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This file will be automatically download.

Please don't change file format!

All textures should be on BSD3 or Public domain license!

You can download this page from Kendzi3d (JOSM plugin) by clicking "Menu > 3D > Load textures from wiki"

Kendzi3d Menu

Textures format

- Textures should be saved as png files.

- Textures can have transparency (yes/no).

- Textures should have size power of 2 eg. 128x128 or 128x64.

- All textures should be on BSD3 or Public domain license!

This page format

This file will be automatically download. Please don't change this page format. All parsed rows should begin with “|”. Each row should be in one line. All other lines will be skip.

Column explenation:

1 - key - texture key

2 - height - texture real height in [m]

3 - length - texture real length in [m]

4 - file key - texture file name

5 - file url - url to file. It will be download from this location. If not entered texture from jar file will be taken.

Key format for building facade

  • buildings.facade_{0}


{0} - name of facade type eg. plaster

key height length file key file url
buildings.facade_unknown 2 2 building_facade_unknown.png
buildings.facade_test 1 1 building_facade_test.png

Key format for building roof

  • buildings.roof_{0}


{0} - name of roof material type eg. roofTiles

Key Height Length File key File url
buildings.roof_unknown 2 2 building_roof_material_unknown.png info
buildings.roof_test 1 1 building_roof_material_test.png
buildings.roof_roofTiles 3 3 building_roof_material_roofTiles.png
buildings.roof_roofingFelt 2 2 building_roof_material_roofingFelt.png

Key format for barrier

Barrier key format:

  • barrier.{0}_{1}

{0} - barrier type name eg fence (currently only fences work)

{1} - barrier subtype eg type of fence

Key Height (not used now) Length File key File url
barrier.fence_unknown 2 fence_undefined.png
barrier.fence_balustrade 0.2 fence_balustrade.png
barrier.fence_test 1 fence_test.png

Key format for roads

Roads key format: (now used)

  • roads.highway_{0}

{0} - highway type eg. primary

  • roads.surface_{0}

{0} - surface type eg. unpaved

Roads key format: (in future - proposal)

  • roads.highway_{0}_surface_{1}

{0} - highway type eg. primary

{1} - surface type eg. unpaved

Key Height (not used now) Length File key File url
roads.highway_unknown 10 highway_unknown.png
roads.highway_primary 6 highway_simple.png
roads.highway_secondary 6 highway_simple.png
roads.highway_tertiary 6 highway_simple.png
roads.highway_unclassified 6 highway_unknown.png
roads.highway_residential 6 highway_unknown.png
roads.highway_service 6 highway_unknown.png

roads.highway_footway 0.5 highway_footway.png
roads.highway_cycleway 0.5 highway_footway.png

Key Height (not used now) Length File key File url
roads.surface_unknown 6 highway_unknown.png
roads.surface_unpaved 6 highway_surface_unpaved.png

Crystal Clear app clean.png Kendzi3d implemented