Germering, Oberbayern

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Germering, Landkreis Fürstenfeldbruck, Oberbayern, Bayern

Länge: 48.1272, Breite: 11.3645
Zur Karte von Germering 48°07′37.92″ N, 11°21′52.20″ E
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Germering ist eine Stadt in Landkreis Fürstenfeldbruck, Oberbayern, auf der Breite 48°07′37.92″ Norden und der Länge 11°21′52.20″ Ost.

Current work at the map data of Germering

This page is intended for the coordination of the work on different parts of the town as multiple people work simultanious at the map data.

map of the areas of Germering

Germering 20071120-Segmente.JPG

overview of mapping work at Germering

referenced by the pictures above

Area Name GPS track ways created road names POIs comment
1 Münchner Straße MichaelK: 100% MichaelK: 100% MichaelK: 100% ? POIs are missing
2 Harthaus MichaelK: 100% MichaelK: 100% MichaelK: 100% 30% POIs have to be checked
3 Industriegebiet MichaelK: 100% MichaelK: 100% MichaelK: 100% 30% POIs have to be checked
4 Mitte Nord MichaelK: 95% MichaelK: 50% MichaelK: will be done 0% road names have to be captured
5a Mitte Süd, östlich Planegger MichaelK: 95% MichaelK: 90% MichaelK: will be done ? road names have to be captured / checked
5b Mitte Süd, westlich Planegger MichaelK: 95% MichaelK: 90% MichaelK: will be done ? road names have to be captured / checked
6 Nord West ? ? ? ? a lot of work by Schwarzenbeck
7 Süd West ? ? ? ?