Humanitarian OSM Team/Meetings/Board/24 September 2013

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Our first meeting Since July as we missed the August meeting due to a number of issues: A busy but focused meeting during which we really tried to get some strategic matters pinned down and formalised.

The headline issue of our previous business discussion is that HOT has a cash flow issue, largely caused by a waiting for payment on invoices. The process of being paid is progressing as usual in many cases; OSM France, however, is a stand out example due to the amount of time we've been waiting. Our current expenditures are largely project based, so not impacted outright, but we have to be careful when project spending to ensure that we don't run out of cash. Other fund-raising measures are progressing and we have added a donate page to the website:

Elsewhere in ongoing business we have heard that the Tech Working Group, Activation Working Group, HOT Code of Conduct, HOT Strategy Document, open Project Reporting & UAV Policy are all progressing well. Of course, we welcome input from the HOT community in all of these areas.

The Board voted on three important pieces of new business:

  • The Board unanimously agreed that no further partnering with OSM France would take place until payment for previous work was received.
  • The Board approved 5 in favour, 2 against, to solidify the project planning process.
  • The Board approved 5 in favour, 2 against, to confirm the role of the Executive Director. In brief we agreed that "The ED has the decision making authority on personnel matters, including hiring, firing and probation."