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While ramping up the new OSM Community with a dedicated category Help and support the question was brought up how to deal with tags in this category. TomH provided an extract from OSM Help with all tags having 10 or more uses. This is my (TZorn's) attempt to filter out a list of tags that should be imported into the new Community site for tagging of support questions there.

Tag List

The original list from Help OSM included 749 tags. I consolidated obvious redundancies (e.g. aerial and aerial_imagery) or similarities (e.g. bike and cycling). Tags for languages or actual places (countries, cities) were left out. I eliminated tags that came from writing sentences (e.g. and or blue), likewise obvious tags (e.g. question or OSMI). I then eliminated lesser used tags by my own judgement.

I tried to put all proposed tags in the singular form.

The figures in the mentions columns below are taken from Tom's list. They are consolidated figures including mentions of redundant tags.

Most Significant Tags

I found 133 tags to be significant based on content and/or number of mentions

proposed tag mentions
3d 36
access 87
accessibility 11
account 37
accuracy 25
address 239
admin_level 23
aerial_imagery 133
amenity 91
android 174
api 281
app 69
area 224
attribution 31
background 52
barrier 53
bing 80
border 70
boundary 303
bounding_box 47
browser 23
building 359
bus 139
changeset 142
coastline 65
conditional 15
construction 30
coordinates 239
copyright 109
country 57
cycling 145
data 217
database 113
development 111
direction 57
distance 61
download 263
editing 459
editor 45
elevation 30
export 412
facebook 31
filter 78
geocoding 183
geojson 28
gis 37
gps 229
gpx 246
highway 170
hiking 39
history 85
id_editor 349
image 183
import 192
indoor 39
ios 78
java 69
javascript 56
josm 604
kml 48
label 76
landuse 100
lane 59
layer 148
legal 64
level 37
license 185
lifecycle 20
location 86
login 48
map 611
mapping 182
marker 128
multipolygon 236
name 402
navigation 47
node 282
note 41
offline 103
oneway 49
opening_hours 26
openstreetmap-carto 44
overlay 41
parking 69
pedestrian 54
planet 92
poi 224
postcode 114
potlatch2 209
public_transport 72
python 73
query 141
railway 78
relation 349
rendering 474
reversegeocoding 115
revert 81
route 208
routing 286
search 185
server 117
shapefile 93
shop 67
source 29
speedlimit 69
style 86
surface 26
switch2osm 35
tagging 1178
taginfo 12
tiger 30
tile 328
tileserver 204
trace 106
traffic_signal 21
translation 28
turn_restriction 43
ubuntu 44
umap 276
update 225
upload 116
username 20
vectortile 44
waterway 50
way 247
website 107
wiki 69
wikidata 16
wikipedia 17
windows 48
wms 33
xml 82
zoom 100

Specific But Often Used Tags

There are some tags that have had high usage but are often key values or subsets of above tags. Since they have been used so often before it is likely they will be re-created if we allow new tags to be created.

tag covered by mentions
city location 117
crossing highway 41
cycleway highway 40
destination highway 18
footway highway 94
forest landuse 42
housenumber address 61
intersection highway 88
island location 48
lake 55
motorway highway 23
park landuse 56
path highway 93
place location 54
point node 84
residential landuse 40
river waterway 128
road, street highway 462
track highway 168
trail highway 59

Tags Related to Tools/Apps in the OSM Universe

There are 32 tags related to different types of tools. I'm unsure if to include all or just the most often used ones (e.g. all above 50 mentions).

proposed tag mentions
arcgis 34
basecamp 33
garmin 337
google 75
graphhopper 20
keepright 14
leaflet 68
maperitive 47
mapfactor 14
mapillary 12
mapnik 337
mapsforge 11
mkgmap 30
mod_tile 77
nominatim 663
openlayers 122
osm2pgsql 250
osmand 91
osmarender 14
osmconvert 47
osmdroid 46
osmfilter 58
osmium 26
osmose 14
osmosis 244
osrm 80
overpass 856
postgis 133
postgresql 194
qgis 67
renderd 100