Cleveland Metroparks Import

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(anything in italics is from the import template).

This is a relatively small import, only covers the park boundaries of the Cleveland Metroparks, a public parks system in 3 counties of Northeastern Ohio, of 21,000 acres.

The uses of the parks (often called Reservations), vary, and often contains trails for walking, jogging, bicycling. Some also contain pitches, golf courses, pavilions for picnics, playgrounds, golf courses, waterways that permit fishing, and more. All of the lands are available to the public for use including hiking and geocaching.

Local Cleveland community has been consulted, There's a handful of active OSM editors (skorasaurus, oobleck, jwolter) and they approve. I've contacted a few other ones who haven't been as active recently for their input through OSM messaging system, haven't received feedback.

Import Plan Outline

1. write this up.

2. send this, OSM file, to imports, imports-us, talk-us

3. incessantly pray that bikeshedding is kept to a minimum, discuss with US community

4. Use feedback to change the .osm (including tagging, simplification, etc).

4A. Repeat steps 1-4 as necessary.

5. finally upload them. rejoice.


Mapping the Cleveland Metroparks, the mapping of the parks is currently incomplete. To save time and man hours to visit every area, we're importing them. On the ground Signage for the parks is also incomplete and this can help people know where the parks begin and end.

Similar in legislative stature to national parks, (which are managed at a national level), the Metroparks are a parks district under the state of Ohio that ["conserve significant natural resources and enhance people's lives by providing safe, high-quality outdoor education, recreation, and zoological opportunities."] to the general public.


Eventually upload in 2013.

Import Data

Obtained shapefiles from osm user smathermather who is also the GIS Manager of Cleveland Metroparks and authorized us to use the data in OSM.


Provide links to your sources.

obtained verbal permission from GIS Manager of metroparks, I will obtain explicit permission and link to it.

Data source site: http://website.tld
Data license: https://website.tld/license
Type of license (if applicable): e.g. CC-BY-SA, Public Domain, Public Domain with Attribution, etc.
Link to permission (if required): e.g. link to mail list reference url -
OSM attribution (if required):
ODbL Compliance verified: yes/no

OSM Data Files

Before simplification, ~130 ways containing a total of 14,000 nodes, and 17 reservations.

After simplification, (of 1.5 meters, done within josm), 6.013 nodes.

Link to your source data files that you have prepared for the import - e.g. the .osm files you have derived from the data sources.

(this is repeated, i added it later on this page)

Import Type

Just a one-time import for now, and OSM community members in Cleveland can fix if the parks change in the future.

Data Preparation

Data Reduction & Simplification

Describe your plans, if any, to reduce the amount of data you'll need to import.

Examples of this include removing information that is already contained in OSM or simplifying shapefiles.

See: Workflow

Tagging Plans

Describe your plan for mapping source attributes to OSM tags.

Likely will be park or leisure=nature_reserve, or boundary=protected_area depending on which tag would fit best with its uses and how we interpret it. osm wiki on national park is ambiguous. Based on my visits from them (Along with other OSM users, smathermather and oobleck), as a community, we'll figure out which one to use . Clarifications for tagging are welcome and greatly appreciated.

If tagging situation changes in the future, it can simply be changed.

for changeset, adding source=Clemetroparks_import2013, done with josm.

=Data Transformation

1. Simplify the shapefile a bit (experimenting with how much at the moment) to eliminate any overnoding (decided to do this instead within josm).

2. then run ogr2osm on it to convert it to .OSM. python reservation_boundaries_cm_dissolved.shp -v --encoding=ISO-8859-1 --epsg=3734 -o output.osm

Data Transformation Results - this is what I'd plan to upload.

Data Merge Workflow

(what does this mean ?)

Team Approach

Solo, skorasaurus likely. Other users (smathermather, oobleck, jwolter) might be present with me. I'll likely do the uploading at one of the Open Geo Cleveland meetings.

User account for this will be:


List all factors that will be evaluated in the import.

What does this mean ?


See data transformation.

Once transformed into OSM, add the applicable tag to the feature.

I'll also be individually reviewing each polygon to ensure that no areas that are already mapped in OSM are uploaded again. I'm consulting with smathermather, oobleck, other local OSM users to verify any areas that I haven't personally visited and where I'm unsure which tag to use.

  • Changeset size policy

- Not applicable, since I'll be only uploading one or 2 'reservations' at a time, which won't be more than 1 or 2,000 objects at most.

  • Revert plans

use josm plugin if necessary.


Not too complicated. Open the .OSM file that was created from ogr2osm in josm, and copy the objects of one park, and then copy that to another layer that has current OSM data in it for that same area. Inspect it to see that there's no conflicts - which there likely won't be, since only 2-3 of the 14 parks had already been in OSM. Ensure it's properly tagged. Upload to OSM. Repeated process with each park. For the ones that already exist, I'll use the replace geometry plugin in josm.


Add your QA plan here. The overall size of the Metroparks is small enough that any changes to the reservations can be manually reviewed and conflated later on.