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Erläuterungen unter Germany/Bedarfsumleitung


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Genereller Eindruck:

  • Viele Umleitungsstrecken sind nicht auf Anhieb zu finden. Sogar an manchen Abzweigungen fehlen entsprechende Schilder (Beispiel: U 27 der A 8 läßt offen, daß es hier 49°18′34.27″ N, 6°50′02.26″ E rechts ab geht...)
  • In Saarbrücken und Saarlouis wurden die Umleitungsstrecken offenbar teilweise ersatzlos entfernt (oder gar nicht erst aufgebaut), was diverse Strecken unvollständig macht.
  • Manche Strecken sind zusätzlich auch von anderen Seiten her ausgeschildert (wie etwa die U 8 der A 6, die eigentlich über den Staffel und am Flughafen vorbei geht, aber auch in Scheidt und Schafbrücke ausgeschildert ist). Ähnlicher Fall ist die U 5 der A 623, die hier 49°17′26.27″ N, 7°01′41.09″ E eigentlich von Süden kommt, jedoch ist auch von Osten her (Fischbachstraße) ein U-Schild vorhanden, das aber immerhin in die richtige Richtung zeigt.

unklare Autobahnzuordnung

Name Genanntes Ziel Start Ziel Relation Relation (Permalink) Status Bemerkungen Überprüft von
U 8 relation 5506796 Relation (0/4) dort steht ein vereinzeltes Schild, das weder in die Numerierung der naheliegenden A 8 passt noch durch weitere U-8-Schilder in der Umgebung ergänzt wird... Glglgl (talk) 05:56, 15 September 2015 (UTC)
U 62 A 8 AS 21 Elversberg A 623 AS 2 Sulzbach-Altenwald relation 166331 relation U 62 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Numerierung paßt weder zu A 8 noch zu A 623, verbindet aber diese beiden. Glglgl (talk) 12:38, 7 August 2015 (UTC)

A 1

A 1 Richtung Saarbrücken

Name Genanntes Ziel Start Ziel Relation Relation (Permalink) Status Bemerkungen Überprüft von
kommt aus Rheinland-Pfalz
U 72 AS 134 Nonnweiler-Bierfeld A 62 AS 2 Nonnweiler-Otzenhausen relation 107035 relation U 72 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) glglgl 21:03, 13 February 2016 (UTC)
U 74 A 62 AS 2 Nonnweiler-Otzenhausen AS 137 Braunshausen relation 107063 relation U 74 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:22, 5 September 2015 (UTC)
U 76 AS 134 Nonnweiler-Bierfeld AS 137 Braunshausen relation 107019 relation U 76 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) glglgl 20:13, 27 October 2015 (UTC)
U 78 AS 137 Braunshausen AS 138 Nonnweiler-Primstal relation 107083 relation U 78 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) enthält ein Teilstück, das falsch ausgeschildert ist (Türkismühle, weit weg von der tatsächlichen Strecke) glglgl 21:03, 13 February 2016 (UTC)
U 80 AS 138 Nonnweiler-Primstal AS 139 Tholey-Hasborn relation 131386 relation U 80 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4)
U 82 AS 139 Tholey-Hasborn AS 140 Tholey relation 131387 relation U 82 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:22, 5 September 2015 (UTC)
U 84 AS 140 Tholey AS 141 Eppelborn relation 131390 relation U 84 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:22, 5 September 2015 (UTC)
U 86 AS 141 Eppelborn AS 142 Illingen relation 131391 relation U 86 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:22, 5 September 2015 (UTC)
U 88 AS 142 Illingen AS 144 Quierschied relation 131394 relation U 88 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 12:39, 7 August 2015 (UTC)
U 90 AS 144 Quierschied AS 145 Holz relation 5418978 relation U 90 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:47, 6 August 2015 (UTC)
U 92 AS 144 Quierschied AS 146 Riegelsberg relation 5415823 relation U 92 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:47, 6 August 2015 (UTC)
U 94 AS 146 Riegelsberg AS 147 Saarbrücken-Neuhaus relation 5418990 relation U 94 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:47, 6 August 2015 (UTC)
U 96 AS 146 Riegelsberg relation 5415773 relation U 96 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (2/4) Beschilderung endet irgendwann Glglgl (talk) 22:47, 6 August 2015 (UTC)

