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GAL Valli del Canavese [1] is an Italian body with public participation, it aims to make its territory known by enhancing the tourist offer.

GAL is collecting data related to various POIs related to tourist accommodation and catering services by contacting the various operators: through visits and/or phone calls GAL technicians assist operators in filling out Google forms with their data. The header [2] of such Google forms assert that collected data “...will be disseminated, even on open source platforms”.

Wishing to share collected data as open data, GAL contacted local OSM mappers in order to upload their data into OpenStreetMap.

There was a public meeting [3] - between GAL, Wikimedia Italia (the OSM Italian local chapter), and local mappers to discuss this collaboration, then Wikimedia Italia and GAL have signed an agreement [4] to ratify the partnership.

Local mappers are training two GAL technicians using Josm and OSM tags, they will upload data to OSM.


Data are related to the following categories / subcategories:

  • Tourist accomodation
    • Hotel
    • Guesthouse
    • Bed and breakfast
    • Agritourism
    • Apartment
    • Hostel
    • Alpine hut
    • Basic hut
    • Camp site
  • Catering service
    • restaurant
    • fast_food
    • cafe

GAL technicians supervise the two sheets (one for each category) which are remotely updated by the tourist/catering operators; each sheet has a column to specify – for each row – the related subcategory.

Columns of the two sheets that are relevant for OSM and that will be imported are:

Data for both categories:
  • name
  • phone
  • phone_2
  • fax
  • email
  • website
  • contact:facebook
  • contact:google
  • contact:instagram
  • contact:twitter
  • contact:tripadvisor
  • contact:booking
  • contact:gulliver
  • addr:street
  • addr:housenumber
  • addr:city
  • latitude
  • longitude
  • ele
  • description:it
  • operator
  • contact:phone
  • contact:email

Data specific for tourist accomodation:

  • beds
  • rooms
  • stars

Data specific for catering services:

  • capacity
  • takeaway
  • outdoor_seating
  • local cuisine
  • regional cuisine
  • italian cuisine
  • sandwich cuisine
  • diet:vegetarian
  • diet:vegan
  • diet:gluten_free
  • diet:dairy_free
  • organic
  • diet:healty
  • diet:halal

Data preparation

Each category/subcategory will be uploaded with different changesets.
For each category/subcategory:

  • The original Google sheet will be filtered for a specific subcategory, and their data will be copied in a Libre Office Calc sheet.
  • The header row (containing Italian words) will be translated in the corresponding OSM key tag (previously listed)
  • The subcategory column will be headed with “tourism” or “amenity” depending if it is related to tourist or catering services, and in all rows will be copied the same value: one of the English tag values previously listed for the subcategories.
    • For bed and breakfasts it will be added a column headed “guest_house” with value “bed_and_breakfast” in all rows
    • For agritourisms it will be added a column headed “guest_house” with value “agritourism” in all rows
    • For basic huts the subcategory column header will be “amenity” and all rows will have “shelter” as value. It will be added also a column headed “shelter_type” and all rows will have “basic_hut” as value.
  • A column will be added to the sheet, headed “fixme” and with “to_check” value in all rows.
  • If there are phone_2 values, they will be moved in the phone column, separating values with semicolon, and the phone_2 column will be deleted.
  • The description:it values will be epurated by all emphasis / advertising content
  • If there are outdoor_seating values (they are numeric values, indicating the number of outdoor seats), they will be susbstituted with “yes”
  • The cuisine columns will be compacted in one column (assigning “cuisine” as header), separating multiple values with semicolon
  • Values in the diet columns will be substituted with “yes”
  • Finally, the sheet will be saved in .csv format

Data processing

Used Tools

Josm editor will be used, with the utilsplugin2, opendata, and todo plugins.


