WikiProject Slovenia/Ceste

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Slovenija (glavna) Elektrika
Ceste Javni prevozi Železnice Regije Naselja Naslovi
Kolesarjenje Pohodništvo Smučanje Storitve Narava Turizem

Popis državnih cest

Enotno označevanje





  • Vnese se predpisana hitrost in vir hitrosti
    • maxspeed=60 + source:maxspeed=sign
    • maxspeed=30 + source:maxspeed=SI:zone:30
    • maxspeed=50 + source:maxspeed=SI:urban
    • maxspeed=90 + source:maxspeed=SI:rural
    • maxspeed=110 + source:maxspeed=SI:trunk
    • maxspeed=130 + source:maxspeed=SI:motorway


Colour and symbol legend

The status of the motorways is indicated by a symbol, which describes the type of feature, and a colour, which indicates the completeness of that feature

Meaning of symbols

  • State Car.svg - The Motorway is completly mapped.(highway=motorway) - Key: c
  • State Exit.svg - All Exits are present.(highway=motorway_link) - Key: ex
  • State Rest.svg - All Motorway Service Utilities are present (Parking with -WC, motorway service area,...). - Key: se
  • State Exitnr.svg - All Exit Names and Exit numbers mapped .(highway=motorway_junction, ref=* and name=* on the exit node) - Key: ju
  • State Lanes.svg - All Lane information complete (lanes=*). - Key: ln
  • State Speed.svg - Speed limitations tagged. (maxspeed=*) - Key: sp
  • State TMC.svg - Traffic Message Channel information tagged. (TMC=*) - Key: tm
  • State Relation.svg - The Motorway is linked to a Relation . (Relation type=route) - Key: rl

Meaning of colours

Colour Meaning Use for navigation To do Value
unknown The map needs checking, status unknown Availability unknown Please check (none)
no or little data The map contains no or little data Not to be used Please complete 0
partial data The map contains partial data Limited usability Please complete 1
largely complete The map is largely complete (please describe missing data) Use with restrictions Please complete (missing data, streets etc.) 2
complete The map is complete (in the opinion of a mapper) Suitable for use Please check and correct any errors 3
complete and verified The map is complete (verified by 2 mappers) ; please indicate Date when checked) Suitable for use Please update as needed 4
not existing This attribute is not existing in the mapped area (e.g. no petrol station existing). Suitable for use Please update as needed X

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.

E - ceste

Šifra Slo Opis
E57 A1 Šentilj-LJ(Malence)
E59 A1 Šentilj-Slivnica
A4 Slivnica-Ptuj
1 Ptuj-Gruškovje
E61 A2 Karavanke - LJ(Kozarje)
A1 LJ(Kozarje) - Divača(Gabrk)
A3 Divača(Gabrk) - Fernetiči
7 Starod - Krvavi potok
E70 A3 Fernetiči - Divača(Gabrk)
A1 Divača(Gabrk) - LJ(Malence)
A2 LJ(Malence) - Obrežje
E652 101 Ljubelj - Podtabor
E653 A5 Maribor(Dragučova) - Pince
E751 H5 Škofije - Koper (Škocjan)
111 Koper - Sečovlje

AC, HC - Avtoceste in Hitre ceste

Enotno označevanje:

  • Node highway=motorway_junction
    • Priključek Dramlje se vnese name=Dramlje
    • Priključek Maribor sever se vnese name=Maribor - sever. Te se lahko tudi prevajajo.
    • Priključek Maribor center se vnese name=Maribor - center. Te se lahko tudi prevajajo.
    • Priključek Ljubljana Bizovik se vnese name=Ljubljana Bizovik. Se načeloma ne prevaja.
    • Križišče avtocest se vnese s predpono Razcep name=Razcep Nanos.
  • Way tunnel=yes
    • Galerija Moste se vnese name=Galerija Moste
    • Pokriti vkop Ćatež se vnese name=Pokriti vkop Ćatež
    • Predor Dekani se vnese name=Predor Dekani
    • Vnese se tudi layer=-1
  • Way bridge=viaduct
    • Viadukt Ločica se vnese name=Viadukt Ločica
    • Vnese se tudi layer=1
  • Way bridge=yes
    • Reka Sava se vnese name=Sava
    • Sicer se vnese name=Ime ceste
    • Vnese se tudi layer=1
Ref Dolžina Opis Končano Komentar
relation Slovenske AC Road (3/4)


245,270 Šentilj - Dragučova - Maribor - Slivnica - Celje - Trojane - Ljubljana (Zadobra - Malence - Kozarje) - Postojna - Divača - Črni Kal - Srmin Road (3/4)Exits (2/4)Service areas (2/4)Junctions (3/4)Lanes (1/4)Speed limits (2/4)Relation (3/4)


175,460 Karavanke-Lesce-Podtabor-Kranj-Ljubljana (Kozarje)-po A1-Malence-Ivančna Gorica-Bič-Trebnje-Novo mesto-Drnovo-Obrežje Road (3/4)Exits (2/4)Service areas (2/4)Junctions (3/4)Lanes (1/4)Speed limits (2/4)Relation (3/4)


12,250 Divača (Gabrk) - Sežana vzhod - Fernetiči Road (3/4)Exits (2/4)Service areas (2/4)Junctions (3/4)Lanes (1/4)Speed limits (2/4)Relation (3/4)


21,660 Slivnica - Draženci in Gruškovje-Hrvaška Road (3/4)Exits (2/4)Service areas (2/4)Junctions (3/4)Lanes (1/4)Speed limits (2/4)Relation (3/4)


79,590 Maribor (Dragučova) - Lenart - Senarska - Vučja vas - Murska Sobota - Dolga vas - Lendava - Pince Road (3/4)Exits (2/4)Service areas (1/4)Junctions (3/4)Lanes (1/4)Speed limits (1/4)Relation (3/4)


7,220 Pesnica (Maribor) - Tezno Road (3/4)Exits (2/4)Service areas (X/4)Junctions (3/4)Lanes (2/4)Speed limits (1/4)Relation (3/4)


10,220 Ljubljana (Zadobrova - Tomačevo - Koseze) Road (3/4)Exits (2/4)Service areas (X/4)Junctions (3/4)Lanes (2/4)Speed limits (1/4)Relation (3/4)


42,110 Razdrto (Nanos)-Vipava-Ajdovščina-Selo-Šempeter-Vrtojba Road (3/4)Exits (2/4)Service areas (1/4)Junctions (2/4)Lanes (1/4)Speed limits (1/4)Relation (3/4)


7,830 Škofije - Koper (Škocjan) - (Dragonja) Road (3/4)Exits (2/4)Service areas (1/4)Junctions (2/4)Lanes (1/4)Speed limits (1/4)Relation (3/4)


1,880 Koper (Škocjan)-Koper (Žusterna)-(Lucija) Road (3/4)Exits (2/4)Service areas (1/4)Junctions (2/4)Lanes (1/4)Speed limits (1/4)Relation (3/4)


3,530 Dolga vas-meja Madžarska Road (3/4)Exits (2/4)Service areas (1/4)Junctions (2/4)Lanes (1/4)Speed limits (1/4)Relation (3/4)











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