A 1 Richtung Trier

Name Genanntes Ziel Start Ziel Relation Relation (Permalink) Status Bemerkungen Überprüft von
U 3 AS 146 Riegelsberg relation 5415776 relation U 3 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (1/4) nur Ende vorhanden;
Rest der Ausschilderung mal wieder unvollständig
Glglgl (talk) 21:28, 5 August 2015 (UTC)
U 5 AS 147 Saarbrücken-Neuhaus AS 146 Riegelsberg relation 5415676 relation U 5 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 21:28, 5 August 2015 (UTC)
U 7 AS 146 Riegelsberg AS 144 Quierschied relation 5415834 relation U 7 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:47, 6 August 2015 (UTC)
U 9 AS 145 Holz AS 144 Quierschied relation 5415835 relation U 9 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:47, 6 August 2015 (UTC)
U 11 AS 144 Quierschied AS 142 Illingen relation 5415935 relation U 11 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 17:11, 7 September 2015 (UTC)
U 13 AS 142 Illingen AS 141 Eppelborn relation 131425 relation U 13 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 17:11, 7 September 2015 (UTC)
U 15 AS 141 Eppelborn AS 140 Tholey relation 131426 relation U 15 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 21:35, 5 September 2015 (UTC)
U 17 AS 140 Tholey AS 139 Tholey-Hasborn relation 131427 relation U 17 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 21:57, 3 August 2015 (UTC)
U 19 AS 139 Tholey-Hasborn AS 138 Nonnweiler-Primstal relation 131428 relation U 19 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 21:35, 5 September 2015 (UTC)
U 21 AS 138 Nonnweiler-Primstal AS 137 Braunshausen relation 131431 relation U 21 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 21:57, 3 August 2015 (UTC)
U 23 AS 137 Braunshausen AS 134 Nonnweiler-Bierfeld relation 107048 relation U 23 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 21:35, 5 September 2015 (UTC)
U 25 AS 137 Braunshausen A 62 relation 107070 relation U 25 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (2/4) Ende ist unklar beschildert. Eigentlich sollte es in Otzenhausen wieder auf die Autobahn gehen, aber da ist mehrfach "geradeaus" ausgeschildert. glglgl 21:03, 13 February 2016 (UTC)
U 27 A 62 AS 2 Otzenhausen AS 134 Nonnweiler-Bierfeld relation 107047 relation U 27 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) glglgl 22:15, 31 October 2015 (UTC)
U 29 AS 134 Nonnweiler-Bierfeld AS 133 Hermeskeil relation 107057 relation U 29 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) glglgl 22:34, 5 January 2016 (UTC)
weiter in Rheinland-Pfalz

A 6

A 6 Richtung Mannheim (ostwärts)

Name Genanntes Ziel Start Ziel Relation Relation (Permalink) Status Bemerkungen Überprüft von
U 5 AS 2 Saarbrücken-Goldene Bremm ? relation 5412175 relation U 5 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (2/4) Beschilderung nur am Anfang vorhanden, dann fehlt sie plötzlich (vgl. auch U 6) Glglgl (talk) 13:50, 4 August 2015 (UTC)
U 7 A 620 AS 21 Saarbrücken-Güdingen AS 5 St. Ingbert-West relation 5424795 relation U 7 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 08:32, 10 August 2015 (UTC)
U 9 AS 5 St. Ingbert-West AS 6 St. Ingbert-Mitte relation 5411418 relation U 9 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 05:50, 8 September 2015 (UTC)
U 9a AS 6 St. Ingbert-Mitte AS 7 Rohrbach relation 5411422 relation U 9a (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 10:14, 4 August 2015 (UTC)
U 11 AS 7 Rohrbach AS 8 Kreuz Neunkirchen relation 58508 relation U 11 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:55, 9 September 2015 (UTC)
U 13 AS 8 Kreuz Neunkirchen AS 9 Homburg (Saar) relation 137949 relation U 13 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:55, 9 September 2015 (UTC)
U 15 AS 9 Homburg (Saar) AS 10 Waldmohr relation 5497205 relation U 15 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:55, 9 September 2015 (UTC)
weiter in Rheinland-Pfalz

A 6 Richtung Frankreich (westwärts)