  • Open in Josm one of the .csv files corresponding to one category/subcategory: thanks to the opendata plugin POIs will be georeferenced with the latitude/longitude columns, and all tags will be correctly set, having header columns as key and row items as values.
  • Select all nodes (Selection / Select all <Ctrl-a>) and add them to the todo plugin window
  • Process – one by one – all the items in the ToDo list; for each of them:
    • download OSM data around the node (area size could be maybe 100x100 m2)
    • Addresses will be checked, so that the highway had the same name specified in addr:street. If the road has no name the Gal operator will check if a place=* exists with that name: if so addr:street will be updated to addr:place (if the GAL operator has no direct knowledge or have some doubts, (s)he will verify with the tourist operator the address type).
    • Conflation: if the POI was already mapped, select both the POIs and use the command “Other tools / Replace Geometry” <Shift+Ctrl+g> so the history will be preserved.If the “old” POI was mapped as building, the command will transfer all the tags from the “new” POI to the closed way of the building, and the “new” node will be deleted.The GAL operator will check the resulting tags of the two POIs merged:
      • different values for the same key will be highlighted in the Replace Geometry window (probably the correct value is the new one, being the one declared by the tourist operator).
      • if the “old” POI had some tag(s) not resulting in the “new” one, they will be kept or deleted, depending if they are appropriate or not.
    • Delete the fixme=”to check” tag.
  • Once finished to process the ToDo list, do a last check searching for fixme=”to_check”: there shouldn’t be any, just in case elaborate the last ones
  • Run the Josm validator to verify there are no errors/warnings (if so, fix them)
  • data can be now uploaded to OSM.


Dedicated upload account

The dedicated accounts GALVdC_sara and GALVdC_agnese will be used by the two GAL technicians who will take care of the work.

Changeset Tags

Changesets will be tagged with:


This project and this wiki page have been communicated in the following OSM mailing lists:

  • Import [5]
  • Italian [6]
  • Italian-Piedmont [7]




Italian English
Nel rispetto del principio di accountability e dei principi di liceità, correttezza, trasparenza, adeguatezza, pertinenza e necessità di cui all'art. 5, paragrafo 1 del GDPR, la finalità del seguente questionario è di mappare le risorse e gli operatori turistici e fornire una base dati per la pianificazione delle strategie turistiche e per la promozione del territorio. I dati saranno elaborati dal G.A.L. Valli del Canavese sia in forma cartacea che informatizzata e potrà essere oggetto di comunicazione e diffusione, anche su piattaforme open source, esclusivamente per le finalità della raccolta. I dati raccolti per questo trattamento conservati per il tempo necessario al perseguimento delle finalità per le quali sono stati acquisiti ed inseriti nella banca dati G.A.L. sia per l'utilità dell'Interessato che per il legittimo interesse del Titolare del Trattamento. L'operatore è libero di fornire o meno i propri dati personali. Il conferimento di tali dati, è indispensabile per l'attività di mappatura delle risorse turistiche del territorio: compilando il questionario e cliccando alla fine su "Invia", l'operatore esprime il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi del Regolamento (UE) 2016/679 (GDPR). L'informativa privacy del G.A.L. Valli del Canavese è disponibile al sito In compliance with the accountability principle and the principles of lawfulness, correctness, transparency, adequacy, relevance and necessity pursuant to art. 5, paragraph 1 of the GDPR, the purpose of the following questionnaire is to map the resources and tour operators and provide a database for the planning of tourism strategies and for the promotion of the territory. The data will be processed by the G.A.L. Valli del Canavese both in paper and computerized form and may be communicated and disseminated, even on open source platforms, exclusively for the purposes of collection. The data collected for this treatment kept for the time necessary to pursue the purposes for which they were acquired and entered in the G.A.L. both for the usefulness of the interested party and for the legitimate interest of the Titolare del Trattamento (Data Controller). The operator is free to provide his personal data or not. The provision of such data is essential for the mapping of the tourist resources of the territory: by filling out the questionnaire and clicking at the end on "Send", the operator gives consent to the processing of personal data pursuant to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR). The privacy policy of the G.A.L. Valli del Canavese is available at

[3] (italian only)

[4] (italian only)


[6] (italian only)

[7] (italian only)