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Public-images-osm logo.svg cuisine = tea_shop
Orientés Mar del Plata.jpg
Specifies that a location is most known for its tea. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: food and beverages
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may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Status: in use

information sign

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Similar pages for structural reference: Tag:railway=tram, Tag:waterway=dock.
Casas de té specialising in Welsh Teas in Patagonia should be tagged cuisine=welsh

Usually used together with amenity=cafe for places which describe themselves as [W] Tea Houses.

Such places will usually serve a range of teas with light refreshments such as sandwiches, cakes or pastries. In many respects they are similar to similar cafes tagged cuisine=coffee_shop the principle distinction being whether the establishment mainly sells tea or coffee. In some regions of the world most cafes will be tea houses (Japan, China, Nepal, parts of Argentina), in other places they may be less usual and specialised.


This tag is prone to confusion, see below. Consider using cuisine=teahouse which is less ambiguous.

See also

There is scope for confusion with shops selling loose-leaf and packaged tea along with tea-making impedimenta and ephemera. These should be tagged shop=tea. In some places the same establishment will be both.