Name Genanntes Ziel Start Ziel Relation Relation (Permalink) Status Bemerkungen Überprüft von
kommt aus Rheinland-Pfalz
U 16 AS 10 Waldmohr AS 9 Homburg (Saar) relation 5497352 relation U 16 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) glglgl 11:35, 6 October 2015 (UTC)
U 14 AS 9 Homburg (Saar) AS 8 Kreuz Neunkirchen relation 5497388 relation U 14 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:58, 9 September 2015 (UTC)
U 12 AS 8 Kreuz Neunkirchen AS 7 Rohrbach relation 5411408 relation U 12 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:58, 9 September 2015 (UTC)
U 10a AS 6 Sankt Ingbert-Mitte AS 5 Sankt Ingbert-West relation 5410807 relation U 10a (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 21:43, 3 August 2015 (UTC)
U 10 AS 7 Rohrbach AS 6 Sankt Ingbert-Mitte relation 5410804 relation U 10 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 21:43, 3 August 2015 (UTC)
U 8 AS 5 Sankt Ingbert-West relation 454618 relation U 8 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (2/4) über A 620 Richtung Stadt, weiterer Verlauf unklar. Es gibt zwei Alternativen, eine an Ensheim vorbei (die ist ab der Ausfahrt ausgeschildert) und eine über Scheidt (dort stehen ebenfalls U-8-Schilder). Glglgl (talk) 14:06, 4 August 2015 (UTC)
U 6 AS 4 Saarbrücken-Fechingen ? relation 5411412 relation U 6 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (2/4) über A 620 durch die Stadt, aber ab AS Bismarckbrücke weiterer Verlauf unklar Glglgl (talk) 10:14, 4 August 2015 (UTC)

A 8

A 8 Richtung Pirmasens

Name Genanntes Ziel Start Ziel Relation Relation (Permalink) Status Bemerkungen Überprüft von
U 7 AS 2 Perl-Besch AS 3 Perl-Borg relation 5487582 relation U 7 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 23:27, 5 September 2015 (UTC)
U 9 AS 3 Perl-Borg AS 4 Merzig-Wellingen relation 5502802 relation U 9 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 21:19, 12 September 2015 (UTC)
U 11 AS 3 Perl-Borg AS 5 Merzig-Schwemlingen relation 5487577 relation U 11 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 21:19, 12 September 2015 (UTC)
U 13 AS 5 Merzig-Schwemlingen AS 6 Merzig relation 5487578 relation U 13 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 21:19, 12 September 2015 (UTC)
U 15 AS 6 Merzig AS 7 Rehlingen relation 131420 relation U 15 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 21:19, 12 September 2015 (UTC)
U 17 Relation noch nicht definiert Relation
U 19 Relation noch nicht definiert Relation
U 21 (AS 11 Saarlouis-Steinrausch?
dort aber nicht ausgeschildert!)
AS 13 Saarwellingen-Mitte relation 5502689 relation U 21 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (0/4) nur Endstück auffindbar
U 23 AS 12 Nalbach AS 13 Saarwellingen-Mitte relation 5502690 relation U 23 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (2/4) unvollständig ausgeschildert; nur Anfang und Ende auffindbar; Rest extrapoliert
U 25 AS 13 Saarwellingen-Mitte AS 14 Schwalbach relation 5487602 relation U 25 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 19:53, 12 September 2015 (UTC)
U 27 AS 14 Schwalbach AS 15 Schwalbach/Schwarzenholz relation 5416427 relation U 27 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 17:14, 7 September 2015 (UTC)
U 29 AS 15 Schwalbach/Schwarzenholz AS 16 Heusweiler relation 5416428 relation U 29 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 17:14, 7 September 2015 (UTC)
U 31 AS 16 Heusweiler AS 18 Merchweiler relation 5416429 relation U 31 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:59, 6 August 2015 (UTC)
U 39 AS 144 Quierschied (A 1) AS 18 Merchweiler relation 5416431 relation U 39 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 07:19, 6 August 2015 (UTC)
U 41 AS 18 Merchweiler AS 19 Friedrichsthal-Bildstock relation 5418952 relation U 41 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:59, 6 August 2015 (UTC)
U 43 AS 19 Friedrichsthal-Bildstock AS 21 Elversberg relation 137933 relation U 43 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 12:38, 7 August 2015 (UTC)
U 45 AS 19 Friedrichsthal-Bildstock AS 2 Sulzbach-Altenwald (A 623) relation 137932 relation U 45 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 12:38, 7 August 2015 (UTC)
U 47 AS 2 Sulzbach-Altenwald (A 623) AS 21 Elversberg relation 145977 relation U 47 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 11:22, 5 August 2015 (UTC)
U 49 AS 21 Elversberg AS 23 Spiesen relation 137936 relation U 49 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 11:22, 5 August 2015 (UTC)
U 51 AS 23 Spiesen AS 24 Neunkirchen-Oberstadt relation 5414409 relation U 51 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:43, 9 September 2015 (UTC)
U 53 AS 24 Neunkirchen-Oberstadt AS 26 Neunkirchen-Kohlhof relation 137937 relation U 53 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:43, 9 September 2015 (UTC)
U 55 AS 26 Neunkirchen-Kohlhof AS 28 Kirkel-Limbach relation 137947 relation U 55 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:43, 9 September 2015 (UTC)
U 57 AS 28 Kirkel-Limbach AS 30 Homburg-Einöd relation 137948 relation U 57 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:43, 9 September 2015 (UTC)
U 61 AS 30 Homburg-Einöd AS 32 Zweibrücken-Mitte relation 137951 relation U 61 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:43, 9 September 2015 (UTC)
U 63 AS 32 Zweibrücken-Mitte AS 34 Contwig relation 137952 relation U 63 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) glglgl 13:16, 19 December 2015 (UTC)
U 65 AS 34 Contwig AS 35 Walshausen relation 5497465 relation U 65 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) glglgl 11:04, 14 December 2015 (UTC)
U 67 AS 35 Walshausen A 62 AS 15 Pirmasens relation 5595197 relation U 67 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) glglgl 22:15, 13 February 2016 (UTC)

