Geoprocessing Recipes

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Openstreetmaps use PostGIS in its back-end, as spatial processing engine, but the OSM as "a big project" was built on its community of mappers. The "back-end community" is for tool developing, and is insignificant when compared with the "mappers community"... But last years the use of has OSM-data and OSM-datamodels has attracted so much attention of PostGIS programmers and general spatial processing community, at the point that now we have some "critical mass" maintain a development-independent community.

The Geoprocessing Recipes would be a "cookbook" to address specific problems of Geoprocessing, using PostgreSQL and PostGIS. As in the classic game of "compass-and-straightedge construction", recipes should stick to a narrow universe of tools and representations — the tools, in this case, are those available in both SQL and OGC standards.

NOTE: there are no restriction to the OSM's back-end development: although it is possible and even natural some focus on the problems of OSM tools, the Geoprocessing Recipes are for general use (see typical community at gis.stackexchange).

Rules and restrictions in the recipes

The choice and the form of expression of the recipes, and their ingredients, are not totally free.

Valid types of ingredients
Georeferenced entities usually treated as "source data", and referenced in laws (eg ...) and standards (eg ...). It is understood as "source data" that contains measurements or the result of external (non-SQL) processing of measurements.
Valid Recipe Types
Algorithms should be exclusively expressed in SQL PostgreSQL v9.5+, functions PostGIS v2+, with an emphasis on the use of ISO-Compilant and OGC -Compliant, and functions of the library set up for general revenue support.
Supplementary didactic and methodological descriptions
The adopted resolution methodologies, whenever possible, should be based on reliable scientific references, so that the recipes do not create new algorithms but only reformulate, optimize or translate already tested and approved algorithms. The library, the valid set of ingredients and the categorization of ingredients and recipes, form the framework of Geoprocessing Recipes.

Controlled Terms

The text of recipes and ingredients, to be precise and consistent among different recipes, should adopt the Geoprocessing Recipes/Terminology where appropriate.

See complete listing of terms in Geoprocessing Recipes/Terminology.

Controlled functions

Recipes can make use of common functions used by various other recipes.



The text of recipes and ingredients may cite relevant sources... the complete listing of references is maintained in Geoprocessing Recipes/References.

Ingredient identifiers and recipes
