 October 2006 Brussels-20061003.png (file) 143 KB OSM Coverage of Bruxelles (Brussels) as of 2006/10/03 1
15:56, 27 September 2006 Oxford-svg-big-20060927.png (file) 1.44 MB Large SVG of Oxford, as of 27th September 2006 1
18:25, 18 September 2006 Charlbury-svg-20060918.png (file) 686 KB SVG map of the east cotswolds, as of Monday 18th September 2006 1
17:43, 18 September 2006 Oxford-svg-20060918.png (file) 319 KB OpenStreetMap SVG Map of Oxford, as of Monday 18th September 2006 1
18:39, 3 September 2006 East-Cotswolds-20060903.png (file) 475 KB SVG map of the east cotswolds, as of Sunday 3rd September 2006 1
10:09, 28 August 2006 Edinburgh-20060828.png (file) 212 KB OSM Coverage of Edinburgh, as of Monday 28th August 2006 1
18:43, 27 August 2006 Oxford-20060827.png (file) 226 KB SVG Map of Oxford, as of Sunday 27th August 2006 1
13:49, 4 June 2006 OxfordMap-20060604.jpg (file) 110 KB Oxford, as of 4th June 2006 1
10:24, 7 May 2006 IoW Mapping day1.jpg (file) 115 KB A screen capture of JOSM, showing the results of Saturday's mapping (and a little bit from Thursday and Friday) 1