police=barracks (Q19586)

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A building where policemen and policewomen live and sleep, e.g. to house special units.
Language Label Description Also known as
A building where policemen and policewomen live and sleep, e.g. to house special units.


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    Eingang zur Polizeikaserne der Bereitschaftspolizei Hamburg in Hamburg-Alsterdorf.jpg
    Special forces barracks of the police of Hamburg, Germany. (English)
    Special forces barracks of the police of Hamburg, Germany. (German)
    Cuartel de las fuerzas especiales de la policĂ­a de Hamburgo, Alemania. (Spanish)
    Special forces barracks of the police of Hamburg, Germany. (Russian)
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    Tag:police=barracks (English)
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    DE:Tag:police=barracks (German)
    0 references
    ES:Tag:police=barracks (Spanish)
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    RU:Tag:police=barracks (Russian)
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    FR:Tag:police=barracks (French)
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