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Public-images-osm logo.svg seamark:buoy_lateral:shape
Lateral buoys shape Edit this description in the wiki page. Edit this description in the data item.
Group: marine navigation
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Documented values: 3
Status: de facto


seamark:buoy_lateral:shape Definition Rendering
conical The upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure, has approximately the shape or the appearance of a pointed cone with the point upwards. NChart-Symbol INT ConicalBuoy Red.svg
can The upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure, has the shape of a cylinder, or a truncated cone that approximates to a cylinder, with a flat end uppermost. NChart-Symbol INT CanBuoy Red.svg
spherical The upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure, has the shape of a part of a sphere. NChart-Symbol INT SphereBuoy Red.svg
pillar The upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure is a narrow vertical structure, pillar or lattice tower. Buoy Pillar.png
spar The upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure, has the form of a pole, or of a very long cylinder, floating upright. Buoy Spar.png
barrel The upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure, has the form of a barrel or cylinder floating horizontally. NChart-Symbol INT BarrelBuoy Red.svg
super-buoy A very large buoy, generally more than 5m in diameter. Buoy Super.png