A 8 Richtung Luxembourg

Name Genanntes Ziel Start Ziel Relation Relation (Permalink) Status Bemerkungen Überprüft von
U 94 A 62 AS 15 Pirmasens AS 35 Walshausen relation 150503 relation U 94 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) glglgl 22:14, 13 February 2016 (UTC)
U 96 AS 35 Walshausen AS 34 Contwig relation 5497466 relation U 96 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) glglgl 21:40, 17 October 2015 (UTC)
U 98 AS 34 Contwig AS 32 Zweibrücken-Mitte relation 5497467 relation U 98 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) glglgl 21:40, 17 October 2015 (UTC)
U 2 AS 32 Zweibrücken-Mitte AS 30 Homburg-Einöd relation 166325 relation U 2 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:26, 9 September 2015 (UTC)
U 4 AS 30 Homburg-Einöd AS 28 Kirkel-Limbach relation 137962 relation U 4 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:40, 9 September 2015 (UTC)
U 8 AS 28 Kirkel-Limbach AS 26 Neunkirchen-Kohlhof relation 137965 relation U 8 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:40, 9 September 2015 (UTC)
U 10 AS 26 Neunkirchen-Kohlhof AS 24 Neunkirchen-Oberstadt relation 137966 relation U 10 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:40, 9 September 2015 (UTC)
U 12 AS 24 Neunkirchen-Oberstadt AS 23 Spiesen relation 137950 relation U 12 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:40, 9 September 2015 (UTC)
U 14 AS 23 Spiesen AS 21 Elversberg relation 166328 relation U 14 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 10:34, 5 August 2015 (UTC)
U 16 AS 21 Elversberg AS 19 Friedrichsthal-Bildstock relation 166332 relation U 16 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 11:39, 5 August 2015 (UTC)
U 18 AS 2 Sulzbach-Altenwald (A 623) AS 19 Friedrichsthal-Bildstock relation 145976 relation U 18 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 11:39, 5 August 2015 (UTC)
U 20 AS 19 Friedrichsthal-Bildstock AS 18 Merchweiler relation 137970 relation U 20 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 13:20, 5 August 2015 (UTC)
U 22 AS 18 Merchweiler AS 144 Quierschied (A 1) relation 137972 relation U 22 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 12:38, 7 August 2015 (UTC)
U 28 AS 18 Merchweiler AS 16 Heusweiler relation 137971 relation U 28 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 22:59, 6 August 2015 (UTC)
U 30 AS 16 Heusweiler AS 15 Schwalbach/Schwarzenholz relation 131402 relation U 30 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 17:14, 7 September 2015 (UTC)
U 32 AS 15 Schwalbach/Schwarzenholz AS 14 Schwalbach relation 131410 relation U 32 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 23:03, 5 September 2015 (UTC)
U 34 AS 14 Schwalbach AS 13 Saarwellingen-Mitte relation 131412 relation U 34 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 23:03, 5 September 2015 (UTC)
U 36 AS 13 Saarwellingen-Mitte relation 131413 relation U 36 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (0/4)
U 38 AS 12 Nalbach relation 131416 relation U 38 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (0/4)
U 40 Relation noch nicht definiert Relation
U 42 AS 8 Dillingen-Mitte (??) AS 7 Rehlingen (?) relation 5502804 relation U 42 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (0/4) nur bruchstückhaft auffindbar; Ziel geraten; vermuteter Start wild geraten
U 44 AS 7 Rehlingen (?) AS 6 Merzig relation 5502805 relation U 44 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (0/4) nur bruchstückhaft auffindbar; Start geraten
U 46 AS 6 Merzig AS 5 Merzig-Schwemlingen relation 5487527 relation U 46 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 21:15, 12 September 2015 (UTC)
U 48 AS 5 Merzig-Schwemlingen AS 3 Perl-Borg relation 5487562 relation U 48 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 21:15, 12 September 2015 (UTC)
U 50 AS 4 Merzig-Wellingen AS 3 Perl-Borg relation 5487563 relation U 50 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 21:15, 12 September 2015 (UTC)
U 52 AS 3 Perl-Borg AS 2 Perl-Besch relation 5487580 relation U 52 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 21:15, 12 September 2015 (UTC)

