User:Gioele/Italian Map Features

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How to tag features that can be found in Italy.

This is a list of features for which I could not find a community guideline, so I wrote my own to save me from searching again in the future.

Cabina telefonica

A cabina telefonica is a phone booth. As in the rest of the world there are various kinds of public phone booths.

Puntotel aperta con telefono Digito

Image of a cabina telefonica Puntotel aperta con telefono Digito, the most common kind of public phone booth in Italy: <>.

To tag a cabina telefonica Puntotel aperta con telefono Digito (on a node):

More information at <>.

Guardia medica

A guardia medica is an emergency service you can call in case of emergency to receive assistance at your home. In smaller towns, villages and rural zones one can find a presidio di guardia medica: a small clinic with an emergency room, first aid kits and a doctor, often a paediatrician.

To tag a presidio di guardia medica (on a node or a building):

Isola ecologica

An isola ecologia is a recycling centre; more information at wikipedia:it:Isola_ecologica.

To tag an isola ecologica (on a node or an area):

The roads that connect the main highway to the isola ecologica should be tagged as:


The municipio is the building where most of the administration of the city is. Especially in smaller cities, the municipio hosts the offices of the mayor, all the administrative offices, the city council offices and the city council meeting hall.

  • amenity=townhall,
  • building=civic (if you are tagging a building),
  • name=name as written outside the structure (usually "Municipio di city", remember to use "di" between the building name and the city name).

Please note that in 2000 there has been a complete reorganization of the names and roles of Italian city councils. This has led to the adoption of many different names. Please try to use most correct name. For more information see the Italian Wikipedia page on municipio.


Along many trails there are blazes that mark the hiking route. There are three main kinds of blazes in Italy: picchetti or paletti (poles that signal that you are in an official trail), segnali (guideposts that indicate what are the available trails and destinations) and ometti (crains, piles of rocks).[1]

The tags for these features has been inspired by <>.

These nodes should be augmented with route=hiking relations and hiking symbol=* tags as explained in the Slovakia's hiking guide


To tag a picchetto (on a node):


To tag a segnale (on a node):


To tag an ometto (on a node):


<references> [1] <references>