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A-Frame logo.png
License: MIT License
Website: https://aframe.io/

An open source Web framework for building virtual reality scenes

A-Frame is an open source Web framework for building virtual reality scenes, maintained by Mozilla and WebVR. The following libraries integrate OpenStreetMap-based maps into A-Frame projects:

A-Frame uses a HTML-Syntax to build 3D Worlds. The Syntax can be extendet by Components. There are some, supporting maps and OSM:

  • aframe-map: The <a-map> entity displays a plane textured with a rendered OpenStreetMap map. [1]
  • aframe-openlayers-component: Allows the use of OpenLayers maps inside A-Frame. [2]
  • aframe-geojson-component: A GeoJSON/TopoJSON component for easily building an orthographic globe in A-Frame. [3]
  • aframe-tangram-component: A Mapzen Tangram component for A-Frame. [4]
  • aframe-tangram-terrain-component: A Mapzen Tangram terrain component for A-Frame. [5]