
From OpenStreetMap Wiki
Revision as of 01:44, 8 September 2023 by Minh Nguyen (talk | contribs) (Testing non-compact attribution)
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/* jslint esversion: 6 */
 * Embeds a MapLibre GL map into any wiki page that asks for one.
 * To embed a map, add a <div> with the class `maplibre-map`. Use data
 * attributes to specify the map’s parameters:
 * - `data-width`: Width of the map. `full` fits available space.
 * - `data-height`: Height of the map.
 * - `data-layer`: Vector style or raster tileset ID; see configuration below.
 * - `data-lat`: Initial center latitude.
 * - `data-lon`: Initial center longitude.
 * - `data-zoom`: Initial vector zoom level (one less than raster).
 * - `data-bearing`: Initial bearing in degrees counterclockwise from north.
 * - `data-pitch`: Initial pitch in degrees away from the plane of the screen.
 * - `data-date`: ISO 8601-1 date (for OpenHistoricalMap layers).
 * - `data-commons`: Page name of Wikimedia Commons map data to load as an
 *		overlay (including .map extension, excluding Data: namespace).
 *		Deprecated in favor of `maplibre-map-geojson` child elements.
 * - `data-mlat`: Marker latitude. Deprecated in favor of `maplibre-map-marker`
 *		child elements.
 * - `data-mlon`: Marker longitude. Deprecated in favor of `maplibre-map-marker`
 *		child elements.
 * - `data-navigation-position`: Corner in which the navigation controls appear,
 *		or `none` to hide the navigation controls.
 * - `data-full-screen-position`: Corner in which the full screen control
 *		appears, or `none` to hide the full screen control.
 * - `data-attribution-position`: Corner in which the attribution control
 *		appears.
 * To overlay a marker, add a <span> with the class `maplibre-map-marker` as a
 * child of the `maplibre-map` <div>. Use data attributes to specify the
 * marker’s parameters:
 * - `data-lat`: Marker latitude.
 * - `data-lon`: Marker longitude.
 * To overlay GeoJSON data, add a <span> with the class `maplibre-map-geojson`
 * as a child of the `maplibre-map` <div>. Use data attributes to specify the
 * GeoJSON overlay’s parameters:
 * - `data-commons`: Page name of Wikimedia Commons map data to load as an
 *		overlay (including .map extension, excluding Data: namespace).
 * To embed a scrubber that compares two maps, wrap the two `maplibre-map`
 * <div>s in a <div> with the class `maplibre-comparison`. Use data attributes
 * to specify the comparison’s parameters:
 * - `data-width`: Width of the comparison. `full` fits available space.
 * - `data-height`: Height of the comparison.

// Configuration
mw.config.set("ext.gadget.maps.scriptServer", "//");
mw.config.set("ext.gadget.maps.layers", $.extend(mw.config.get("ext.gadget.maps.layers"), function () {
	var osmAttribution = "Map data © <a href=''>OpenStreetMap contributors</a>";
	var ohmAttribution = "<a href=''>OpenHistoricalMap contributors</a>";
	return {
		americana: {
			style: "",
			afterLoad: ["installShields"],
		baremaps: {
			style: "",
		carto: {
			tileset: "{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
			name: "OpenStreetMap Carto",
			attribution: osmAttribution,
		"cycle-map": {
			tileset: "{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=6170aad10dfd42a38d4d8c709a536f38",
			name: "OpenCycleMap",
			attribution: osmAttribution + ", map style <a href=''>Thunderforest</a>",
		cyclosm: {
			tileset: "{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
			name: "CyclOSM",
			attribution: osmAttribution + ", map style <a href=''>CyclOSM v0.6</a>",
		historic: {
			style: "",
			afterLoad: ["filterByDate"],
			attribution: ohmAttribution,
		humanitarian: {
			tileset: "{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
			name: "Humanitarian",
			attribution: osmAttribution + ", map style <a href=''>Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team</a>, hosted by <a href=''>OpenStreetMap France</a>",
		"japanese scroll": {
			style: "",
			afterLoad: ["filterByDate"],
			attribution: ohmAttribution,
		oepnv: {
			tileset: "{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
