FR talk:BeCiklo

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Is that international ?

If yes, you should submit your ideas in English (and not only the titles). -- Pieren 13:03, 19 April 2010 (UTC)

Is that international ? That's a good question :) Personally, I think it makes sense to have a national project because a lot of reglementation is country-specific. Anyway, it would be nice to have that page *at least* in french (even in translated to/from other languages). Otherwise, some non speaking english would be prevented to contribute to that project.

I also think that a national project makes sense. There already exists Openfietskaart for NL...

Yes it makes sense to have a national project due to country-specific rules. So I tink the project should have a french name (not "OpenBicycleMap"). Internationalization should come only later. Maybe a page somewhere could list the cycle-oriented maps based on OSM per country (I only know OCM and Openfietskaart actually ...). --Sysy 09:40, 23 April 2010 (UTC)

La Belgique ne pourrait-elle pas être incluse dans ce projet non-international ? Si ce projet qui m'a l'air prometteur pourrait englober cette région, je serais ravi d'y contribuer d'une manière ou d'une autre. --ben 16:23, 11 May 2010 (UTC)

Interesting idea, but... =

It's great to see that you're interested in creating a new rendering. There is room for many many renderings and I'm sure yours will find a place, particularly if its open stylesheet encourages a community-driven cartography rather than a strong individual identity.

But please, rethink the name. Calling it OpenBicycleMap will just lead to confusion with OpenCycleMap, particularly among people who have never heard of OSM/OCM/OBM before. There are lots of potential great names. Please find one. :) --Richard 18:52, 19 April 2010 (UTC)

I think there is currently an active task to find a new name. This one has been selected as start-up only. --Pieren 10:37, 23 April 2010 (UTC)

Rendering suggestion

Another thing I think it would be interesting to see (at high zoom level only) is the amenity=bicycle_parking tag with the number of places if the information is available. --ger4rd 05:42, 21 April 2010 (UTC) One more idea, is to render bicycle=designated, which can be used to tag ways without special cycleway or cyclelane, but quiet enough to be recommended.--ger4rd 21:35, 21 April 2010 (UTC)