Category:Item with no description in language DE
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Diese Kategorie zeigt alle Key:* und Tag:* Seiten, die nicht in diese Sprache übersetzt wurden.
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Pages in category "Item with no description in language DE"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,378 total.
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- Key:access:roof
- Key:accuracy
- Key:addr:contact
- Key:addr:room
- Key:addr:sector
- Key:addr:street:corner
- Key:addr:street:type
- Key:addr:subward
- Key:addr:type
- Key:addr:ward
- Key:admin type:PH
- Tag:ale supply=limited
- Key:amenity:eftpos
- Tag:amenity=outfitter
- Tag:amenity=public art gallery
- Tag:amenity=rehearsal studio
- Tag:amenity=sanatorium
- Tag:amenity=swingerclub
- Tag:amenity=tuition
- Tag:animated=trivision blades
- Tag:animated=winding posters
- Key:app:*
- Tag:archaeological site=minilith
- Key:ashtray
- Key:asset ref
- Tag:attraction=bumper car
- Tag:attraction=historic
- Key:atv:repair
- Key:atv:sales
- Key:authority
- Key:autoaws
- Key:axle load
- Tag:barrier=delineators
- Tag:barrier=kent carriage gap
- Tag:beacon:type=DVOR/DME
- Key:beacon:uuid
- Key:bettundbike
- Key:bicycle:designated:type
- Tag:bicycle=discouraged
- Key:bicycle bypass
- Key:bmo:type
- Tag:boundary=disputed
- Tag:boundary=local authority
- Tag:boundary=regional park
- Tag:boundary=statistical
- Tag:boundary=urban
- Tag:boundary=vice county
- Tag:boundary=waste collection
- Key:builder
- Tag:building:part=steps
- Tag:building=bus station
- Tag:building=cinema
- Tag:building=guest house
- Tag:building=hostel
- Tag:building=library
- Tag:building=mall
- Tag:building=mobile home
- Tag:building=sauna
- Tag:building=villa
- Tag:building=wine cellar
- Key:bus:lanes:backward
- Key:bus:lanes:forward
- Key:camera:angle
- Key:camp type
- Key:capacity:long
- Key:capacity:standard
- Tag:capital=4
- Tag:capital=5
- Tag:capital=6
- Tag:capital=yes
- Key:car:parts
- Key:car:repair
- Key:car:sales
- Key:caravan site:type
- Tag:caravan site=motorhome stopover
- Tag:cargo=liquid bulk
- Key:car repair
- Key:category
- Key:cave:name
- Key:cellar:use
- Key:checkpoint
- Key:check date:*
- Key:clacks overhead
- Tag:club=social
- Key:coastline:survey quality
- Key:column:architecture
- Key:column:shape
- Key:column:style
- Key:communication:amateur radio
- Key:communication:amateur radio:callsign
- Key:communication:amateur radio:link
- Key:communication:amateur radio:repeater:ctcss
- Key:communication:amateur radio:repeater:dcs
- Key:communication:amateur radio:repeater:frequency out
- Key:communication:amateur radio:repeater:modulation
- Key:communication:amateur radio:repeater:power
- Key:communication:amateur radio:repeater:shift
- Key:communication:amateur radio:repeater:toneburst
- Key:communication:amateur radio:sota
- Key:communication:amateur radio:wca
- Key:communication:gsm-r
- Key:community safety zone
- Tag:compensator=filter
- Tag:compensator=series capacitor
- Tag:compensator=series reactor
- Tag:compensator=shunt capacitor
- Tag:compensator=shunt reactor
- Tag:compensator=statcom
- Tag:compensator=static var
- Tag:compensator=synchronous condenser
- Key:computer:repair
- Key:computer:sales
- Key:construction:building
- Key:construction start expected
- Key:contact:line
- Key:contact:linkedin
- Key:contact:mastodon
- Key:contact:ok
- Key:contact:vk
- Key:contact:xing
- Key:contact:yelp
- Key:contact line
- Key:contamination
- Key:converted by
- Key:cooling:method
- Key:corbett
- Key:cosmha
- Tag:covered=no
- Key:crossing:aircraft
- Key:crossing:bollard
- Key:crossing:supervision
- Key:crossing:whistle
- Tag:crossing:whistle=optional
- Tag:crossing:whistle=wayside
- Tag:crossing:whistle=yes
- Tag:crossing ref=pelican
- Key:cruising
- Key:cs dir:backward
- Key:cs dir:forward
- Tag:cuisine=arab
- Tag:cuisine=teahouse
- Tag:cuisine=tea shop
- Tag:culvert=inverted siphon
- Tag:curves=extended
- Tag:curves=serpentine
- Key:cyclability
- Key:cyclestreets id
- Key:cycleway:segregated
- Key:cycleway:separation
- Tag:cycleway=proposed
- Tag:cycleway=sidewalk
- Key:cycle rickshaw
- Key:damaged
- Key:default language
- Key:delivery:*
- Key:delivery:conditional
- Key:delivery point
- Key:delivery point:access
- Key:delivery point:type
- Tag:denomination=bosnian church
- Tag:denomination=jodo shinshu
- Tag:denomination=jodo shu
- Tag:denomination=la luz del mundo
- Tag:denomination=nichiren
- Tag:denomination=polish orthodox
- Tag:denomination=shingon shu
- Tag:denomination=soto
- Tag:denomination=tiantai
- Tag:denotation=agricultural
- Tag:denotation=avenue
- Key:description:bicycle
- Key:design:ref
- Tag:designation=common
- Tag:designation=public footpath
- Key:destination:arrow
- Key:dewnr:uid
- Key:DGPS correction
- Key:dibavod:id
- Key:diet:sugar free
- Key:direction north
- Key:disc golf
- Tag:disc golf=tee
- Key:disease:*
- Key:dish washing
- Key:display surface
- Key:disputed by
- Key:disused:aeroway
- Key:disused:craft
- Key:disused:watermill
- Key:donald
- Key:donation:compensation
- Key:drink
- Key:drink:sparkling wine
- Key:drinking water:refill:network
- Key:drive through:*
- Key:dual carriageway
- Tag:dual carriageway=no