			name: "ÖPNVKarte",
			attribution: osmAttribution + ", tiles courtesy of <a href=''>MeMoMaps</a>",
		"transport-map": {
			tileset: "{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=6170aad10dfd42a38d4d8c709a536f38",
			name: "Transport",
			attribution: osmAttribution + ", map style <a href=''>Thunderforest</a>",
			maxZoom: 17,
		woodblock: {
			style: "",
			afterLoad: ["filterByDate"],
			attribution: ohmAttribution,

$(function () {
	var containers = $(".maplibre-map");
	if (containers.length === 0) return;
	var scriptServer = mw.config.get("ext.gadget.maps.scriptServer");
	mw.loader.load(scriptServer + mw.util.getUrl("MediaWiki:Gadget-maplibre.css", { action: "raw", ctype: "text/css" }), "text/css");
	mw.loader.getScript(scriptServer + mw.util.getUrl("MediaWiki:Gadget-maplibre.js", { action: "raw", ctype: "text/javascript" })).then(function () {
		containers.each(function () {
		var comparisons = $(".maplibre-comparison");
		if (comparisons.length === 0) return;
		mw.loader.load(scriptServer + mw.util.getUrl("MediaWiki:Gadget-maplibre-gl-compare.css", { action: "raw", ctype: "text/css" }), "text/css");
		mw.loader.getScript(scriptServer + mw.util.getUrl("MediaWiki:Gadget-maplibre-gl-compare.js", { action: "raw", ctype: "text/javascript" })).then(function () {
			comparisons.each(function () {
	 * Populates an HTML element with an interactive map.
	 * @param container The HTML element to populate.
	function populateContainer(container) {
		var layerFunctions = {
			filterByDate: filterByDate,
			installShields: installShields,
		var layers = mw.config.get("ext.gadget.maps.layers");
		var width = $(container).data("width");
		if (width === "full") {
			width = "100%";
			.css("width", width)
			.css("height", $(container).data("height"));
		var layerID = $(container).data("layer");
		var layer = layers[layerID] || layers.baremaps;
		var style = || wrapTileset(layer);
		var mapOptions = {
			container: container,
			style: style,
			center: [$(container).data("lon") || 0, $(container).data("lat") || 0],
			zoom: $(container).data("zoom") || 0,
			bearing: $(container).data("bearing") || 0,
			pitch: $(container).data("pitch") || 0,
			attributionControl: false, // will add a custom control below
		// Some vector styles need attribution to be overwritten.
		if (layer.attribution && !layer.tileset) {
			mapOptions.customAttribution = layer.attribution;
		var map = new maplibregl.Map(mapOptions); = map;
		var navigationPosition = $(container).data("navigation-position") || "top-left";
		if (navigationPosition !== "none") {
			map.addControl(new maplibregl.NavigationControl(), navigationPosition);
		var fullScreenPosition = $(container).data("full-screen-position") || "top-left";
		if (fullScreenPosition !== "none") {
			map.addControl(new maplibregl.FullscreenControl(), fullScreenPosition);
		var attributionPosition = $(container).data("attribution-position") || "bottom-right";
		var attributionControl = new maplibregl.AttributionControl({
			customAttribution: mapOptions.customAttribution,
			compact: false,
		map.addControl(attributionControl, attributionPosition);
		// Add legacy deprecated top-level marker.
		var markerLatitude = $(container).data("mlat");
		var markerLongitude = $(container).data("mlon");
		if (markerLatitude || markerLongitude) {
			new maplibregl.Marker()
				.setLngLat([markerLongitude, markerLatitude])
		// Add markers specified as child elements.
		$(container).find(".maplibre-map-marker").each(function () {
			var markerLatitude = $(this).data("lat");
			var markerLongitude = $(this).data("lon");
			new maplibregl.Marker()
				.setLngLat([markerLongitude, markerLatitude])
		map.once("styledata", function (event) {
			// Call any runtime styling functions that need to run after the layer loads.
			var functionNames = layer.afterLoad || [];
			functionNames.forEach(function (functionName) {
				var fn = layerFunctions[functionName];
				if (fn) {
				} else {
					console.warn("%s layer requires unavailable function “%s”.",, functionName);
			// Load map data from Wikimedia Commons.
