Bergamo/Trasporti pubblici

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Questo progetto ha lo scopo di rappresentare tutti i percorsi e le fermate dei mezzi pubblici a Bergamo e provincia.

Linee e stato d'avanzamento

Lo stato d'avanzamento di ogni linea viene indicato da un'icona che indica il tipo (percorso o fermata) e lo stato d'avanzamento tramite il colore. Vedi Wiki Help per una legenda dei colori.

Icona Significato
Transport  Elenco delle linee completo (presenza delle linee nell'elenco, indipendente del loro stato d'avanzamento)
Routing  Percorso mappato come relazione (r)
Stop  Fermate mappate inserite nella relazione della linea di appartenenza (h)
Base Code (none) 0 1 2 3 4 X
{{State Route|r=...}} - implies status unknown Routing (0/4) - no part of route added Routing (1/4) - route partly added (as relation) Routing (2/4) - route mainly added, needs completing Routing (3/4) - route relation complete (in view of 1 editor). Should be verified. Routing (4/4) - route complete & verified by second editor. Please date. Routing (X/4) - route does not exist in real world.
{{State Route|h=...}} - implies status unknown Stops (0/4) - no stops added to relation Stops (1/4) - some stops added Stops (2/4) - most stops added, needs completing Stops (3/4) - all stops added to relation (in view of 1 editor). Should be verified. Stops (4/4) - route complete & verified by second editor. Please date. Stops (X/4) - no stops in real world. Unlikely to be used without r=X as well.

The codes 0-4 are a logical progression, but they do not all have to be used in sequence. It is perfectly acceptable to go from 0 (nothing on map) to 3 (everything done in opinion of one editor). However, there should never be a jump to level 4. r=4 should only appear after r=3, and the same with h=3 & h=4, as this implies the relation has been checked by both the editor who completed it (level 3), and a second editor (level 4). Given these are different people, a jump up to level 4 from anything other than 3 is not possible.

Bergamo città - ATB

No. Route Master No. Relazione Nome Relazione Stato Anno Commenti
8 Ponte San Pietro - Seriate 8 Ponte San Pietro (Clinica) - Seriate relation 17203092 Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) 2024
8 Ponte San Pietro (Briolo) - Seriate Routing (0/4) Stops (3/4) 2024
8 Ponte San Pietro (Locate) - Seriate Routing (1/4) Stops (3/4) 2024
8 Mozzo (Pascoletto) - Seriate
8A Seriate - Ponte San Pietro (Clinica) Routing (2/4) Stops (3/4) 2024
8B Seriate - Ponte San Pietro (Briolo) Routing (2/4) Stops (3/4) 2024
8C Seriate - Ponte San Pietro (Locate) Routing (2/4)
8M Routing (2/4)

Bergamo Trasporti Ovest

No. Route Master No. Relazione Nome Relazione Stato Anno Commenti
A Calusco d'Adda - Ponte San Pietro A1 Brivio - Ponte San Pietro relation 17147272 Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) 2024
A1 Ponte San Pietro - Brivio
A2 Villa d'Adda - Calusco d'Adda relation 17135445 Routing (3/4) Stops (3/4) 2024