Girona house numbers and public buildings

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The goal is to add the official Girona's house numbers addresses, and the public buildings (and its type and activity) into OSM, in order extend and improve the current information that is already mapped.

This import process pretends to improve both extension and accuracy of the mentioned information because the source of the data, is the territorial analysis and mapping department of the municipality, who is in charge to maintain the official data and cartography for the city and the entire municipality.

The data will be imported/uploaded for the entire municipality, after conducting a data preparation process in order to maintain the old and existing data that is already on OSM, while adding the new features or map entities.


The import process is planned to be done at the end of the second week of May. A previous notification and a discussion has taken place on the imports list.

Import Data


Data source: UMAT - Ajuntament de Girona Type of license: CC-BY

Data Description

a) House numbers: this dataset originally released as an ESRI Shapefile, has been shared by the Girona mapping department with the objective to be uploaded and integrated onto OSM data.

b) Public buildings: this dataset originally released as an ESRI Shapefile, has been shared by the Girona mapping department with the objective to be uploaded and integrated onto OSM data.

In both cases, the dataset consists of a point layer representing the house numbers, as well as the location of the public buildings of the city.

OSM Data Files

After downloading the existing OSM data, two new OSM files has been generated: one for the house numbers and one for the public buildings.

House numbers

The house numbers dataset consists of a layer with 15.497 points covering both the urban and the rural area of the municipality.

Public buildings

The public buildings (municipal facilities such as schools, libraries, community centres, health centres...) is a datasets that contains a little bit more of 400 points.

Import Type

JOSM is the chosen software to upload the osm files to OSM.

Data Preparation

Data Reduction & Simplification

There is no data reduction or simplification because the layers that will be uploaded are point layers. The general process that has been conducted with this datasets is the proper addition of its corresponding tags.

Tagging Plans

For the house numbers, the tags will be as follows:

  • addr:city=Girona
  • addr:country=ES
  • addr:housenumber will contain the house number
  • addr:postcode will contain the postcode of the Girona city
  • addr:street will contain the steet name
  • source=Ajuntament de Girona (2017)

For the public buildings, the common tags will be as follows:

  • building=public
  • name=...
  • name:ca=...
  • source=Ajuntament de Girona (2017)

and the specific tags will be

  • amenity=
  • leisure=
  • office=
  • ...=

Data Merge Workflow

For the public buildings dataset, I've downloaded the entire municipality using JOSM, then I've loaded into JOSM my osm file with more than 400 points related to public buildings, and I've prepared a new dataset that contains all the public buildings: the new ones, and in those cases that the point already existed on the OSM data, I have proceeded to update the old one with the updated information in order to not delete the existing point. Now, there is an osm file ready to be uploaded to OSM.

For the house numbers, the intended workflow is such as: there are already about 2000 points in OSM corresponding to "addr:housenumbers". This data was originally uploaded by Xevi Barnada in the past. I did contact him and he agreed that we can proceed to delete this data because there are some errors and some inconsistencies, and once removed it, I will import the correct 15.497 points (coming from the municipality's cartographic department) corresponding to the real and correct "addr:housenumbers" for the entire municipality.