			loadCommonsOverlay(container, layer);
	function wrapTileset(layer) {
		var style = {
			version: 8,
			sources: {},
			layers: [{
				id: "raster",
				type: "raster",
				source: "raster",
		style.sources.raster = {
			type: "raster",
			tiles: [layer.tileset],
			tileSize: 256,
		if (typeof(layer.attribution) === "string") {
			style.sources.raster.attribution = layer.attribution;
		if ("maxZoom" in layer) {
			// Raster zoom levels are one more than vector zoom levels.
			style.sources.raster.maxzoom = layer.maxZoom - 1;
		return style;
	function installShields(container) {
		var routeParser = {
			parse: function (imageID) {
				var m = imageID.match(/^shield\n(.+?)=(.+?)(?:\n(.+))?$/);
				return {
					network: m && m[1],
					ref: m && m[2],
					name: m && m[3],
			format: function (network, ref, name) {
				return "shield\n" + network + "=" + ref + "\n" + name;
		var shieldPredicate = function (imageID) {
			return imageID && imageID.startsWith("shield");
		var networkPredicate = function (network) {
			return !/^[lrni][chimpw]n$/.test(network);
		import(scriptServer + mw.util.getUrl("MediaWiki:Gadget-maplibre-shield-generator.js", { action: "raw", ctype: "text/javascript" })).then(function (generator) {
			return new generator.URLShieldRenderer("", routeParser)
	 * Filters the map’s features by the `date` data attribute.
	 * @param container The HTML element containing the map.
	function filterByDate(container) {
		var date = $(container).data("date");
		var decimalYear = date && decimalYearFromISODate(date);
		if (!decimalYear) return;
		var map =;
		map.getStyle() (layer) {
			if (!("source-layer" in layer)) return;
			var filter = constrainFilterByDate(layer.filter, decimalYear);
			map.setFilter(, filter);
	 * Converts the given ISO 8601-1 date to a decimal year.
	 * @param isoDate A date string in ISO 8601-1 format.
	 * @returns A floating point number of years since year 0.
	function decimalYearFromISODate(isoDate) {
		// Require a valid YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD date, but allow the year
		// to be a variable number of digits or negative, unlike ISO 8601-1.
		if (!isoDate || !/^-?\d{1,4}(?:-\d\d){0,2}$/.test(isoDate)) return;
		var ymd = isoDate.split("-");
		// A negative year results in an extra element at the beginning.
		if (ymd[0] === "") {
			ymd[0] *= -1;
		var year = +ymd[0];
		var date = dateFromUTC(year, +ymd[1] - 1, +ymd[2]);
		if (isNaN(date)) return;
		// Add the year and the fraction of the date between two New Year’s Days.
		var nextNewYear = dateFromUTC(year + 1, 0, 1).getTime();
		var lastNewYear = dateFromUTC(year, 0, 1).getTime();
		return year + (date.getTime() - lastNewYear) / (nextNewYear - lastNewYear);
	 * Returns a `Date` object representing the given UTC date components.
	 * @param year A one-based year in the proleptic Gregorian calendar.
	 * @param month A zero-based month.
	 * @param day A one-based day.
	 * @returns A date object.
	function dateFromUTC(year, month, day) {
		var date = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day));
		// Date.UTC() treats a two-digit year as an offset from 1900.
		return date;
	 * Returns a modified version of the given filter that only evaluates to
	 * true if the feature coincides with the given decimal year.
	 * @param filter The original layer filter.
	 * @param decimalYear The decimal year to filter by.
	 * @returns A filter similar to the given filter, but with added conditions
	 *	that require the feature to coincide with the decimal year.
	function constrainFilterByDate(filter, decimalYear) {
		var dateFilter = [
			["any", ["!has", "start_decdate"], ["<=", "start_decdate", decimalYear]],
			["any", ["!has", "end_decdate"], [">=", "end_decdate", decimalYear]],
		if (filter) {
		return dateFilter;
	 * Adds a map overlay to the given map based on data from Wikimedia Commons.
	 * GeoJSON features are styled according to [simplestyle-spec](
	 * @param container The HTML element containing the map.
	 * @param layer The current layer metadata object.
