India/Welcome workflow

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OSMCha is the oldest tool to welcome new editors by assessing their first changsets. Resultmaps newest osm website and OSM welcome tool are some of the newer tools, that help identify new users in area of interest with better interface or provide easy to understand statistics.


Naveen's diary (Building community - OSM India dated 30 September 2020) described how OSMCha was used to invite new users to join the community. Welcome tool for India became active on 16 Jul 2023. It also enables multiple people to share the load of welcoming new users

Workflow - OSMCha

OSMCha User Interface
  • Use OSMCha and define your area of interest (state, city etc), start date and changesets_count__max=1 in "Other metadata" (note double underscore before the word max) and "Not reviewed" in review status as a filter and save.
  • Select the filter and review a changeset.
  • Assess as good or bad, with Criticality and Resolution values filled appropriately. If criticality is low for a bad changeset, please try to fix the issue.
  • Start a discussion( Default message will be loaded if set). Add a comment on the changeset and include url for any resolution changeset incase of problems.

(Suggested default message for good or bad assessment is "Welcome to OSM. Please visit India page on OSM wiki ( and join OSM India Telegram channel (", which can be saved in your osmcha account section.


Pros and cons

  • Best tool for sharing the workload and also for providing a review comment in addition to generic welcome message.
  • Takes some effort to get used to defining and using filters in view of UI issues.
  • There is API to help get data for statistical analysis
  • Changeset bbox intersection with area multipolygon is used to flag whether changeset is included in the area.
  • Complex multipolygons representing state/city are poorly approximated as a multipolygon, which may result in exclusion of some changesets.


  • People with less experience can also help review by looking for small changes such as 100 pattern (created one node, modified zero nodes, deleted zero nodes) or other patterns such as 010 or 000. This can also help in getting a better understanding of OSM quickly.
  • When reviewing new users first changeset, wait for 5-7 days as some may realize their first changeset issues and do their own fixes through subsequent changesets

Workflow - Resultmaps newest OSM website

Resultmaps new contributors UI
  • Visit Resultmaps newest osm website once a week
  • Zoom to the area of interest
  • click on a poi marker, which takes you to osm website with the changeset details
  • Load changeset to Osmcha using a browser extension OSM smartmenu
  • If required load changeset into JOSM
  • Assess as good or bad, with Criticality and Resolution values filled appropriately
  • Start a discussion( Default message will be loaded if set). Add a comment on the changeset and include url for any resolution changeset incase of problems.

(Suggested default message for good or bad assessment is "Welcome to OSM. Please visit India page on OSM wiki ( and join OSM India Telegram channel (", which can be saved in your osmcha account section.

Pros and Cons

  • Provides better UI to select easily based on the area of interest (could be state or city etc) as it provides number of new users and their specific first edit as you zoom
  • You may not know whether another user has welcomed them already through discussion comment unless you check the first changeset in OSM or OSMCha.
  • Limited data for a maximum of 90 days

Workflow - Welcome tool

Welcome tool displaying India new users
  • Click the OSM welcome tool URL
  • The screen showing the list of new users and their welcome status, changeset account etc in the previous week appears
  • Login with your OSM username and password.

For each new user not yet welcomed

  1. Click on user name which does not have green smiley button near to it.

Use discussion comment or Private message to welcome

  1. Load one changeset in Osmcha and assess it and add a comment in the discussion. (preferred as it is accessible to everyone and can be used for analytics later)


  1. The screen with draft default message with button "Load message in OSM" appears. Press that button
  2. The Message user screen of OSM appears. Click Send Message.

Update welcome status

  1. Go back to the screen with draft default message. Toggle the send message button status flag.
  2. Go back to the List of new users screen and refresh. Repeat the steps

Default Welcome message

Pros and Cons

  • Sharing of workload by flagging the new editor welcome status through the tool
  • Due to some bugs, new user info may be delayed by couple of days some times.
  • As bounding box covering entire India is used via Osmcha, editors in neighboring countries are also shown.
  • It provides number of changesets of new users to help prioritize welcoming to editors with certain minimum changeset count.

Common error messages- To be notified to users


Please accurately outline all the buildings you can find. The outline should be for the full size of the building even if it is partly covered by trees in the imagery. After drawing the outline, use the 's' key in the iD web editor to "square" the corners. If required, please go through the tutorial on building mapping.

Capital naming

Do not use only capital letters

Indic naming

The name tag is in English; local language name in name:xx Please see

Wrong road tagging

Please go through Road tagging scheme

Education tagging

Please see tagging guidelines for kindergarten/school/college mapping



Welcome to OSM Kerala.

To join OSM Kerala Telegram click on.