V・T・E Abingdon, Oxfordshire |
latitude: 51.6775, longitude: -1.28 |
Browse map of Abingdon 51°40′39.00″ N, 1°16′48.00″ W |
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Abingdon is a town in Oxfordshire at latitude 51°40′39.00″ North, longitude 1°16′48.00″ West.
The market town of Abingdon lies 8 miles to the South of Oxford in the county of Oxfordshire, centred North of where the River Ock joins the River Thames. It is easily accessible by bus, road or train from Oxford, and there are good cycle links to the city. Abingdon has a population of 36,000, according to Wikipedia.
OpenStreetMap coverage of this town is being improved. Some of the major roads and many residential areas to the North and East within the ring road have been mapped and named, and the recent mapping party should leave only the East side of the town to do for names and vehicle/car use.
Freewheeling mapping survey
Members of Abingdon Freewheeling are making sure that
Every bicycle rack has at least the following tags: bicycle_parking,capacity, check_date, covered.
Every way with highway=cycleway or bicycle=yes tags has the following tags: segregated, surface