Proposal:Require proposal announcements to be made on the new forum instead of the mailing list: Difference between revisions

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{{vote|no}} In short, I'm voting against deprecating the mailing list, the "instead". I'm very strongly against closed platforms (walled gardens) such as Discourse. It's happened in the past, it's happening now in OSM, and unfortunately I can easily see it happen again in the future: communities moving to it from the "arcane/old-fashioned/obsolete/etc mailing lists" simply because it's more hip, "easier to use"/"more accessible"; and said communities end up dying out because the people most invested in them are against this pointless hip (the grossest example is probably Erlang). Regarding ease of use, it's highly subjective -- I personally loathe heavy and slow "modern" web pages; I feel like I'm wasting valuable time trying to navigate these oh-so-easy-to-use platforms, having to infinitely click here and there... I have enough wrist problems already, thank you very much. And regarding "accessibility": ever tried using any "modern" web site (Discourse included) on an old/underpowered computer/phone in your day-to-day? I can '''access, read, and write''' all of my email on my Raspberry Pi 2 if needed; can't say the same about Discourse. We see this trend time and time again, and I'm absolutely certain that I'm not the only one of this opinion: accessibility is a very different thing from ease of use. There are people who can't easily access OSM facilities (even the popular OSM Weekly, a simple HTML page) due to slow/intermittent internet connection, but the rest of the community doesn't seem much to care. Finally, as for the "mailing list" feature that Discourse likes to advertise, please stop talking about it already, we know about it, it's merely a toy bone to stop old dogs from barking too loud... And old I'm not even, sheesh! --[[User:O-andras|O-andras]] ([[User talk:O-andras|talk]]) 23:38, 9 October 2022 (UTC)
::"I'm very strongly against closed platforms (walled gardens) such as Discourse" - Discourse has not got this problem. It is self-hosted with OSM account log in. You may be confusing it with [[Discord]] [[User:Mateusz Konieczny|Mateusz Konieczny]] ([[User talk:Mateusz Konieczny|talk]]) 00:02, 10 October 2022 (UTC)
:::{{ping|Mateusz Konieczny}} No, I mean Discourse, I know the difference, and being self-hosted or otherwise does not necessarily mean much. How easily can one download archives of posts/threads (if at all possible), and how easily can one consume them (outside Discourse)? That's what I mean by "walled garden". If it's not possible, Discourse is just another place where content goes to die. Email and mailing lists have been around since before the dinosaurs -- that's a pro, not a con! because it means they've been used in very constrained environments -- and those features have been around for just as long -- email archives aren't lost when the mailing list management software is changed, everything is exported from the old and imported into the new. Were anyone to decide to move away from Discourse, how easily (if at all possible) could we keep the current content? --[[User:O-andras|O-andras]] ([[User talk:O-andras|talk]]) 00:45, 10 October 2022 (UTC)
{{vote|yes}} --[[User:Jmarchon|Jmarchon]] ([[User talk:Jmarchon|talk]]) 00:04, 10 October 2022 (UTC)


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