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→‎United Kingdom: Added additional tags for some crossing types (should this be a separate column?)
m (Cleanup - Tag and key pages with missing images)
(→‎United Kingdom: Added additional tags for some crossing types (should this be a separate column?))
|A [[wikipedia:zebra crossing|zebra crossing]] is a controlled pedestrian crossing without traffic signals. Intermittent white stripes are painted across the carriageway at the crossing as well as [[wikipedia:Belisha beacon|Belisha beacon]]s on either side of the road. Zig-Zag markings are used on approach and exits of the crossing. Pedestrians have priority over road traffic.
Where a zebra crossing crosses a cycle track, zig zag markings & Belisha beacons can be omitted, pedestrians have priority over cyclists.
Additional tags: {{Tag|crossing|uncontrolled}} {{Tag|crossing:markings|zebra;dots}}
| [[File:Abbey_Road_Zebra.jpg|300px|center]]
|A [[wikipedia:pelican crossing|pelican crossing]] is a traffic signal controlled pedestrian crossing. These are an older design of pedestrian crossing in the UK which only legacy installations still exist from pre-2004. They always feature far-side signals for pedestrians, with the near-side push button units (PBUs) displaying text lit up with "WAIT" when the button is pushed, along with instructions on how to use the crossing. Pelican crossings do not use sensors to detect when the crossing is clear of pedestrians, instead using a flashing amber light for road traffic when they need to give way to pedestrians crossing the road, or continue if there are no pedestrians crossing. Zig zag markings are always provided, except when the crossing is part of a junction.
Additional tags: {{Tag|crossing|traffic_signals}} {{Tag|crossing:markings|dots}}
| [[File:Pelican between King George Rec and Cosham Park - - 729204.jpg|300px|center]]
|A [[wikipedia:puffin crossing|puffin crossing]] is a traffic signal controlled pedestrian crossing. These are the newer types of pedestrian crossing in the UK. They have additional sensors which can detect when pedestrians are waiting to cross, and to see when they are on the crossing, making the crossing safer and more efficient.
They usually have near-side signals shown on the side traffic first approaches from, making pedestrians look at traffic instead of across, this also means that pedestrians will not see the light change to red whilst they are on the crossing. Some puffin installations (mostly in London) still use far-side signals at busy crossings where it may not be easy for all pedestrians to see a near-side indicator. Zig zag markings are always provided, except when the crossing is part of a junction.
Additional tags: {{Tag|crossing|traffic_signals}} {{Tag|crossing:markings|dots}}
| [[File:"PUFFIN" crossing, Coleraine (2) - - 2759765.jpg|300px|center]]


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