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Kuningan, West Java

latitude: -7.0232, longitude: 108.4012
Browse map of Kuningan 7°01′23.52″ S, 108°24′04.32″ E
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Kuningan is a region in West Java at latitude 7°01′23.52″ South, longitude 108°24′04.32″ East.

Administrative region


  • Babarit Lembur Dusun Dayeuhkolot : Traditional "Kidung Buhun" music performance with gamelan instruments and traditional dance. Songs performed included : 'Kidung Lahir Bathin,' 'Sang Golewang,' 'Silih Asih,' 'Titip Pageuh,' 'Panangis,' 'Renggong Buyut,' 'Kembang Beurem,' and 'Raja Pulang.'[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 R Ghana Triana Mustika (22 July 2024) "Kidung Buhun Daya Tarik Utama Babarit Lembur Dayeuhkolot Desa Cageur" Jarrakpos