A 62

Die A 62 liegt größtenteils in Rheinland-Pfalz und wird daher dort aufgeführt.

A 620

A 620 Richtung A 6 bei Saarbrücken

Die A 620 verfügt nur über sehr wenige Umleitungsstrecken.

Name Genanntes Ziel Start Ziel Relation Relation (Permalink) Status Bemerkungen Überprüft von
ohne Nummer AS 12 Saarbrücken-Gersweiler AS 12 Saarbrücken-Gersweiler relation 5502923 Relation (3/4) Hochwasserumfahrt Glglgl (talk) 21:43, 12 September 2015 (UTC)
ohne Nummer AS 16 Saarbrücken-Luisenbrücke AS 18 Saarbrücken-Bismarckbrücke relation 145948 Relation (3/4) Hochwasserumfahrt Glglgl (talk) 06:36, 8 September 2015 (UTC)
U 23a AS 20 Schönbach AS 21 Güdingen relation 143910 relation U 23a (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 10:15, 4 August 2015 (UTC)

A 620 Richtung Saarlouis

Name Genanntes Ziel Start Ziel Relation Relation (Permalink) Status Bemerkungen Überprüft von
U 50a AS 21 Güdingen AS 20 Schönbach relation 145944 relation U 50a (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 13:48, 4 August 2015 (UTC)
ohne Nummer AS 18 Saarbrücken-Bismarckbrücke AS 16 Saarbrücken-Luisenbrücke relation 5502927 Relation (3/4) Hochwasserumfahrt Glglgl (talk) 21:43, 12 September 2015 (UTC)
ohne Nummer AS 12 Saarbrücken-Gersweiler AS 12 Saarbrücken-Gersweiler relation 5502922 Relation (3/4) Hochwasserumfahrt Glglgl (talk) 21:43, 12 September 2015 (UTC)

A 623

A 623 Richtung Saarbrücken (Süd)

Name Genanntes Ziel Start Ziel Relation Relation (Permalink) Status Bemerkungen Überprüft von
U 43 AS 2 Sulzbach-Altenwald AS 3 Sulzbach relation 143906 relation U 43 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 14:09, 5 August 2015 (UTC)
U 41 AS 3 Sulzbach AS 4 Saarbrücken-Dudweiler relation 143907 relation U 41 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 14:09, 5 August 2015 (UTC)
U 39 AS 4 Saarbrücken-Dudweiler relation 143908 relation U 39 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (2/4) Ende fehlt mangels Beschilderung Glglgl (talk) 14:09, 5 August 2015 (UTC)

A 623 Richtung Friedrichsthal (Nord)

Name Genanntes Ziel Start Ziel Relation Relation (Permalink) Status Bemerkungen Überprüft von
U 1 ? AS 4 Dudweiler relation 5414252 relation U 1 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (1/4) Beginn unklar
U 3 Innenstadt Saarbrücken (Dudweiler Landstraße) AS 4 Dudweiler relation 5419810 relation U 3 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 12:21, 7 August 2015 (UTC)
U 5 AS 5 Herrensohr AS 4 Dudweiler relation 5414151 relation U 5 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 10:07, 5 August 2015 (UTC)
U 7 AS 4 Dudweiler AS 3 Sulzbach relation 5414168 relation U 7 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 10:07, 5 August 2015 (UTC)
U 9 AS 3 Sulzbach AS 2 Altenwald relation 145969 relation U 9 (iD, JOSM, Potlatch2, history, analyze, manage, XML, GPX) Relation (3/4) Glglgl (talk) 10:07, 5 August 2015 (UTC)