Import/Catalogue/Public Transport (Norway)

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NB: This effort has very likely been replaced by Import/Catalogue/Bus stop import Norway (completed)

This is an import of Nasjonalt Stoppested Register (National Stop Register in Norwegian) is a database with all stops of all public transport in Norway. The database contains ~60.000 stop-places and ~100.000 stop-areas.

The database is maintained by ENTUR and all public transport companies have to make sure this database is updated.

Per april 2018 this is import is in the planning phase and no schedule has been set for it to start. Any help in starting this import is welcome.


The goals of this import is to have a complete and updated coverage of public transport stop locations in Norway.

  • Separate stops on each side of the road
  • Stop area-relations with the stops
  • Official names
  • Official ID of each stop, for This project currently has no time frame future updates


Import Data


Data source site:
Data license:

Type of license (if applicable): no license currently
Link to permission (if required):
OSM attribution (if required):
ODbL Compliance verified:

OSM Data Files

Link to your source data files that you have prepared for the import - e.g. the .osm files you have derived from the data sources.

Import Type

Identify if this is a one-time or recurring import and whether you'll be doing it with automated scripts, etc.

Identify what method will be used for entering the imported data into the OSM database - e.g. API, JOSM,, etc.

Data Preparation

Data Reduction & Simplification

Describe your plans, if any, to reduce the amount of data you'll need to import.

Examples of this include removing information that is already contained in OSM or simplifying shapefiles.

Tagging Plans

Describe your plan for mapping source attributes to OSM tags.

Changeset Tags

Describe how you'll use changeset tags in the import.

Data Transformation

Describe the transformations you'll need to conduct, the tools you're using, and any specific configurations or code that will be used in the transformation.

Data Transformation Results

Each stop looks like this

key value description OSM conversion
entityType Quay public_transport=platform
id NSR:Quay:51729 Unique ID of stop ref=*
description *

Each stop is an entityType=Quay and has a each ID is unique.

One stop on each side of the road/stop area is associated with a StopPlace-node like this:

key possible values description OSM conversion
entityType StopPlace, Quay, Parking StopPlace, Quay or Parking
finalStopPlaceType Combination of parent modalities
hasParentSiteRef Is subordinate to a multi modal StopPlace
id * ENTURs unique ID for StopPlace(stop area), Quay(stop position/platform) and Parking ref
isParentStopPlace If it is a multimodal StopPlace with subordinate StopPlaces
name Official name of the stop
nameLang nor Language of name field
stopPlaceType onstreetBus Bus stops along a road
busStation Bus stations
airport Airports
harbourPort Ferries that also take cars
ferryStop Passenger-only ferries
railStation Railway stations
onstreetTram Bybanen og Trikken
liftStation Fløybanen i Bergen
metroStation Tbanen i Oslo
submode More specific modality subordinate to stopPlaceType. incomplete data, do not use ignore
weighting not useful. incomplete data, do not use ignore
covered incomplete data, do not use ignore
parkingVehicleTypes incomplete data, do not use ignore
totalCapacity incomplete data, do not use ignore

There is no direct connection between the StopPlace and the Quay so to get the related Quays one has to use ENTURs API like this

{  stopPlace(id: "NSR:StopPlace:30085") {
    ... on StopPlace {
      quays {


Tram / light rail


Data Merge Workflow

Team Approach

Describe if you'll be doing this solo or as a team.


List all factors that will be evaluated in the import.


Detail the steps you'll take during the actual import.

Information to include:

  • Open NSR.osm
  • Download data from OSM
  • Copy your stops to OSM-layer
  • Merge and validate the data
  • Upload the changeset with the comment TODO


Identify your approach to conflation here.


Add your QA plan here.