	 * @param paddingFunctions An object mapping sides of a box to arrays of functions that return padding for the side.
	function loadCommonsOverlay(container, layer, paddingFunctions) {
		var titles = $(container).find(".maplibre-map-geojson").map(function () {
			var fileName = $(this).data("commons");
			if (fileName.endsWith(".map")) {
				return "Data:" + fileName;
		var legacyFileName = $(container).data("commons");
		if (legacyFileName && legacyFileName.endsWith(".map")) {
			titles.push("Data:" + legacyFileName);
		if (titles.length === 0) return;
		$.getJSON("", {
			"action": "query",
			"format": "json",
			"formatversion": 2,
			"titles": titles.join("|"),
			"prop": "revisions",
			"rvprop": "content",
			"rvslots": "main",
			// Set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, since no user-specific data is needed anyways.
			"origin": "*",
		}, function (data) {
			var query = data && data.query;
			var pages = query && query.pages;
			if (!pages) return;
			var pageContentsByTitle = {};
			pages.forEach(function (page) {
				var revision = page && page.revisions && page.revisions[0];
				var slot = revision && revision.slots && revision.slots.main;
				if (!slot || !slot.content || slot.contentformat !== "application/json") {
					console.warn("Unable to load “%s” from Wikimedia Commons.", page.title);
				var content;
				try {
					content = JSON.parse(slot.content);
				} catch (err) {
					console.warn("Unable to parse “%s” from Wikimedia Commons: %o", page.title, err);
				pageContentsByTitle[page.title] = content;
			// The fill and line layers need to go below the series of symbol
			// layers at the top of the layer stack. It does not necessarily go
			// below the bottommost symbol layer, which could be a one-way arrow
			// layer in the midst of various road layers).
			var map =;
			var styleLayers = map.getStyle().layers;
			var topmostNonSymbolLayerIndex = styleLayers.findIndex(function (layer) {
				return layer.type !== "symbol";
			var layerAboveOverlays = styleLayers[topmostNonSymbolLayerIndex - 1];
			var totalBbox = new maplibregl.LngLatBounds();
			var lastCameraOptions;
			titles.forEach(function (title) {
				var content = pageContentsByTitle[title];
				if (!content) return;
				var fileURL = "" + mw.util.wikiUrlencode(title);
				var attribution = "<a href='" + fileURL + "'>Wikimedia Commons</a>, " + mw.html.escape(content.license);
				var sourceID = "Commons:" + title;
				map.addSource(sourceID, {
					type: "geojson",
					attribution: attribution,
					id: "Commons:" + title + "/symbol",
					type: "symbol",
					source: sourceID,
					layout: {
						"icon-image": [
							["get", "marker-symbol"],
								["get", "marker-size"],
								"small", 11,
						"icon-allow-overlap": true,
					paint: {
						"icon-color": [
							["get", "marker-color"],
				}); // points go on top
					id: "Commons:" + title + "/line",
					type: "line",
					source: sourceID,
					layout: {
						"line-cap": "round",
						"line-join": "bevel",
					paint: {
						"line-color": [
							["get", "stroke"],
						"line-opacity": [
							["get", "stroke-opacity"],
						"line-width": [
							["get", "stroke-width"],
				}, layerAboveOverlays &&;
					id: "Commons:" + title + "/fill",
					type: "fill",
					source: sourceID,
					filter: [
						["has", "fill"],
						["has", "fill-opacity"],
					paint: {
						"fill-color": [
							["get", "fill-color"],
						"fill-opacity": [
							["get", "fill-opacity"],
				}, "Commons:" + title + "/line");
				if ( {
				} else if (content.longitude && content.latitude && content.zoom) {
					lastCameraOptions = {
						center: [
						zoom: content.zoom - 1,
						bearing: 0,
						pitch: 0,
			if (!totalBbox.isEmpty()) {
				var padding = 50; // approximately 10 + navigation control width + 10
				map.fitBounds(totalBbox, {
					animate: false,
					padding: {
						top: padding,
						bottom: padding,
						left: padding,
						right: padding,
			} else if (lastCameraOptions) {
	 * Populates an HTML element with an interactive comparison between two
	 * maps.
	 * @param container The HTML element to populate.
	function populateComparison(comparison) {
		var width = $(comparison).data("width");
		if (width === "full") {
			width = "100%";
			position: "relative",
			width: width,
			height: $(comparison).data("height"),
		var containers = $(comparison).find(".maplibre-map");
			position: "absolute",
			top: 0,
			bottom: 0,
			width: "100%",
		}); = new maplibregl.Compare(containers[0].map, containers[1].map, comparison);